Caleb’s Newsletter

Caleb's Newsletter explores the principles of Stoicism, its application to modern life, and critiques of contemporary culture and media. It incorporates insights from books, films, and philosophy to discuss self-improvement, ethics, societal norms, and the impact of digital age on human behavior and thought processes.

Stoicism Philosophy and Ethics Personal Development Film and Media Critique Book Reviews Societal Norms and Critiques Digital Culture and Technology Ancient Philosophies

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And their main takeaways
176 implied HN points 01 Nov 23
  1. Education is essential for living well, and continuous learning is important for a liberal life
  2. When parenting, communicate directly with kids and set clear boundaries in a firm yet friendly way
  3. Some books provide reasoned critiques of societal norms, like traditional sexual morality
137 implied HN points 18 Nov 23
  1. The movie Gladiator raises the question of whether it embodies Stoic principles.
  2. Maximus's pursuit of revenge in Gladiator is seen as being non-Stoic due to his intense passion and anger.
  3. The character of Maximus in Gladiator eventually evolves to embody more Stoic values, moving from a place of rage to fulfilling his duty.
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58 implied HN points 01 Dec 23
  1. Political Tribes by Amy Chua discusses the importance of ethno-cultural identity in politics.
  2. China After Mao by Frank Dikötter presents China as a superpower with internal problems like corruption and state control.
  3. Both books offer insights on crucial issues shaping global dynamics.
334 implied HN points 17 Nov 22
  1. Stoicism is an ancient Greek and Roman philosophy that emphasizes the power of controlling thoughts and emotions.
  2. We have the ability to change how we think, which shapes who we are over time.
  3. Good decisions and judgment are crucial in Stoicism, focusing on living well and building good character.
78 implied HN points 02 Oct 23
  1. No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners is a clear and practice-focused introduction to secular Buddhism
  2. The Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger offers a descriptive perspective on war without much introspection on its futility
  3. On The Marble Cliffs by Ernst Jünger explores ways to respond to tyranny and decay through notable character examples
137 implied HN points 13 May 23
  1. In today's digital world, many choose to consume negative news and virtual conflicts, feeding into an 'unhappiness machine.'
  2. The 'unhappiness machine' creates a sense of crisis, victimizes individuals, and distorts reality with constant exposure to negative information.
  3. To break free from the 'unhappiness machine,' prioritize engaging with reality, avoiding unnecessary exposure to shallow meaning and cultural noise.
98 implied HN points 01 Jul 23
  1. The book 'Learning to Live Naturally' by Chris Gill explores Stoic philosophy and the importance of virtue ethics.
  2. Confucius's 'Analects' is a profound work that provides valuable insights into life and human behavior.
  3. Both Stoicism and Confucianism emphasize the importance of moral virtue and living in harmony with nature.
58 implied HN points 31 Aug 23
  1. The Neapolitan Quartet by Elena Ferrante is a complex series exploring female friendships and societal projections.
  2. Bronze Age Mindset by Bronze Age Pervert provides wild speculation and insight on evolution and societal norms.
  3. Nazi Literature in the Americas and By Night in Chile by Roberto Bolaño offer intriguing perspectives on fascist literary figures and political reflections.
117 implied HN points 30 Dec 22
  1. Caleb got engaged and is working on his own projects full time, focusing on growth.
  2. Caleb ran two marathons and aims to run faster in 2023.
  3. Caleb's mind changed on topics like retributivism and continental philosophy, and he's building towards more intellectual and economic output next year.
58 implied HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa explores the dynamics of power and dictatorship
  2. The Inner Game by Timothy Gallwey emphasizes objective observation and self-trust for improvement
  3. The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis delves into themes of choices, realities, and rejecting the good
117 implied HN points 31 Oct 22
  1. Stoicism is popular today through apps, organizations, and media, while other ancient philosophies like Epicureanism have faded.
  2. Epicureanism is different from Stoicism, emphasizing pleasure as the highest good instead of virtue.
  3. Epicureanism declined due to its focus on tranquility and theoretical problems, such as the belief that pleasure is the only good.
39 implied HN points 01 Jun 23
  1. Poetry is not just a cerebral art form, but also embodied and auditory, with power as a spellbinding tool.
  2. Consider mental disorders as evolutionary vulnerabilities, not adaptations, challenges assumptions about treating symptoms as diseases.
  3. CS Lewis' book 'Till We Have Faces' offers a Christian re-reading of the myth Psyche and Eros and contains intellectual discussions alongside a joyous reading experience.
19 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. Consider moving newsletter to paid subscription for more in-depth content
  2. Engaged in various intellectual activities like launching new newsletters and participating in conversations
  3. Shared personal updates on running achievements, event attendances, and intellectual pursuits
19 implied HN points 01 Feb 23
  1. Ran 26 miles in 26 hours
  2. Discovered new healthy recipes
  3. Enjoyed analyzing movies with different perspectives
19 implied HN points 12 Jan 23
  1. It's important to be on the right side of history by avoiding past mistakes in attitudes and behaviors.
  2. Future generations are likely to judge our treatment of animals as a moral failing of our age.
  3. Good manners and etiquette are important, and future generations may view our lack of consideration and cleanliness as negative traits.
19 implied HN points 30 Dec 22
  1. The author shares a list of books they read and listened to in 2022, providing brief insights and opinions on each.
  2. The list includes a variety of genres and authors, offering a mix of new reads and rereads.
  3. The author invites recommendations for their 2023 reading list and feedback on which books readers would like to hear more about.
19 implied HN points 31 Jul 22
  1. Virtual reality can be just as real and valuable as non-virtual reality.
  2. The definition of reality in virtual worlds raises philosophical questions about existence and authenticity.
  3. Virtual realities can vary in their level of realness depending on how they are created and experienced.
19 implied HN points 31 May 22
  1. The book 'Talent' by Tyler Cowen and Daniel Gross focuses on identifying and nurturing elite talent.
  2. Talent search requires a combination of intelligence, curiosity, alertness, and ethics.
  3. Interviewing for talent involves observing, retaining information, and understanding various conceptual frameworks.
19 implied HN points 29 Aug 21
  1. The information tsunami exposes heroes' flaws and mistakes.
  2. Political and cultural turbulence is linked to the abundance of information.
  3. We can find guidance from fictional characters, focus on real heroes' strengths, or embrace honest realism when considering role models.
0 implied HN points 13 Aug 20
  1. Becoming morally excellent isn't hard due to limitations like cognitive or physical skills.
  2. Being morally excellent doesn't require impossible cognitive or physical skills.
  3. Trying to be morally good is already halfway to moral excellence.
0 implied HN points 07 Aug 20
  1. Research shows that the prevalence of major depressive disorder in America has not significantly increased from the 90s to early 2000s.
  2. Studies suggest an increase in the prevalence of major depressive episodes in the US between 1991-1992 and 2001-2002.
  3. Overall, research findings vary, but current evidence shows that Americans may not be becoming more depressed as a whole.
0 implied HN points 30 Jul 20
  1. Power is the ability to get things done, and everyone has things to do.
  2. Power changes can happen quickly, and being the first mover in a space can provide advantages.
  3. Building power involves providing value, being informed, and understanding informal interactions.
0 implied HN points 19 Jun 20
  1. Being obsessed with a single value can make your life unbalanced
  2. Obsession can lead to neglecting important aspects of life like relationships and health
  3. Having a barbell strategy in life, combining safe investments with risky moves, can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life
0 implied HN points 11 Jun 20
  1. It's important to invest time in doing good for the world.
  2. Being moral doesn't necessarily equate to living a fully meaningful life.
  3. Obsession, whether with morality or other pursuits, can lead to a lopsided existence.
0 implied HN points 14 May 20
  1. There are two main views on perception: indirect realism sees a veil between perceiver and world, while direct realism perceives the world directly.
  2. The debate over the nature of perception can be purely conceptual, focusing on the object of perception and how it is perceived.
  3. Cognitive qualia highlight the subjective experience of different beliefs, emphasizing that beliefs have experiential significance beyond social and functional roles.
0 implied HN points 23 Apr 20
  1. Philosophical work can influence the rate of technological development through formal and predictive philosophy.
  2. Examples of influential philosophical work include computation, probability, and predictive philosophy.
  3. Promising areas of philosophy to influence technological development include formal philosophy (e.g., modeling agents, causation) and predictive philosophy (e.g., existential risk, artificial intelligence).
0 implied HN points 27 May 21
  1. Life is about having fun, feeling good, and being happy.
  2. Life has no grand meaning in the grand scheme of things.
  3. We are like artists crafting the story of our own lives.
0 implied HN points 29 Nov 20
  1. There is a shift from valuing external experiences to focusing more on internal feelings and thoughts.
  2. Modern culture emphasizes happiness as a subjective state that can be cultivated individually.
  3. The move towards internal focus is driven by factors like individualism, prosperity, mental health awareness, and technological advancements.
0 implied HN points 04 Jun 20
  1. Virtue signaling is more about looking moral than being moral.
  2. Virtue signaling, even the cheap kind, can be beneficial in communicating social norms.
  3. Virtue signaling can motivate positive actions and encourage others to do the same.
0 implied HN points 21 May 20
  1. You can't learn deep truths about the world from mindfulness meditation.
  2. Meditation helps with focus and discipline, not necessarily discovering world truths.
  3. Meditation experiences are shaped by beliefs and concepts, affecting what one learns.