Passing Time

Passing Time examines the intricacies of human connection, the profound impact of the outdoors on personal growth, and contemplations on existence through adventures, friendships, and introspection. It delves into memory, consciousness, and the value of experiences, urging readers to cherish time and explore various perspectives on life.

Outdoor Adventures Human Connections Consciousness and Existence Personal Growth Memory and Desire Impact of Writing Cultural and Social Reflections Literature and Media Reviews

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And their main takeaways
234 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. Adventure can be found close to home, you don't have to venture far for excitement.
  2. Being prepared with the right gear, tools, and partners is crucial for outdoor activities, especially in challenging conditions.
  3. Aligning objectives with your adventure companions can turn potential challenges into meaningful, enjoyable experiences.
234 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. Imagine your friends as celestial bodies in your social solar system, orbiting around you forming clusters and connections.
  2. Explore the fringes of your social universe like the Kuiper Belt, where you can discover new friends and expand your network.
  3. Just like the vast universe beyond our solar system, there's a whole universe of friendships and connections waiting to be explored and connected.
301 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. The writer defies the doctor's advice and keeps a plant in the room due to a strong affinity for plants.
  2. The plant, a heartleaf philodendron, symbolizes a zest for life with its slow growth and eventual white flowers.
  3. The writer contemplates switching to dark mode on the blog and shares a personal story intertwined with plant symbolism.
234 implied HN points 14 Feb 24
  1. The author reflects on moving between different locations each season to chase different activities and experiences like climbing, skiing, and biking.
  2. The contrast is highlighted between a lifestyle of constantly changing scenery and jobs versus a stable, but potentially boring, life at home with familiar surroundings.
  3. The post captures the excitement and challenges of living in areas like Boulder, Aspen, Jackson, and Denver, known for outdoor activities and seasonal changes.
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502 implied HN points 26 Nov 23
  1. The post describes a Thanksgiving climbing adventure with a friend, starting before dawn.
  2. The writer expresses gratitude for family, friends, work, and the opportunities from the climbing project.
  3. The climbing partner is praised for being a skilled teacher, outdoor enthusiast, and good friend.
301 implied HN points 04 Jan 24
  1. Sharing experiences in the outdoors can create strong bonds and meaningful memories.
  2. Challenges and setbacks during adventures can lead to unexpected lessons and personal growth.
  3. Embracing the imperfect moments and finding joy in unexpected situations can add richness to an experience.
368 implied HN points 08 May 23
  1. Alpine starts involve waking up early for adventures like mountain climbing.
  2. The early mornings are about mental transportation and self-actualization, not just physical movement.
  3. The experience and camaraderie during alpine starts motivate and push individuals to achieve goals.
234 implied HN points 15 Jul 23
  1. Writing has different motives including egoism, aesthetic enthusiasm, historical impulse, and political purpose.
  2. Writing is a way to communicate your current self in a moment of time.
  3. Good writing reflects the creator at a specific moment and aims to communicate emotions effectively.
133 implied HN points 06 Apr 23
  1. The experience of being in nature can evoke emotions and feelings.
  2. Preparing for outdoor activities requires attention to detail and overcoming challenges.
  3. Engaging in outdoor adventures can provide a sense of fulfillment and connection with the surroundings.