The hottest Externalities Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Maximum Progress 412 implied HN points 01 Nov 23
  1. Government intervention is effective in correcting externalities because it has a stake in the outcome.
  2. Governments struggle to address long-term externalities because they focus on short-term goals and lack incentives for future outcomes.
  3. Markets can incentivize individuals to consider future consequences, making them potentially more effective than governments in addressing temporal externalities.
Surfing the Future 1 HN point 02 May 24
  1. Consider creating a sustainability version of Mount Rushmore showcasing notable figures like Richard Sandor, Rachel Carson, and Gro Harlem Brundtland.
  2. Richard Sandor made significant contributions to the financial world by pioneering interest rate futures contracts and emissions trading, leading to the creation of influential exchanges.
  3. Sandor's mentor, Ronald Coase, emphasized the difficulties in designing markets and the importance of viewing failure as part of the learning process.
Knowledge Problem 137 implied HN points 31 Aug 23
  1. Internalizing externalities through taxes or subsidies can improve efficiency and welfare.
  2. Pareto-relevant externalities are those that impact the outcome; not all externalities need to be internalized.
  3. Individual values and costs are subjective, and internalizing externalities may not always create additional welfare.
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