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Pen>Sword 239 implied HN points 26 Jul 23
  1. Sinead O'Connor was known for her individuality and refusal to conform to pop culture norms, serving as an iconoclast in an industry filled with conformists.
  2. She embraced Islam in 2018, stating it was the logical conclusion of her theological journey, and proudly stood tall against Islamophobia in Europe.
  3. Sinead O'Connor's legacy reminds us of the importance of embracing our flaws and standing up against mainstream narratives that seek to overshadow our true identities.
America 2.0 (by Gary Sheng) 235 implied HN points 28 May 23
  1. Embracing a 'choose your own adventure' philosophy promotes acknowledging and appreciating differences.
  2. Allowing people to choose their own paths leads to self-organization without the need for central planning.
  3. Celebrating diverse ways of living can create a more peaceful and flourishing future.
Based Meditations 19 implied HN points 13 Aug 23
  1. The shadow, based on Carl Jung's theory, is the unconscious mind we are unaware of, containing repressed emotions and instincts.
  2. Archetypes like the hero or the shadow are universal human themes found in all cultures and time periods, helping us understand common behavioral patterns.
  3. Integrating and understanding our shadow - both individually and as nations - is crucial for psychological harmony and societal progress.
Journal of Gurdjieff Studies 0 implied HN points 11 Nov 22
  1. Man is not a singular entity but a collection of changing 'I's, each with its own characteristics and tendencies.
  2. The evolution of man involves conscious struggle and development of untapped potential, rather than a predetermined, mechanical process.
  3. Individual human evolution is possible through self-realization and growth, but mass evolution is not in nature's interest and may be hindered by external forces.