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Desk Notes by Charles Schifano 303 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Your tastes and preferences do not define your character, despite common cultural perceptions.
  2. It's important to maintain individuality and not feel pressured to align your preferences with someone else's to avoid conflict.
  3. The core of a person's character lies in social aspects like morals, ethics, and virtues, rather than superficial preferences.
Vinay Prasad's Observations and Thoughts 200 implied HN points 04 Mar 24
  1. Improving air quality did not stop COVID19 in Kindergartens. No evidence shows that upgrading air quality reduces seasonal respiratory viruses effectively.
  2. Masking may not be necessary in 2024. Few individuals are wearing masks as they are inexpensive and easily available online, suggesting a reduced need for them.
  3. The New York Times seems to be biased in covering COVID. It is important to accept life's risks, not wear masks unnecessarily, and focus on socialization and personal care.
ideassleepfuriously 373 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. Research suggests a positive link between IQ and socioeconomic status across ethnic groups.
  2. A study shows a growing IQ disparity between Japan and the US, with an increase in average IQ in Japan attributed to environmental improvements.
  3. Survey data indicates a decrease in the freedom to express political opinions in Germany, particularly among young people, less educated individuals, and supporters of specific political parties.
Unpopular Front 23 implied HN points 10 Mar 24
  1. The newsletter featured content related to the author's family history and brief updates due to an upcoming project deadline.
  2. There's mention of interviews the author did about a book, alongside links to those interviews for readers to check out.
  3. The post explores a group called Society for American Civic Renewal, revealing its vision and prominent members' profiles, which is discussed in detail.
The Ruffian 245 implied HN points 25 Mar 23
  1. Viral clips like Hugh Grant's red carpet moment can polarize opinions and prompt social media debate.
  2. Conversation analysis reveals how misaligned communication can lead to awkward interactions.
  3. Recipient design in conversations, tailoring communication to the person you're talking to, is crucial for successful interactions.
Rust Byte's Substack 19 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Google contributes $1 million to enhance C++/Rust Interop Initiative, aiming to improve compatibility between Rust and C++ codebases for smoother transitions.
  2. Rust Analyzer is a valuable Rust compiler front-end tool for IDEs, offering coding assistance and issue highlighting.
  3. Analysis on exploited vulnerabilities highlights the need for continuous vigilance in software development and stresses collaboration in addressing security challenges.
Granted 0 implied HN points 03 Jan 17
  1. Opinions can be dangerous when clung to without reason. It's better to have well-founded beliefs.
  2. Networking at events created for other purposes can be more effective than traditional networking events. Find organic connections.
  3. Living in the moment isn't always the best approach. Sometimes, the future and past offer more growth and positivity.