The hottest Debugging Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Console 413 implied HN points 24 Dec 23
  1. Opal is a source-to-source compiler that converts Ruby to JavaScript.
  2. Opal leverages the underlying JavaScript engine for speed, size, and debugging benefits.
  3. The project Opal aims to continue improving by exploring features like dead-code-elimination and better module support.
Dennis’s Substack 1 HN point 12 May 24
  1. Debugger in JetBrains Rider has limitations like not being able to attach to multiple processes easily through the UI.
  2. Extending JetBrains IDEs' functionality with plugins can help users address software limitations and improve their workflow.
  3. Developing plugins for JetBrains IDEs, like Rider, involves challenges such as lack of documentation, UI implementation, and handling concurrency.
Bite code! 733 implied HN points 09 May 23
  1. PDB is a basic but useful debugger that comes with Python by default, allowing you to pause programs, enter a debugging shell, and analyze program states.
  2. Learning to use PDB is valuable because it helps you understand debugging fundamentals, and knowing PDB can translate to using other debuggers as well.
  3. PDB offers various helpful commands like 'help', 'quit', 'list', 'next', 'continue', 'until line', 'jump line', 'display', 'step', 'return', 'up', and 'down' for effective debugging in Python.
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Daily bit(e) of C++ 78 implied HN points 20 Jan 24
  1. Dealing with assumptions in programming can be risky, especially in C++ where a violated assumption can lead to undefined behavior.
  2. Proper engineering practices like good unit test coverage and sanitizers can help catch bugs, but sanitizers may not detect all issues, particularly at the library level.
  3. Using the hardened mode of standard library implementations like stdlibc++ and libc++ can provide safety features against specific attacks and checks without affecting ABI, enhancing development experience.
Technology Made Simple 199 implied HN points 13 Jun 23
  1. Bayesian Thinking can improve software engineering productivity by updating beliefs with new knowledge.
  2. Bayesian methods help in tasks like prioritizing, A/B testing, bug fixing, risk assessment, and machine learning.
  3. Using Bayesian Thinking in software engineering can lead to more efficient and effective decision-making.
Register Spill 216 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. The author prefers messy projects over greenfield projects because they provide more certainty and direction.
  2. Having clear product-market fit and defined requirements make a project enjoyable to work on.
  3. The author finds debugging appealing due to its clear requirements and the assurance that efforts won't be wasted.
Brain Bytes 39 implied HN points 29 Nov 23
  1. Always prioritize the user in programming. User feedback is essential for creating successful products.
  2. Plan before you code. Having a clear plan and design prevents bugs and ensures your code aligns with your goals.
  3. Keep your code organized and clean to work efficiently. Avoid overcomplicating solutions and remember to follow best coding practices.
Only Wonder Knows 58 implied HN points 01 Sep 23
  1. Recording funny things in lab notebooks can save time and provide valuable insights for future work.
  2. Using a notebook for design work, organizing content, and including references can help centralize information.
  3. Taking oscilloscope captures, naming signals, and recording measurement values are important steps for effective debugging.
Speaking in Swift by The Browser Company 4 HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Swift development on Windows is productive and ready for industry use, with a mature environment for writing code and continuous improvements to the developer experience.
  2. Visual Studio Code is the preferred development environment, offering essential features like building, debugging, auto-complete, error reporting, and more for Swift programming on Windows.
  3. Swift developers on Windows have access to a range of tools like SPM, CMake, LLDB, and Windows-specific debugging tools like WinDbg and Windows Performance Analyzer for efficient building, testing, and debugging of Swift code.
Marcio Klepacz 5 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Knowing how to debug is essential in a software-driven world, and it's a skill accessible to everyone.
  2. When troubleshooting, changing the environment, variables, or connections can lead to identifying and fixing issues.
  3. Resetting the environment, variables, or connections is a fundamental step in troubleshooting, and providing detailed information to technical support can be helpful.
Deus In Machina 36 implied HN points 27 Apr 23
  1. Crystal programming language aims to be a 'batteries included language' with a rich standard library that mimics Ruby behavior.
  2. Crystal has good cross-platform support, with macOS and Linux well-supported and Windows improving.
  3. Crystal makes documentation and testing easy, using markdown for comments and providing a built-in testing framework.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 13 Sep 22
  1. The Rubber Duck Method is a powerful tool for debugging code, helping identify both logical and runtime errors as you explain your code to a rubber duck.
  2. Speaking out loud while explaining your thought process can help you make connections and insights, preventing your brain from skipping steps and making more errors.
  3. In interviews, treating your interviewer as a rubber duck by verbalizing your thoughts can improve your problem-solving skills and communication, impressing the interviewer.
Saying Less 19 implied HN points 28 Jun 23
  1. Hardware communication involves protocols like I2C, UART, and SPI for connecting microcontrollers with peripherals.
  2. In I2C communication, there are master and slave devices, and the correct implementation details are crucial for success.
  3. Consulting the manufacturer's datasheet is essential for troubleshooting hardware issues, despite guidance from tools like ChatGPT.
Omar’s Newsletter 19 implied HN points 18 May 23
  1. The user successfully ran Coqui-ai's TTS library on their M2 MacBook after debugging some Python code.
  2. The issue was related to the M2 chip on the laptop, causing a memory error and program crash.
  3. By using Python's built-in debugger and modifying a specific line of code, the user was able to fix the error and run the program successfully.
Hasen Judi 2 HN points 29 Apr 23
  1. Local development should be seamless with quick edit/run cycles and interactive debugging.
  2. Start with the development experience you want and work backwards to the technology, don't just follow common trends blindly.
  3. Prioritize what you want in a development experience, like quick startup time, minimal commands, and effective type checking.
How Software "Sells Itself" 2 HN points 18 Feb 23
  1. Enterprise software often lacks user-extendability, leading to workarounds or completely custom tools.
  2. Having a user-friendly code editor can simplify adding custom functionality to software.
  3. Modern technologies like Monaco and serverless platforms make it feasible to achieve user-extendability and advanced debugging features.
Barn Lab 0 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. NSA released Ghidra as an open-source reverse engineering tool, making it popular in college curriculums and cybersecurity operations.
  2. Ghidra is valued for its ability to analyze and secure software without running potentially malicious code directly on the host system.
  3. Tools like BinWalk for firmware extraction and platforms like Crackmes.One offer resources for legal software cracking and reverse engineering exploration.
Data Science Daily 0 implied HN points 05 Apr 23
  1. There are numerous workflow orchestrators available for data scientists to choose from.
  2. Consider the tool's design, local/remote running capabilities, and ease of interacting with output when selecting a workflow orchestrator.
  3. Choose a workflow orchestrator based on your specific use case, whether it's for data engineers, ML engineers, or data scientists.