The hottest Perception Substack posts right now

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Webworm with David Farrier β€’ 11301 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 24
  1. With the rise of AI-generated content and misinformation, we are losing the ability to distinguish reality from fiction on social media.
  2. Our online experiences are increasingly filled with unrealistic and manipulated images and stories that shape our perceptions.
  3. There is a growing concern that the blurred lines between reality and non-reality online are impacting important real-world decisions and behaviors.
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lifeboat β€’ 786 implied HN points β€’ 06 Dec 23
  1. The color of water can be a blend of various colors like bronze, blue, umber, pink, gold, and silver.
  2. Different cultures and languages may perceive and name colors differently, affecting how we see and describe the world.
  3. Words and language can both reveal and limit our understanding of the world, especially when it comes to describing the ever-changing colors of water.
The Free Mind β€’ 1611 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 23
  1. People want to believe lockdown was for the greater good, even when evidence of manipulation is clear.
  2. Cognitive dissonance can make us deny, minimize, or rationalize uncomfortable truths.
  3. Lockdown may have influenced how people perceived the severity of Covid risk, based on government actions.
GM Shaders Mini Tuts β€’ 235 implied HN points β€’ 02 Dec 23
  1. Color blending in OkLab offers a more natural transition compared to regular RGB blending
  2. Understanding color spaces like sRGB and linear RGB is important for accurate color manipulation
  3. OkLab is a color space that approximates human perception of lightness and chroma, offering perceptually consistent color balancing
Everything Is Amazing β€’ 706 implied HN points β€’ 21 Feb 23
  1. By focusing your eyes in a certain way, you can see impossible colors like red-green or blue-yellow.
  2. Seeing colors like Stygian Blue or Hyperbolic Orange challenges our understanding, as they seem darker or brighter than physically possible.
  3. Experimenting with how you view colors can lead to unique perceptual experiences, expanding the boundaries of human vision.
Hot Takes β€’ 373 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jul 23
  1. The biases of traditional media and Hollywood can shape our perceptions and influence existing power dynamics.
  2. Individual voices are often erased in traditional media, maintaining control over attention and narrative.
  3. Hollywood often portrays technology and advancements in a negative light, instilling skepticism towards progress.
The Joyous Struggle β€’ 474 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 23
  1. The McGilchrist Manoeuvre highlights the importance of acknowledging the different but equally valuable perspectives of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
  2. It emphasizes the relative trustworthiness of the right hemisphere's viewpoint in guiding us on understanding reality and making progress in philosophy.
  3. The maneuver involves transcending contradictions and recognizing the generative nature of coinciding opposites, ultimately enriching our perception and understanding of complex aspects of life.
Michael’s Newsletter β€’ 235 implied HN points β€’ 11 Apr 23
  1. Facial expressions are crucial for communication, like squinting eyes and slight closed-mouth smiles.
  2. Managing perceptions is vital in client-facing fields, from appearance to online presence.
  3. Authenticity and self-acceptance are key; flaws make you unique, and going off-script can lead to great outcomes.
UX Psychology β€’ 218 implied HN points β€’ 30 Mar 23
  1. Research indicates that people generally prefer curved lines over straight or angular ones due to associations with grace and gentleness.
  2. Preference for curves is not just psychological, but has roots in our perception of safety and nurture, related to our evolutionary past.
  3. In design, understanding people's preference for curved lines can help create more visually appealing and effective products, but individual factors like personality and culture also play a role.
10x your mind β€’ 119 implied HN points β€’ 24 Aug 23
  1. Balancing reality and imagination is crucial in our daily lives, especially when juggling responsibilities like homeschooling and work.
  2. Our perception of reality is influenced by past experiences and internal brain deciphering, showcasing the power of imagination in shaping our outlook.
  3. Sprinkling imagination into routine tasks and embracing optimism can transform everyday moments into opportunities for creativity and productivity.
⭐️Bob’s Newsletter β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Our perception is being fundamentally altered by digital immersion and environmental changes, leading to a crisis of perception.
  2. Digital media exposure and technological inundation are linked to atypical sensory processing in children, impacting cognitive development.
  3. Reclaiming sensory vitality through nature interaction, sensory immersion, and digital detoxing may help combat the loss of sensory acuity and revitalize our perceptual experiences.
Douglass’s Newsletter β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jan 24
  1. The mind requires interaction outside itself to integrate thoughts and experiences.
  2. Our models of thinking and mindfulness are limited due to focusing on math and logic over other aspects like poetry and love.
  3. Memory is key to creativity, as seen in the Greek goddess Mnemosyne being the mother of the nine muses.
Polymathic Being β€’ 77 implied HN points β€’ 17 Sep 23
  1. Beauty is a complex topic that influences various aspects of our lives, from societal perceptions to evolutionary biology.
  2. Looking good involves presenting ourselves in a way that signals health, status, and genetic viability.
  3. Our appearance can impact our social and economic outcomes, and understanding these dynamics can help us address biases and stereotypes.
The Joyous Struggle β€’ 138 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 23
  1. Values play a significant role in directing our loyalty and commitment.
  2. Direct perception of value is a complex and important concept, delving into the core of our understanding of 'good' and 'value'.
  3. Public discussions on values encompass various dimensions, from moral foundations to intrinsic and extrinsic values, shaping societal attitudes and behaviors.
Caleb’s Newsletter β€’ 137 implied HN points β€’ 13 May 23
  1. In today's digital world, many choose to consume negative news and virtual conflicts, feeding into an 'unhappiness machine.'
  2. The 'unhappiness machine' creates a sense of crisis, victimizes individuals, and distorts reality with constant exposure to negative information.
  3. To break free from the 'unhappiness machine,' prioritize engaging with reality, avoiding unnecessary exposure to shallow meaning and cultural noise.
⭐️Bob’s Newsletter β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 08 Oct 23
  1. Pluralistic ignorance is when people privately disagree but assume others support a norm. This silence can perpetuate dysfunctional systems.
  2. To overcome pluralistic ignorance, question assumptions and speak up respectfully. Leaders can encourage dissent to create change.
  3. Recognizing pluralistic ignorance reveals manufactured consent and the need for realignment. Question the illusion, inquire into others' perspectives, and speak up to challenge the status quo.
pole β€’ 78 implied HN points β€’ 03 Apr 23
  1. In the journey of learning and growth, it's important to embrace the process and not get too caught up in setbacks.
  2. Sometimes, the key to understanding and creativity lies in viewing the world from different perspectives and challenging existing perceptions.
  3. Learning to unsee and approach situations with a fresh perspective can lead to deeper insights and personal growth.