The hottest Photos Substack posts right now

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Londonist: Time Machine 399 implied HN points 24 May 24
  1. Coloring historic maps can provide interesting insights into the past, revealing hidden details such as lost waterways.
  2. Peeling off the rivers and streams from an old map and pasting them onto a modern map can show the significant presence of water bodies in an area.
  3. Exploring old maps and overlaying them onto current maps can unveil historical features like rivers that have been lost over time.
Stories From The Rail 59 implied HN points 05 Feb 22
  1. The author enjoys traveling to different places, not just for the destinations but also for the journey and local experiences like trying out local foods and visiting unique shops.
  2. The author prefers living in new places over just visiting, immersing themselves in the local culture and lifestyle.
  3. The author shares photos of their travels, including sunsets, landscapes, and interesting findings in various cities, to reminisce on adventures and inspire others.
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Cosmos 0 implied HN points 08 Dec 23
  1. You can access the original photo and video files from iCloud on your Mac by updating the settings in your Photos app.
  2. Downloading originals to your Mac may take time and will consume storage space on your computer.
  3. To access specific photo and video files, navigate through directories under the Pictures folder in Finder on your Mac.