The hottest AI safety Substack posts right now

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Astral Codex Ten 2271 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. ACX provides an open thread for weekly discussions where users can post anything, ask questions, and engage in various topics.
  2. ACX Grants project includes initiatives like exploring a mutation to turn off suffering and opportunities for researchers in AI safety.
  3. ACX mentions upcoming events like a book review contest with updated rules and a pushed back due date.
The Intrinsic Perspective 8431 implied HN points 23 Mar 23
  1. ChatGPT's capabilities include suggesting design for disturbing scenarios like a death camp.
  2. Remote work is associated with a recent increase in fertility rates, contributing to a fertility boom.
  3. The Orthogonality Thesis within AI safety debates highlights the potential risks posed by superintelligent AI's actions.
Artificial Ignorance 130 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. Claude 3 introduces three new model sizes; Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku, with enhanced capabilities and multi-modal features.
  2. Claude 3 boasts impressive benchmarks with strengths like vision capabilities, multi-lingual support, and operational speed improvements.
  3. Safety and helpfulness were major focus areas for Claude 3, addressing concerns like reducing refusals while balancing between answering most harmless requests and refusing genuinely harmful prompts.
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Breaking Smart 90 implied HN points 16 Dec 23
  1. A new program called Summer of Protocols has produced a wealth of research output focused on the study of protocols and hardness in technology and the world at large.
  2. The Protocol Kit from the Summer of Protocols is a free publication containing essays, artwork, and tools to spark interest and discussion around protocols.
  3. Thinking in terms of 'hardness' and 'protocols' can be a powerful approach for various fields, from technology to party planning, providing a new perspective on problem-solving and creativity.
Philosophy bear 90 implied HN points 24 Nov 23
  1. AI safety could become a left-wing issue, with corporations unlikely to sustain alliances with safety proponents in the long run.
  2. There may be a split within Effective Altruism due to relationships with corporations, leading to a 'left' and 'right' division.
  3. The AI safety field might divide into accommodationist and regulation-leaning factions, reflecting broader political trends.
The Gradient 20 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. Gemini AI tool faced backlash for overcompensating for bias by depicting historical figures inaccurately and refusing to generate images of White individuals, highlighting the challenges of addressing bias in AI models.
  2. Google's recent stumble with its Gemini AI tool sparked controversy over racial representation, emphasizing the importance of transparency and data curation to avoid perpetuating biases in AI systems.
  3. OpenAI's Sora video generation model raised concerns about ethical implications, lack of training data transparency, and potential impact on various industries like filmmaking, indicating the need for regulation and responsible deployment of AI technologies.
Lukasz’s Substack 3 HN points 17 Apr 24
  1. ControlAI's platform offers a solution for AI safety and compliance, simplifying the complex process for users.
  2. Users can use the platform to create an inventory of AI assets, understand regulations like ISO Norms and GDPR, and track progress towards compliance.
  3. The platform also enables users to deploy defenses, showcase AI safety solutions, and collaborate with the AI community to enhance safety measures.
Engineering Ideas 19 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. The Gaia Network aims to improve science by making research more efficient and accountable.
  2. The Gaia Network can assist in funding science by providing quantitative impact metrics for awarding prizes and helping funders make informed decisions.
  3. Gaia Network serves as a distributed oracle for decision-making, aiding in a wide range of practical applications from farming operations to strategic planning and AI safety.
Engineering Ideas 19 implied HN points 27 Dec 23
  1. AGI will be made of heterogeneous components, combining different types of DNN blocks, classical algorithms, and key LLM tools.
  2. The AGI architecture may not be perfect but will be close to optimal in terms of compute efficiency.
  3. The Transformer block will likely remain crucial in AGI architectures due to its optimization, R&D investments, and cognitive capacity.
Neurobiology Notes 98 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. New study in neurobiology identifies different types of inhibitory neurons based on connectivity data
  2. Research on the C. elegans nervous system during unique developmental stages highlights connectomic differences
  3. Study on Drosophila visual system shows synaptic partner selection influenced by cell adhesion molecule expression patterns
AI safety takes 39 implied HN points 15 Jul 23
  1. Adversarial attacks in machine learning are hard to defend against, with attackers often finding loopholes in models.
  2. Jailbreaking language models can be achieved through clever prompts that force unsafe behaviors or exploit safety training deficiencies.
  3. Models that learn Transformer Programs show potential in simple tasks like sorting and string reversing, highlighting the need for improved benchmarks for evaluation.
Enshrine Computing 2 HN points 03 May 23
  1. Web4 is envisioned as the web where humans and AI work together, with data being autonomously generated and consumed.
  2. The transition from Web2 to Web4 emphasizes trust as a valuable resource for facilitating convenient interactions between autonomous agents.
  3. Enshrine Computing aims to advance autonomous computing by focusing on AI safety through trusted execution environments and computational secrecy.
Engineering Ideas 0 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. Multiple theories of cognition and value should be used simultaneously for alignment.
  2. Focus on engineering the alignment process rather than trying to solve the alignment problem with a single theory.
  3. Having diversity in approaches across AGI labs can be more beneficial than sticking to a single alignment theory.