The hottest Occultism Substack posts right now

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Matt Ehret's Insights • 845 implied HN points • 08 Jan 24
  1. The Fabian Society, outwardly materialistic and socialist, was actually elitist and tied to ancient mystery religions.
  2. The name 'Fabian Society' was based on Roman tactics and indicated a revival of ancient rituals.
  3. The cult of Cybele-Attis introduced to Rome in 205 BC and the Eleusinian Mysteries played significant roles in ancient occult practices.
Matt Ehret's Insights • 373 implied HN points • 23 Jan 24
  1. The discussion covers the connection between ancient mystery cults and modern organizations like the Hellfire Club.
  2. The spread of spiritualism and the occult by the British Empire in the 19th century is highlighted.
  3. Research into historical figures like Lyndon LaRouche and Pierre Elliot Trudeau's involvement with the occult is emphasized.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter • 16 implied HN points • 27 Feb 24
  1. The author discusses the need for a shift away from materialism and towards a worldview that includes meaning, purpose, mystery, and transcendence.
  2. Many individuals are turning to traditional religions due to a lack of community structures and feelings of despair caused by the current state of the world.
  3. Exploring the idea that the universe is made of consciousness rather than matter opens up possibilities like reincarnation and helps make sense of the diverse occult and esoteric cosmologies found in different cultures.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter • 10 implied HN points • 17 Feb 24
  1. Paschal Beverly Randolph was a unique and remarkable 19th Century Black American thinker, visionary, and occultist with a fascinating life story.
  2. Randolph's work involved promoting sex magic, founding America's first Rosicrucian center, writing numerous books, teaching literacy to emancipated slaves, and leading a controversial life.
  3. Occult thinkers like Randolph and Rudolf Steiner are often marginalized, despite their claims of direct access to spiritual worlds, while figures like Madame Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley are more widely accepted.
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