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The Forgotten Side of Medicine 8824 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. The author dissects a modern vaccine propaganda piece and reveals tactics used to defend unchallenged arguments.
  2. Peter Hotez is highlighted as drawing the ire of the vaccine safety community by defending the vaccine narrative and attacking critics.
  3. Hotez's suggestions to silence opposition and his rhetoric are critiqued for their implications on free speech and public debate.
TK News by Matt Taibbi 3820 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) incorrectly claimed charity status with the IRS, raising questions about their truthfulness.
  2. The CCDH is known for pressuring companies to restrict certain content and promoting its own political agenda in the media space.
  3. The CCDH's ties to major-party politics and regulatory mix-ups suggest a complex background and operational strategy.
The Message Box 3793 implied HN points 09 Oct 23
  1. Fast-moving events are fertile ground for disinformation, especially when shared without context or confirmation.
  2. The claim that the U.S. funded the attack in Iran is false; the unfrozen funds were for humanitarian assistance only.
  3. Claims circulating that U.S. weapons were used in the attack are also false; the photo shared is from 2021 in Afghanistan, not Israel.
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Public 766 implied HN points 01 Jan 24
  1. The media and political establishment are seen as a greater threat to democracy than populist movements.
  2. The term 'pathocracy' is used to describe leadership positions filled with narcissists and psychopaths.
  3. Governments and mainstream establishments have engaged in manipulative and authoritarian actions over the years.
Public 683 implied HN points 26 Dec 23
  1. Elite institutions like Harvard and The New York Times have been accused of spreading misinformation and undermining their missions.
  2. The manipulation of language and censorship in these institutions is concerning and reminiscent of totalitarian regimes.
  3. To combat this trend, we need to understand how these values contrary to truth and honesty gained power.
Public 488 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. False claims of insurrection were made minutes after the January 6 Capitol riot, hinting at a disinformation plot.
  2. Former President Donald Trump was denied a place on the ballot in two states due to claims of ineligibility under the 14th Amendment.
  3. There's a disparity in how violent political activities like the January 6 riot and the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle were treated, showing a double standard.
THE FREEDOM BLOG 412 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. President von der Leyen emphasizes the need for businesses and governments to collaborate in addressing the risks of misinformation and disinformation.
  2. The fight against misinformation should consider that it comes from various sources and political biases, not just easily identified malicious actors.
  3. Caution should be exercised in handing over internet regulation to a political elite, as it may lead to power grabs disguised as cooperation.
All-Source Intelligence Fusion 1284 implied HN points 25 Sep 23
  1. A leaked report reveals a British government-funded plan for international censorship of critiques of NATO.
  2. The plan includes redefining disinformation to include factual criticism of the U.S. military and NATO.
  3. Recommendations include exerting coordinated action to pressure social media and digital market actors to moderate such speech.
The Garden of Forking Paths 2358 implied HN points 14 Jun 23
  1. Disinformation can be spread effectively by creating simple, captivating narratives.
  2. False information tends to stick in people's minds, even after being corrected.
  3. Debunking lies is important, but it's crucial to present the truth in a way that resonates with the audience and to address disinformation strategically.
Public 460 implied HN points 19 Dec 23
  1. Leaders in censorship are accusing others of antisemitism and playing the victim.
  2. Reports reveal a larger strategy involving sophisticated military techniques aimed at domestic population.
  3. Response from CTIL to research provides insights into government-led censorship and influence operations.
Public 435 implied HN points 04 Dec 23
  1. US military contractors used counterterrorism tactics against the American people
  2. Tactics included psychological operations, debanking, and changing social media platforms' Terms of Service
  3. The Censorship Industrial Complex waged influence operations using offensive methods like disinformation campaigns and debanking
Public 362 implied HN points 29 Nov 23
  1. Newly released emails show US government officials sought to censor narratives and interfere in the 2020 election.
  2. Department of Homeland Security's methods of information control aimed at narrative control and election interference.
  3. Government-backed censorship was revealed to be part of a larger political influence operation to shape public opinion.
DrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book Chapters 78 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. The author is going to review a video on 'Hidden Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements.'
  2. There is concern about the influence of drug companies on the US government.
  3. The topic of misinformation regarding nutrition and supplements is a focus of the author's work.
Public 469 implied HN points 17 Aug 23
  1. Climate change may not have directly caused the Hawaii fire, as the strong winds from Hurricane Dora played a significant role.
  2. Human-made changes to the landscape, including the growth of invasive grasses due to former sugar cane farms, contributed to the fire's intensity.
  3. Issues like failure to clear flammable grasses around electric wires and delayed release of water by a state official also played crucial roles in the Hawaii fire.
Public 413 implied HN points 28 Aug 23
  1. Climate change is not the main cause of increasing wildfires globally, despite popular belief.
  2. The amount of area burned annually by fire has actually decreased over the last quarter-century.
  3. Preventing uncontrollable forest fires involves better forest management practices like selective logging and prescribed burning.
Natto Thoughts 59 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Russia is projecting confidence in alliances with China and the Global South to undermine the West's dominance in the world financial system.
  2. China's support for Russia has limits, and Chinese intentions may not align with Moscow's grandiose visions.
  3. Russian information warfare strategy focuses on influencing enemy populations and governments to disrupt their ability to resist aggression, with a shift toward proxy operations and strategic use of social media influencers.
georgelakoff 432 implied HN points 17 Feb 23
  1. Dominion Voting Systems filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox for knowingly spreading election lies
  2. Fox personalities like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham privately expressed disbelief at Trump's false attacks on democracy but still spread those lies on air
  3. Fox chose to prioritize ratings over truth by airing false claims about the election and pressuring employees who fact-checked the lies
[Removed]: The Real Censorship is Secret Suppression 137 implied HN points 21 Jul 23
  1. Online censorship is more pervasive and secretive than many realize.
  2. Services can suppress content without notifying authors, leading to a lack of transparency.
  3. Pushing back against secret suppression and promoting transparent communication is essential for maintaining trust and fostering good communication online.
Natto Thoughts 39 implied HN points 14 Dec 23
  1. Understanding concepts and tactics associated with disinformation is crucial in countering its harmful effects.
  2. Detecting disinformation and avoiding manipulation involves learning from organizations and individuals who are actively working against it.
  3. Accessing resources such as handbooks, guides, and reports can provide valuable insights and strategies for countering and combating disinformation.