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Data Engineering Central 216 implied HN points 13 Feb 23
  1. Data Engineers often struggle with implementing unit tests due to factors like focus on moving fast and historical lack of emphasis on testing.
  2. Unit testable code in data engineering involves keeping functions small, minimizing side effects, and ensuring reusability.
  3. Implementing unit tests can elevate a data team's performance and lead to better software quality and bug control.
Leading Developers 3 HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. SQL skills are crucial for managers because they can help answer business questions, understand technical designs, and provide a huge return on effort invested.
  2. Don't stop with just learning joins in SQL. Advancing to using CTEs, window functions, and partitions can greatly enhance your ability to write complex queries.
  3. Window functions in SQL, such as ranking functions, aggregation functions, and positional functions, can help in advanced query writing by allowing calculations across sets of rows or returning a single value from a specific row within partitions.
Reflective Software Engineering 0 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. Having unit tests for SQL queries can help catch bugs introduced during code refactorings or changes.
  2. When writing unit tests for SQL queries, focus on testing the specific parts responsible for building the query rather than the entire method.
  3. Refactoring code for testability can involve moving pure functions outside of the class for easier testing and simplifying methods to focus on specific tasks.