The hottest Unit Testing Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Data Engineering Central 216 implied HN points 13 Feb 23
  1. Data Engineers often struggle with implementing unit tests due to factors like focus on moving fast and historical lack of emphasis on testing.
  2. Unit testable code in data engineering involves keeping functions small, minimizing side effects, and ensuring reusability.
  3. Implementing unit tests can elevate a data team's performance and lead to better software quality and bug control.
Widget Tricks 58 implied HN points 08 Mar 23
  1. It is recommended not to test private methods, as they are for internal use only.
  2. You may need to test a private method when working with legacy code, fixing bugs, or dealing with widget dependencies.
  3. To test a private method inside a widget, create a forwarder method, use the @visibleForTesting annotation, and follow specific steps based on widget type.
Jacob’s Tech Tavern 2 HN points 13 Nov 23
  1. Unit testing @Observable view models is crucial for ensuring reliability and stability in iOS development.
  2. The Observation Framework provides a solution for testing @Observable properties using withObservationTracking, improving the unit testing process.
  3. By leveraging the ObservationTestUtils package, developers can streamline unit testing of @Observable view models with less boilerplate code.
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Jacob’s Tech Tavern 3 HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. Unstructured concurrency introduces a different approach to handling asynchronous code compared to structured concurrency like async/await.
  2. When dealing with unstructured concurrency like Tasks, testing can become challenging and may require using XCTestExpectation to handle closure-based asynchronous operations.
  3. To overcome testing challenges with unstructured concurrency, leverage mocks, the defer keyword, and XCTestExpectation to ensure precise test execution.
Jacob’s Tech Tavern 1 HN point 18 Jul 23
  1. Unit Testing with async/await allows for writing robust and maintainable software using modern language features.
  2. Async tests focus on checking interactions with dependencies, successful function calls, and handling error states.
  3. By making code testable through dependency injection, it becomes cleaner and easier to reason about, with encapsulated logic and separated responsibilities.
David Cornelson's Technology Discussions 0 implied HN points 10 May 23
  1. ChatGPT v4 is revolutionizing software development by generating legitimate code and assisting with complex coding problems.
  2. ChatGPT can accelerate learning and help programmers gain valuable insights into new concepts.
  3. The integration of ChatGPT in IT processes can lead to accelerated software development, reduction in code, and faster onboarding in complex environments.
Jacob’s Tech Tavern 0 implied HN points 22 Aug 23
  1. Combine and async/await can be used together to write robust and maintainable software with modern language features.
  2. Testing @ObservableObject view models, Combine publishers in async methods, and Combine publishers converted to AsyncSequence are key in achieving unit test mastery.
  3. Understanding the interoperation between Combine and async/await is a powerful skill for writing unit tests and marrying the two concurrency approaches.
Reflective Software Engineering 0 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. Having unit tests for SQL queries can help catch bugs introduced during code refactorings or changes.
  2. When writing unit tests for SQL queries, focus on testing the specific parts responsible for building the query rather than the entire method.
  3. Refactoring code for testability can involve moving pure functions outside of the class for easier testing and simplifying methods to focus on specific tasks.