TK News by Matt Taibbi $5 / month

TK News by Matt Taibbi focuses on media criticism, the challenges of independent journalism, censorship, and political analysis, particularly criticizing mainstream media and Democratic strategies. It highlights issues of free speech, disinformation, government interference in media, and advocates for transparency and civil liberties.

Media Criticism Independent Journalism Censorship and Free Speech Political Analysis Civil Liberties Government Interference in Media

The hottest Substack posts of TK News by Matt Taibbi

And their main takeaways
16432 implied HN points 13 Mar 24
  1. The article criticizes New York Magazine's cover story, describing its support for children's access to sex-changing medical care as extreme and problematic.
  2. The author argues that the piece promotes a radical rejection of norms like the nuclear family and patriarchy, advocating for a collective reimagining of society.
  3. The concept of child liberation and absolute political agency for children is highlighted as a controversial and concerning aspect of the cover story.
14141 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. The New York Times published a controversial piece about the Twitter Files and its connection to a Trump ally, which the author argues is a misrepresentation of reality.
  2. The Supreme Court case _Murthy v. Missouri_ is significant, as it involves challenges to government monitoring of online content and potential infringement on First Amendment rights.
  3. The article discusses the implications of exposing censorship programs and suggests a potential motive behind the Times' piece as a distraction tactic during the historic case.
10768 implied HN points 17 Mar 24
  1. Don Lemon sought a significant financial package, including an upfront payment, salary, equity stake, and extravagant perks like a Tesla Cybertruck and a private jet to Las Vegas.
  2. Despite past critiques, mainstream media are now portraying Lemon as a free speech hero due to his interactions involving Elon Musk.
  3. To access the full post and archives on Don Lemon, readers are encouraged to subscribe to Racket News for a 7-day free trial.
12779 implied HN points 09 Mar 24
  1. The article discusses how state media in various historical regimes may have praised a leader's speech as enthusiastically as Joe Biden's State of the Union address.
  2. The post highlights the reaction of ABC's chief Washington correspondent and his colleague after Joe Biden's speech.
  3. The article teases a discussion between correspondents about the effectiveness of Biden's speech, requiring a subscription to read further.
13143 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. The Internet is transitioning from a space of free exchange to one of top-down control over information and narrative.
  2. Alternative ways of distributing dissenting ideas are becoming necessary due to digital suppression of politically undesirable content.
  3. It's crucial to raise awareness about the challenges to freedom of speech and find new ways to share truth in the face of increasing control over information.
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9811 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. Public opinion on the TikTok ban has shifted from strong support to opposition over time.
  2. The passage of the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act has raised concerns about potential overreach in granting new powers to the President.
  3. There are worries that the bill could have implications beyond TikTok, leading to broader speech controls and threats to freedom of expression.
13645 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. Google's new AI tool Gemini had a disastrous product rollout, causing a significant drop in the company's market value.
  2. The Gemini era introduced horrifying quirks that were lesser-publicized but had concerning implications.
  3. The article suggests that the consequences of Google's AI-powered libel machine were unexpected and serious.
10370 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. Kristen Welker of Meet the Press faced criticism for using the word 'allegedly' when talking about Trump trying to overturn the 2020 election.
  2. Using 'allegedly' in journalism can spark heated debates and reactions from colleagues and the audience.
  3. Accuracy and choice of words, like 'allegedly,' can lead to intense discussions and interpretations in news reporting.
8743 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. The New York Times exposé revealed extensive details about the CIA-Ukraine relationship, including the presence of secret spy bases along the Russian border.
  2. Officials often emphasize the need to protect 'sources and methods' for national security, yet the Times published a wealth of detailed information about CIA operations.
  3. The public disclosure of such classified details raises questions about the future of the CIA-Ukraine alliance and the potential for a breakup.
11152 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. The State Department is threatening Congress over their censorship programs funding, showing resistance to disclosing details on how taxpayer money is being spent.
  2. The Global Engagement Center (GEC) has been involved in anti-disinformation work, which includes backing a UK-based agency that creates digital blacklists for disfavored media outlets.
  3. There is growing pushback against agencies like the GEC that operate with secrecy, with calls for more transparency and oversight, especially in programs that target American media consumers.
6843 implied HN points 01 Mar 24
  1. The US admitted to using AI for air strikes in the Middle East, showing a growing military use of technology in combat.
  2. Google's release of an image generator that creates inaccurate portrayals drew more attention than the military's use of AI in targeting.
  3. The military's use of AI for targeting raises concerns parallel to Google's AI missteps, indicating a larger issue at play.
9504 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Many reporters who covered the Russiagate story faced backlash and criticism for their reporting.
  2. Various journalists and media figures who exposed illegal surveillance and manufactured intelligence in the Trump-Russia investigation were targeted and discredited by mainstream commentators.
  3. Despite facing pushback, these reporters like Glenn Greenwald, John Solomon, and Lee Smith continued to investigate and report on the inaccuracies surrounding the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.
12088 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. The 2024 presidential race might be influenced more by lawyers than voters as plans for potential lawfare tactics are being revealed.
  2. There have been past efforts and discussions about potential strategies that involve legal actions, lawsuits, and political maneuvering that may impact election outcomes.
  3. Both sides seem to be preparing for possible norm-breaking actions before the election, raising questions about the integrity and fairness of the democratic process.
5028 implied HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. Loudoun County, Virginia, witnessed significant political shifts from supporting Biden in 2020 to a narrower win for the Democratic governor in 2021 due to a school controversy.
  2. Media portrayed the unrest in Loudoun as a racist revolt and attributed it to white supremacy, while local observations presented a more complex and nuanced reality.
  3. The author plans to revisit the area for primary coverage regarding the upcoming Super Tuesday election, aiming to offer alternative perspectives to mainstream narratives.
7737 implied HN points 15 Feb 24
  1. Intelligence reports can heavily influence policy decisions, as seen in past conflicts like the Iraq war, showing the importance of accurate and unbiased information in governance.
  2. The use of selective release of classified information for political purposes, as seen in the Russiagate scandal, highlights the dangers of manipulating intelligence for agenda-driven decisions.
  3. Corruption in intelligence agencies impacts all political ideologies, making it a non-partisan issue that concerns citizens of all affiliations.
8813 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Financial institutions are using transaction data to monitor for 'extremism indicators' like certain purchases or travel patterns.
  2. Financial surveillance, enhanced by AI, allows institutions to create detailed profiles of individuals and potentially restrict their access to financial services.
  3. The rise of 'political credit scores' may lead to non-illegal behaviors being punished effectively, similar to how speech is censored.
5963 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. The war in Ukraine has become a key point of global propaganda, with narratives being forcefully maintained over actual truths.
  2. Public opinion in conflict zones can be manipulated by controlling the narrative and stifling contrary information.
  3. Government officials may push for wider conflicts without public support, suppressing the reality of the situation.
6976 implied HN points 15 Feb 24
  1. The CIA allegedly manipulated intelligence to hide that Russia favored Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in the 2016 election.
  2. Some CIA analysts believed that Russia had a comfortable relationship with Hillary Clinton, contrary to what was publicly declared.
  3. The intelligence report claiming Russian interference to benefit Trump and harm Clinton was deemed inaccurate and misled the public.
5614 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. Biden has been repeatedly confusing Ukraine, Russia, and Iraq, which is a cause for concern as it suggests a deeper issue.
  2. It's not uncommon for politicians to forget names, but Biden's mix-up of countries like Iraq and Ukraine is particularly alarming.
  3. The substitution of Iraq for Ukraine by Biden is highlighted as one of the most worrying aspects of his confusion during speeches.
6697 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. The author is partnering with another site for a campaign column during campaign season to navigate digital pressure and maintain site's independence.
  2. Despite this partnership, the author reassures readers that they will not receive less content and emphasizes that it is not about money but rather about ensuring site's integrity and independence.
  3. The author appreciates the support of subscribers and promises more content to come, including transcripts from events and stories with familiar partners.
6571 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. The author clarifies that there is no problem with Substack and expresses loyalty towards the platform.
  2. The author notes experiencing deamplification on other platforms in the past six months, impacting visibility, especially on social media like Facebook.
  3. The author hints at facing challenges with getting new articles seen on social media, possibly due to changing algorithms or content promotion limitations.
9183 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Attention was not sufficiently given to the anti-democratic tactics used against Ralph Nader in 2004, which are now being employed more extensively by both parties.
  2. The significant hurdles that third-party candidates face in getting on the ballot, including costly signature collection and legal challenges from major parties, deter many from running.
  3. The current political landscape shows a rise in extreme measures to maintain power, sometimes at the expense of fair competition and voter choice, leading to increased polarization and disenfranchisement.
5328 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. The Supreme Court is reviewing Colorado's decision to remove Donald Trump from the ballot, drawing attention from the press.
  2. There are delusions and strong opinions surrounding Trump's response and the impact it may have on society, as reflected in media coverage.
  3. The case about Trump's ballot access is a topic of discussion and analysis in current news.
4113 implied HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. A multipart series co-written with Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag discusses the corrupt origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.
  2. The first installment reveals a political espionage campaign involving at least 26 Trump aides and associates, based on a never-released classified report.
  3. A livestream will be held tonight at 6:30 pm ET to provide detailed insights into the story and upcoming articles and materials will be published to clarify the complex information.
3722 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. There are official reports and papers that demonstrate the existence of a spying campaign and other abuses related to the Trump-Russia investigation.
  2. Documents like FISA warrant applications, operational plans involving informants, and unmasking requests provide concrete proof of surveillance and monitoring of Trump campaign associates.
  3. Key figures like FBI Chief James Comey and informant Stefan Halper were involved in activities that raise questions about their handling of information and motivations, prompting the need for further investigation.
5698 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. The post discusses the controversy surrounding a quote from a Veterans' Day speech by Donald Trump, where he referred to political opponents as vermin and threatened to root them out.
  2. There is a reference to a media reaction that involved the exploding-media-heads style, hinting at a strong and immediate response to Trump's statement.
  3. To access the full content, readers are encouraged to subscribe to Racket News for a 7-day free trial.
4986 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. The author is planning to cover the 'Take Our Border Back' convoy protest in person
  2. The author is looking for people who are planning to attend the protest and would allow a journalist to accompany them
  3. The author aims to provide more watch-and-see content in their platform Racket this year
4511 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is revealed to be a partisan project connected to Labour Together, rather than just a neutral watchdog as portrayed in the media.
  2. The article highlights the importance of independent journalism in uncovering political ties and holding powerful institutions accountable.
  3. Efforts like digging up IRS applications and filing FOIA requests demonstrate the ongoing need for transparency and journalistic diligence in the face of narrowing speech environments.
22131 implied HN points 08 Sep 23
  1. Independent media outlets are facing challenges in visibility due to algorithmic blanketing and deamplification tools.
  2. Some larger corporate news outlets lack accountability mechanisms and standards, while alternative media is being targeted for scrutiny and sanctions.
  3. Consideration of alternative ways to support independent voices, like promoting new stories and authors through live interviews, is being explored.
1243 implied HN points 16 Mar 24
  1. Walter Kirn's experience driving a Tesla highlights the challenges and dangers of relying solely on a car's computerized systems for navigation instead of traditional mirrors and manual controls.
  2. Matt Taibbi and Walter discuss the shift in technology within cars from being easily fixable by ordinary people to now requiring specialized mechanics, raising concerns about accessibility and safety.
  3. The conversation emphasizes the importance of staying connected to the driving experience through senses like sight and touch, questioning the reliability of solely depending on technology while driving.
3966 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The author clarified the involvement of Rosa Brooks in a reported 'loose-knit group' of public interest groups and lawmakers.
  2. Mary McCord, former acting head of the National Security Division, was mentioned as a participant in the new group, but Brooks denied being part of it.
  3. Brooks mentioned that there may not be a formal 'group,' just occasional coordination among various individuals and organizations.
3820 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) incorrectly claimed charity status with the IRS, raising questions about their truthfulness.
  2. The CCDH is known for pressuring companies to restrict certain content and promoting its own political agenda in the media space.
  3. The CCDH's ties to major-party politics and regulatory mix-ups suggest a complex background and operational strategy.