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The Honest Broker β€’ 44184 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 24
  1. Minimize reliance on scrolling and swiping interfaces to avoid falling into addictive traps engineered by tech companies.
  2. Rediscover real-world applications like learning skills and connecting with the community, which provide personal empowerment and genuine experiences.
  3. Immerse yourself in longer, immersive experiences like listening to music or engaging in rituals to break free from the shallow stimuli of modern technology.
Steady β€’ 24863 implied HN points β€’ 02 Sep 23
  1. Jimmy Buffett exemplified the American Dream by creating a successful career around his lifestyle and unique style of music.
  2. Buffett showed that following your own path and being true to yourself can lead to fame and fortune.
  3. His music, fun and full of wordplay, created a loyal community of fans called Parrotheads, who found joy and a sense of belonging in his work.
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Hung Up β€’ 7763 implied HN points β€’ 15 Sep 23
  1. The entertainment industry has been affected by strikes of writers and actors, leading to a standstill in major studios and streamers.
  2. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis faced backlash for supporting a friend accused of sexual assault, handling the situation poorly.
  3. Drew Barrymore is navigating the return of her talk show amidst industry strikes, choosing to go without a publicist and potentially risking controversy.
Why is this interesting? β€’ 422 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 24
  1. The Presidential Physical Fitness Award had high standards like 40 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, and a 6:30 mile run, with the goal of improving national health and reducing childhood obesity.
  2. The program was ingrained in the US school system and became a cultural memory for a certain generation, showing the impact of collective fitness goals.
  3. China is now emphasizing physical fitness similarly to how JFK did in the 1960s, with a focus on societal benefits like fitness and achievements reflected in their social media platforms.
Mostly Python β€’ 838 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jan 24
  1. Streaks are more flexible and achievable than New Year's resolutions, leading to significant benefits.
  2. Challenging yourself with streaks can result in both physical and mental growth, helping you push past limits.
  3. When pursuing streaks, choose attainable goals, embrace the journey, and reflect on the experience to avoid burnout.
The Profile β€’ 393 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jan 24
  1. The book 'What Should I Do With My Life' by Po Bronson shares true stories of people reinventing themselves.
  2. Marcela's story shows the importance of pursuing true passion, even when faced with uncertainty.
  3. Success should be defined on your own terms, resonating with what feels right in your heart.
Passing Time β€’ 234 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 24
  1. The author reflects on moving between different locations each season to chase different activities and experiences like climbing, skiing, and biking.
  2. The contrast is highlighted between a lifestyle of constantly changing scenery and jobs versus a stable, but potentially boring, life at home with familiar surroundings.
  3. The post captures the excitement and challenges of living in areas like Boulder, Aspen, Jackson, and Denver, known for outdoor activities and seasonal changes.
Mind Mine β€’ 1434 implied HN points β€’ 21 Jul 23
  1. The author explores the concept of feeling like a foreigner in one's own home but finding a sense of belonging in other places.
  2. Observations on the enjoyment and slower pace of life in Paris compared to North America, appreciating the French culture of savoring moments.
  3. Reflections on the idea of choosing one's own path in life and the importance of embodiment and physical connection in personal growth.
Classical Wisdom β€’ 1788 implied HN points β€’ 24 Apr 23
  1. Stoicism and Cynicism share the goal of achieving happiness through living in accordance with nature, but differ in how they view societal expectations and material possessions.
  2. Stoics like Marcus Aurelius valued harmonious living with others and some luxuries, while Cynics like Diogenes prioritized individual freedom and rejected wealth and excess.
  3. The Stoics refined Cynic philosophy into a more widely accepted practice, promoting virtue and wisdom as essential for a fulfilling life.
The Commonplace β€’ 805 implied HN points β€’ 18 Sep 23
  1. Living in a humane-sized community or on spacious land fulfills a universal longing for connection and purpose.
  2. Building and maintaining relationships in neighborhoods through communal spaces like third places or regular gatherings is vital for human flourishing.
  3. Creating a more humane living situation requires effort, community involvement, and a willingness to make small, impactful changes.
antoniomelonio β€’ 77 implied HN points β€’ 12 Mar 24
  1. Consider reevaluating the pursuit of high-paying, stressful jobs and reflect on what truly brings happiness.
  2. Question the societal emphasis on material wealth and the concept of 'conspicuous consumption' as measures of success.
  3. Examine the value of work that contributes meaningfully to society, prioritize personal well-being over societal expectations, and explore simpler ways of living for greater happiness.
Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones β€’ 373 implied HN points β€’ 24 Nov 23
  1. Mr. Yang prioritizes saving for his daughter's future and taking care of his parents, even after buying a house.
  2. Yang and his wife sacrifice current consumption to save for long-term goals, like their daughter's education.
  3. His consumption habits have changed with age and responsibilities, focusing on family needs over personal desires.
Chris Arnade Walks the World β€’ 671 implied HN points β€’ 10 Sep 23
  1. The author's walk from Dover to Portsmouth revealed the reality of Dover, which was different from the romanticized image portrayed.
  2. Encountering Sandra, a woman with a complicated background involving human trafficking, provided a glimpse into a harsher side of life in Dover.
  3. The honesty and openness of Sandra in sharing her story with the author was a surprising and impactful moment during the visit to Dover.