The hottest AI Research Substack posts right now

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Technology Made Simple 119 implied HN points 10 Mar 24
  1. Writing allows you to store knowledge for future reference, spot cognitive blindspots, and engage with topics more deeply for better understanding.
  2. Challenges in self-learning writing include lack of contextual understanding, a defined learning path, and a peer network for feedback.
  3. Addressing challenges in self-learning involves finding strategies to gain clarity, identifying knowledge gaps, and seeking feedback from peers.
AI Supremacy 1179 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. The list provides a comprehensive agnostic collection of various AI newsletters on Substack.
  2. The newsletters are divided into categories based on their status, such as top tier, established, ascending, expert, newcomer, and hybrid.
  3. Readers are encouraged to explore the top newsletters in AI and share the knowledge with others interested in technology and artificial intelligence.
Comment is Freed 54 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. Concern about immigration among Conservative voters has fluctuated over the years, showing a recent increase largely attributed to attention from right-wing politicians and media.
  2. Labour voters are more likely to be directly affected by immigration due to demographics, contrary to expectations. This dynamic impacts how policymakers should approach the issue.
  3. Misunderstanding public opinion on immigration could lead to harmful policy decisions. Better insight is crucial to avoid unnecessary or damaging stances.
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Synthedia 58 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Google introduced Gemini Ultra as its answer to GPT-4, integrating it into Bard to compete with ChatGPT and gain market significance.
  2. Gemini Ultra model shows strong performance in various benchmarks, outperforming GPT-4 in text, image, and reasoning tasks.
  3. Google is consolidating its AI offerings by blending Bard and Google Assistant into Gemini, aiming to provide a more advanced AI assistant experience.
Democratizing Automation 411 implied HN points 18 Jul 23
  1. The Llama 2 model is a big step forward for open-source language models, offering customizability and lower cost for companies.
  2. Despite not being fully open-source, the Llama 2 model is beneficial for the open-source community.
  3. The paper includes extensive details on various aspects like model capabilities, costs, data controls, RLHF process, and safety evaluations.
The Ruffian 172 implied HN points 25 Feb 23
  1. The history of black mirrors used for visions and prophecies in the 16th century.
  2. John Dee, a sage of the Elizabethan court, used a black mirror for communication with angels and visions of the future.
  3. AI development raises questions about its capabilities beyond simple reasoning and pattern matching.
Navigating AI Risks 78 implied HN points 02 Aug 23
  1. Leading AI companies have made voluntary commitments to ensure safety, security, and trust in AI development.
  2. The commitments focus on addressing transformative risks linked to frontier AI development.
  3. Inter-Lab Cooperation in AI Safety is being fostered through the creation of a forum to share best practices and collaborate with policymakers.
AI safety takes 39 implied HN points 15 Jul 23
  1. Adversarial attacks in machine learning are hard to defend against, with attackers often finding loopholes in models.
  2. Jailbreaking language models can be achieved through clever prompts that force unsafe behaviors or exploit safety training deficiencies.
  3. Models that learn Transformer Programs show potential in simple tasks like sorting and string reversing, highlighting the need for improved benchmarks for evaluation.
Multimodal by Bakz T. Future 2 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. Prompt design can significantly impact the performance of language models, showing their true capabilities or masking them
  2. Using prompt design to manipulate results can be a concern, potentially impacting the authenticity of research findings
  3. The fast pace of the AI industry leads to constant advancements in models, making it challenging to keep up with the latest capabilities
The Gradient 9 implied HN points 20 Feb 23
  1. The Gradient aims to provide accessible and sophisticated coverage of the latest in AI research through essays, newsletters, and podcasts.
  2. The Gradient is run by a team of volunteer grad students and engineers who are committed to providing valuable synthesis of perspectives within the AI field.
  3. The Gradient plans to continue initiatives like the newsletter and podcast, with hopes of compensating authors in the future.
RSS DS+AI Section 5 implied HN points 01 May 23
  1. The May newsletter contains updates on data science and AI developments, including information on the Royal Statistical Society's activities.
  2. There is a focus on ethics, bias, and diversity in data science, along with concerns about AI model safety and regulatory challenges.
  3. Generative AI remains a hot topic, with discussions on training models, practical applications, and real-world impact of AI in healthcare, design, and storytelling.
Meaningness 0 implied HN points 30 Dec 23
  1. The book 'Better without AI' explores moderate apocalypses that could result from current and near-future AI technology, providing insights into realistically likely disasters and actions to prevent them.
  2. Despite the rapid pace of progress in AI during 2022, the substance of the book mostly remained relevant in 2023, indicating that the field may be nearing its limit in terms of significant advancements.
  3. The author's decision to publish the book in paperback and Kindle serves as an experiment to gauge the audience's interest in such editions, with the outcome influencing future decisions on book publishing.
Age of AI 0 implied HN points 14 Jul 23
  1. Large language models (LLMs) are being developed to become universal personal assistants with planning and reasoning capabilities.
  2. LLMs may utilize specialized tools for tasks like folding proteins or playing chess, breaking down the AI system into smaller ones.
  3. LLMs should be equipped with the ability to critique themselves by reasoning and planning, similar to how game programs improve their moves.
Escher Studies 0 implied HN points 29 Sep 23
  1. The internet is fundamentally broken in key ways like infrastructure, ethics, and functionality.
  2. Open-source projects and public data can foster innovation, collaboration, and empower diverse communities.
  3. Access disparities, data utility, and attention economy are critical issues that need to be addressed to create a more just and empowering internet.