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Bulwark+ is a political commentary Substack that analyzes and reports on U.S. politics without partisan or tribal biases. It focuses on the motivations and behaviors of Trump supporters, the dynamics within the Republican Party, criticism of both Republican and Democratic tactics, and highlights the importance of truth and integrity in political discourse.

Political Analysis Media Criticism U.S. Presidential Elections Democratic and Republican Party Dynamics Trump's Influence in Politics Political Extremism and Authoritarianism Importance of Truth and Decency in Politics Economic Policies and Impact Legal and Ethical Standards in Governance Electoral and Voter Behavior

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14976 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. The media attempts to understand Trump voters but may not fully accept the truth about their motivations.
  2. Guardrails in democracy may not be enough to prevent certain actions of those seeking power.
  3. Google search influences web design, impacting user experience and content creation.
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9552 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The Fourteenth Amendment was drafted in response to specific concerns about real-world actions from the past.
  2. The Fourteenth Amendment's Section 3 was written to prevent individuals like John B. Floyd, who violated their oath of office, from holding government positions.
  3. The progression of authoritarianism in America reveals the fragility of our system's guardrails when confronted one by one.
7350 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. Some within the MAGA movement believe in conspiracies involving Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl, alleging fixed events to push a political agenda.
  2. MAGA supporters express strong negative feelings towards Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, criticizing their endorsements and public displays of affection.
  3. There are concerns within the MAGA community about Taylor Swift's potential influence in the 2024 election, stemming from her past political actions and large social media following.
8078 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Ron DeSantis ended his presidential campaign by endorsing Donald Trump, after a campaign that failed due to strategic blunders and lack of appeal.
  2. Donald Trump's recent actions demonstrate admiration for dictators, spreading conspiracy theories, mocking opponents, and continuing aggressive rhetoric.
  3. Republican party dynamics show a strong preference for Trump over other candidates, even if they exhibit extreme behaviors or controversies.
8628 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Donald Trump is likely to be the Republican nominee for the 2024 election, with strong support from the party base.
  2. Joe Biden's candidacy is characterized by hidden strengths, legislative accomplishments, and a focus on governance.
  3. There is a concern about a segment of society motivated by a desire for chaos, which could impact the political landscape.
9414 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. Donald Trump's character is revealed through his treatment of war hero John McCain, showcasing a lack of respect and decency.
  2. Trump's behavior exemplifies a 'Crab Bucket Moral Universe' where he demeans heroism and operates with bitterness and envy.
  3. It is important to remember Trump's actions and behavior in 2024 to understand his lack of shame and ethical standards.
8196 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. Former Trump officials are speaking out against him, highlighting his moral depravity and incompetence.
  2. There is a need for these officials to reach out to more people, especially swing voters, to convey the dangers of a Trump presidency.
  3. Former Trump officials should come together and make a sustained effort to speak out against him, prioritizing the truth over partisan loyalties.
5837 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Pollster Whit Ayres discusses the weaknesses of Trump and Biden in the presidential race.
  2. Donald Trump remains a strong favorite for the Republican nomination despite some internal challenges.
  3. Joe Biden faces weaknesses like perceptions of his age and Kamala Harris's readiness, making his reelection prospects uncertain.
5621 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. The majority of the Republican party is now in support of Trump, showing the party's loyalty to him.
  2. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Trump can be held criminally responsible for his actions as president.
  3. In the Nevada primary, voters preferred 'None of the Above' over Nikki Haley, indicating a strong preference for Trump amongst Republican voters.
6446 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. The concept of 'defining normalcy down' involves lowering standards for acceptable behavior over time.
  2. Political figures can redefine 'normal' to fit their narrative or agenda, even in the face of concerning actions.
  3. The dilemma of 'anti-anti-Trumpers' lies in their struggle to balance opposition to Trump with their concerns about the left, leading to conflicting stances.
7075 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. The Republican Party is facing challenges due to a significant portion of voters who do not align with Trump's base.
  2. There's a shifting focus from primary battles to the upcoming general election, where Trump may struggle with moderates and independents.
  3. Biden's reelection campaign could benefit from improving economic optimism among voters, resembling Obama's successful 2012 campaign.
7488 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. A report warns of destructive actions an authoritarian president could take in 2025, building on past behaviors.
  2. The report outlines potential actions, such as abusing pardons to incite violence and using federal power for political aims.
  3. The authors stress the importance of not underestimating the potential impact of a second term for Trump and the need for vigilance.
6584 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Big business on Wall Street is aligning with Trump for venality, self-interest, and fear, even though they know he threatens democratic norms.
  2. Business elites view Trump as good for their bottom line despite his threats and autocratic tendencies.
  3. Trump's return could lead to increased government control to punish dissent, targeting industries and businesses that oppose his views.
6603 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. The Republican Party is now Trump's party, with members rushing to show loyalty despite the consequences.
  2. Ben Shapiro, once a Never Trumper, endorsed Donald Trump, showcasing a shift in allegiance.
  3. Many individuals, including politicians, media figures, and billionaires, are downplaying the threats posed by Trump, showing a trend of denialism and minimizing concerns.