The hottest Tooling Substack posts right now

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TheSequence 994 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. You may not need ML engineers for Generative AI projects due to the availability of pre-trained models like GPT-4.
  2. Prompt engineering, the clear articulation of needs in natural language, is a crucial skill for AI application development.
  3. Product managers and domain experts play a significant role in shaping AI products through prompt engineering, reducing the need for technical experts.
Frankly Speaking 152 implied HN points 13 Mar 24
  1. Cybersecurity industry faces challenges due to rapid evolution of technology forcing a reactive approach instead of proactive problem-solving.
  2. Security teams are overwhelmed with solutions, leading to over-reliance on tools without understanding root causes of problems.
  3. Security needs to shift focus back to problem-solving and building comprehensive solutions that go beyond just using tools.
Software Engineering Tidbits 98 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Large Language Models (LLMs) are key in AI applications like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Anthropic's Claude.
  2. Vector databases and embeddings help understand word associations, with tools like Pinecone and the Embedding Projector by TensorFlow.
  3. Tooling in AI is advancing, with Vellum for versioning prompts and Not Diamond for routing prompts for optimal model response.
Data People Etc. 302 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. Modern systems are like a chaotic wasteland filled with numerous services that dehumanize everything.
  2. The role of an orchestrator is evolving to become flatter, more activity-driven, and adaptable to chaos.
  3. Tools and orchestrators should prioritize simplicity, speed, and individual usage to navigate the services hell effectively.
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Data Analysis Journal 235 implied HN points 28 Jun 23
  1. Embracing accelerated testing in the modern data analysis landscape is essential for success.
  2. The current traditional academic workflow for A/B testing may not be suitable for the evolving landscape of experimentation.
  3. To thrive in the era of rapid feature flagging and A/B testing, teams need to adapt by automating statistical checks, simplifying documentation, and eliminating bias.
Polymath Engineer Weekly 31 implied HN points 28 Nov 23
  1. Go is a productive language with simple syntax and easy readability, making it accessible for new contributors.
  2. Go has fast build times, statically linked binaries for easy distribution, and a stable language ecosystem.
  3. Go offers good performance, low memory footprint, and useful built-in tooling for an awesome developer experience.
Speaking in Swift by The Browser Company 4 HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Swift development on Windows is productive and ready for industry use, with a mature environment for writing code and continuous improvements to the developer experience.
  2. Visual Studio Code is the preferred development environment, offering essential features like building, debugging, auto-complete, error reporting, and more for Swift programming on Windows.
  3. Swift developers on Windows have access to a range of tools like SPM, CMake, LLDB, and Windows-specific debugging tools like WinDbg and Windows Performance Analyzer for efficient building, testing, and debugging of Swift code.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 01 Apr 22
  1. Understanding the problem thoroughly is essential in tackling difficult coding challenges. Break down the problem into smaller components and focus on each step.
  2. Identifying patterns and creating systems can help simplify complex problems. Mathematics can be a powerful tool in problem-solving and coding interviews.
  3. Utilizing techniques like the two-pointer approach can be incredibly helpful in optimizing solutions and acing technical interviews.
derw 6 HN points 13 Feb 23
  1. Elm's community size has grown over the years, with increasing audience and engagement.
  2. Elm's slower release cycle and emergence of alternative technologies like TypeScript have contributed to its stagnant growth.
  3. Elm's unique architecture and niche status may no longer provide a compelling reason for adoption compared to other frameworks like Svelte or Vue.
William Blankenship 2 HN points 21 Feb 23
  1. You need at least two engineers for GraphQL service: for mentoring, supporting, and preventing bottlenecks.
  2. Invest in tooling like query complexity guards, introspection, and alerts for runtime safety and service performance.
  3. The skillset needed for GraphQL service is similar to that of a database engineer, focusing on schema design and tool implementation.
Rain Clouds 1 HN point 20 Mar 23
  1. The landscape of cloud development tooling is evolving, with a focus on creating abstractions and frameworks to simplify the process of building and deploying distributed cloud applications.
  2. Infrastructure-as-code languages are transitioning towards statically typed programming languages like TypeScript for better developer experiences and easier maintenance.
  3. New frameworks like Eventual, Ampt, Nitric, and others are emerging to abstract away infrastructure complexities, provide end-to-end type-safe development experiences, and offer seamless integrations with existing cloud environments.
Life on the Trail 0 implied HN points 01 Dec 23
  1. Having clear outage definitions and levels helps in managing technical outages effectively.
  2. Implement dedicated communication channels and processes for outage management.
  3. Document post-outage remediation steps and rely on strong internal and external communications for a professional outage response.
Full Context Development 0 implied HN points 03 Mar 23
  1. Electric Clojure introduces a new programming language for full stack web apps, automating backend and frontend communication.
  2. Next.js v13.2 brings significant improvements in caching, compatibility with Webpack loaders, and statically typed links, impacting customer experience and reducing infrastructure costs.
  3. Mitosis, Zag, and Bling are tools designed to simplify frontend development by abstracting away differences between frameworks, potentially enhancing productivity and customer experience.