Software Design: Tidy First?

The Substack explores the intersections of software design, human psychology, and work culture, aiming to offer insights into improving technical skills, design intuition, and professional relationships. It covers topics from programming philosophies to managing complexity, addressing both technical challenges and personal growth in the technology sector.

Software Design Programming Practices Professional Development Technology and Society Human Psychology Work Culture Business Strategy Innovation and Experimentation

The hottest Substack posts of Software Design: Tidy First?

And their main takeaways
1565 implied HN points ā€¢ 12 Mar 24
  1. In software design, there are ordinary phases (small changes) and revolutionary phases (fundamental changes) - understanding when each is needed is important.
  2. Revolutionary design violates the open/closed principle by requiring new elements and relationships that don't fit with the existing design.
  3. Revolutionary changes in design require different values and care compared to ordinary design - they are essential for accommodating new types of features.
2389 implied HN points ā€¢ 25 Jan 24
  1. Every technological revolution involves something valuable becoming cheaper.
  2. In an exploration phase, conduct many experiments and embrace duplication.
  3. Embrace the changed cost landscape and actively explore new possibilities.
740 implied HN points ā€¢ 18 Mar 24
  1. Designing is like navigating an island: staying above waterline signifies acceptable designs.
  2. The acceptability of designs can vary like tides, impacted by different factors like seasons.
  3. Improving designs requires effort and sometimes moving to a new 'island' means temporary setbacks before progress.
1226 implied HN points ā€¢ 19 Feb 24
  1. Software development teams can take two different paths over time - one struggling to maintain progress and innovate, the other accelerating and exceeding expectations.
  2. Executives play a crucial role in steering teams towards successful software development by fostering a culture of continual improvement, tidy code, automation, and collaboration.
  3. Understanding software design fundamentals as an executive can help diagnose ineffective teams, bridge communication gaps between business and technology, and inspire innovation and excellence.
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1543 implied HN points ā€¢ 02 Feb 24
  1. Imposter Syndrome can make you doubt your own abilities, even when others appreciate your work.
  2. Challenging negative thoughts and focusing on the evidence of your success can help overcome Imposter Syndrome.
  3. Exploring underlying reasons like past experiences or fears can provide insights into dealing with Imposter Syndrome.
2411 implied HN points ā€¢ 03 Jan 24
  1. Consider raising prices to increase revenue, but be aware of potential tradeoffs.
  2. Subscribers can expect to improve software design and communication skills, connect with a community, and receive thought-provoking ideas.
  3. New pricing for the newsletter will be $25/month starting January 15, 2024, so signing up before then locks in the current $7/month rate.
1184 implied HN points ā€¢ 16 Feb 24
  1. Resistance to tidying in software development can come from various angles like product managers and colleagues.
  2. To ensure lasting change in software development, there needs to be a partnership between implementors and executives.
  3. Creating a 'Surprise Factory' in software development involves incorporating software design in the right proportions and at the right times.
1903 implied HN points ā€¢ 11 Jan 24
  1. The new companion model called Rent-a-Kent combines blog posts with a trained language model to promote reader interaction.
  2. Creating the companion model felt more like programming than writing a blog post, with less control over the model's responses.
  3. This new form of literature allows for immediate questions and comments without the delay of waiting for replies, but may lack the human connection found in traditional comment sections.
549 implied HN points ā€¢ 29 Feb 24
  1. Software development can sometimes become disconnected from economic principles due to factors like lack of competition and high demand.
  2. Money plays a significant role in shaping the design and development of software products.
  3. Executives can benefit from understanding the economic drivers behind software development to make informed decisions and drive business success.
359 implied HN points ā€¢ 07 Mar 24
  1. Executives could create more value with software projects if they understood the strategic importance of software design.
  2. The post discusses the role of programming and software design in project success.
  3. Paid subscribers can access exclusive content in the post.
1332 implied HN points ā€¢ 27 Nov 23
  1. Focus on shipping software is essential, even if it means not adhering perfectly to all practices.
  2. It's better to ship imperfect software than to not ship at all.
  3. Adhering to good practices is important, but lack of skills is not an excuse for lack of progress.
1268 implied HN points ā€¢ 01 Dec 23
  1. Kanban aims to increase value by limiting work and enhancing feedback in production.
  2. Test-driven development involves dividing features into tests to ensure correct functioning of the system.
  3. In the TDD process, tests act as kanban cards, triggering coding and refactoring steps with immediate feedback on logic and design.
1120 implied HN points ā€¢ 08 Dec 23
  1. Kent Beck's role in enhancing engineering teams for growth and prosperity by working on product features and tool building.
  2. Kent Beck's impact through research and publication on software design, attracting new recruits and revolutionizing design ideas.
  3. Kent Beck's personal relationships and pair programming sessions significantly improving engineering skills and career prospects of individuals.
2432 implied HN points ā€¢ 22 Aug 23
  1. When designing software, prioritize safety of evolution over efficiency.
  2. Don't rush decisions; it's better to wait for more information to make informed choices.
  3. Getting feedback early and making design changes sooner is more valuable than waiting for the 'perfect' solution.
909 implied HN points ā€¢ 15 Aug 23
  1. Editing a book can have emotional impacts like disrupting sleep and causing stress.
  2. Author seeks PR submissions for examples in their book and requests opinion on preferred book layout.
  3. Fear of losing control over how words are interpreted and used is a major concern for the author.
45 HN points ā€¢ 14 Feb 24
  1. Finding patterns in tasks like programming, music, and poker can be intensely satisfying and enjoyable.
  2. Music is full of patterns that can be discovered and enjoyed, especially through improvisation and communication.
  3. Seeing patterns in different activities like programming, music, and poker can lead to moments of satisfaction, indicating a brain wired to crave order and appreciate pattern recognition.