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Top U.S. Politics Topics
Bulwark+ 9414 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. Donald Trump's character is revealed through his treatment of war hero John McCain, showcasing a lack of respect and decency.
  2. Trump's behavior exemplifies a 'Crab Bucket Moral Universe' where he demeans heroism and operates with bitterness and envy.
  3. It is important to remember Trump's actions and behavior in 2024 to understand his lack of shame and ethical standards.
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Bulwark+ 8196 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. Former Trump officials are speaking out against him, highlighting his moral depravity and incompetence.
  2. There is a need for these officials to reach out to more people, especially swing voters, to convey the dangers of a Trump presidency.
  3. Former Trump officials should come together and make a sustained effort to speak out against him, prioritizing the truth over partisan loyalties.
Bulwark+ 6446 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. The concept of 'defining normalcy down' involves lowering standards for acceptable behavior over time.
  2. Political figures can redefine 'normal' to fit their narrative or agenda, even in the face of concerning actions.
  3. The dilemma of 'anti-anti-Trumpers' lies in their struggle to balance opposition to Trump with their concerns about the left, leading to conflicting stances.
Common Sense with Bari Weiss 3375 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. There is ongoing debate about Biden's age and cognitive decline, with various experts weighing in and comparisons to Trump's cognitive test.
  2. Tucker Carlson's recent visit to Moscow sparked controversy, as he praised the city and its affordability, prompting discussions on ideology and living standards.
  3. Jon Stewart's return to hosting _The Daily Show_ was well-received, especially due to his humor targeting both Biden and Trump, showing his enduring comedic prowess.
Today's Edition Newsletter 9650 implied HN points 13 Sep 23
  1. The impeachment inquiry by McCarthy is a sham without any concrete basis, causing distraction and harm to Congress and the American people.
  2. Vladimir Putin has praised Donald Trump, highlighting the need to ensure US election security before the 2024 elections.
  3. Child poverty nearly doubled due to the termination of pandemic-related economic assistance by Senator Joe Manchin and Republicans.
Think Future 159 implied HN points 18 Apr 24
  1. The movie 'Civil War' presents a dystopian-horror road movie with haunting vignettes and no clear good vs. bad sides.
  2. The film's message is a cautionary tale about the dangers and consequences of wishing or inciting a civil war.
  3. The movie serves as a stark reminder of the potential horrors and complexities of a civil war, urging viewers to be wary of the consequences.
The J. Burden Show 1018 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. The primary role of a dissident in the regime is to attack the moral unity of the ruling elite.
  2. Legitimacy and moral unity are crucial for a ruling elite to maintain power and command loyalty.
  3. Loss of moral unity and legitimacy can lead to the downfall of a ruling regime, as seen in historical examples like the USSR post-Chornobyl disaster.
COVID Reason 1592 implied HN points 30 Nov 23
  1. Many public figures refuse to admit when they are wrong about past events.
  2. It is important for pundits to acknowledge past mistakes, as it can be a positive and honest gesture.
  3. The truth about past events, especially in public health policies, must be acknowledged and understood for the future.
David Friedman’s Substack 251 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. In online arguments, people often assume you're on one side or the other, leading to misconceptions about your beliefs.
  2. Political arguments during an election year are fueled by people fighting for their side, rather than interested in discussing ideas.
  3. The tendency to view the world in terms of 'us' vs 'them' contributes to the polarization and misinterpretation in online debates.
Changing The Channel 2132 implied HN points 26 Sep 23
  1. Being in the public eye, especially on TV, can lead to mental health challenges like anxiety and depression.
  2. Constant criticism, particularly amplified by social media, can have a significant negative impact on one's well-being and relationships.
  3. Leaving a high-profile TV career can bring a sense of relief, allowing for personal growth and a reconnection with oneself.
Inside-Out, political commentary from Philip Stephens 314 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Speculation about the contest between Joe Biden and Donald Trump might end before November, as Trump's dishonesty catches up with him.
  2. Many self-identifying progressives seem determined to see Trump win, as they target Biden's age instead of Trump's concerning behavior.
  3. Media's relentless focus on Biden's age may influence the public perception, potentially affecting the election outcome.
Handwaving Freakoutery 237 implied HN points 21 Feb 24
  1. The foundation of SETI uses the Drake Equation to estimate the existence of extraterrestrial life, similar to how an estimate could be made for the likelihood of someone shooting Trump.
  2. James Hankins' anti-diversity statement may signal shifts in ideologies and academic environments.
  3. Studies on topics such as car seat laws affecting fertility rates and brain structures defining self-perception shed light on various intriguing scientific findings.