The hottest Government oversight Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top U.S. Politics Topics
BIG by Matt Stoller 55463 implied HN points 20 Oct 23
  1. The Pentagon lacks oversight in tracking defense contractors, leading to issues in weapon production
  2. The defense industrial base is facing challenges due to prioritization of cash out over production
  3. The Government Accountability Office highlighted the lack of tracking defense-related mergers in the Pentagon, posing risks to national security
Popular Information 13718 implied HN points 02 Oct 23
  1. North Carolina Republicans have created a 'secret police force' through a legislative committee with extraordinary investigative powers.
  2. The new rules by North Carolina Republicans could potentially compromise privacy, attorney-client privilege, and accountability.
  3. Changes in public records laws in North Carolina give lawmakers more authority over what documents are considered public, raising concerns about transparency and accountability.
Points And Figures 799 implied HN points 04 Mar 24
  1. Democrats are pushing to tax unrealized capital gains, which has sparked debate and concern about overreach in government interference in private business.
  2. There is dissatisfaction with both Republican and Democratic parties for their roles in supporting legislation that may infringe on individual business privacy and rights.
  3. The issue of government overreach and control extends beyond tax policies, as political motivations and power dynamics play a significant role in the push for increased transparency in private ownership.
Human Flourishing 1297 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. Emergency Use Authorization for Covid mRNA vaccines was based on legal categorization of SARS-Cov-2 as a biological weapon to bypass safety protocols.
  2. FDA has lower evidence standards for Emergency Use Authorization, questioning the safety and effectiveness of products authorized in this way.
  3. Emergency Use Authorization pathway lacks systematic data collection, retrospective studies, informed consent, and institutional review board involvement, raising legal and safety concerns.
eugyppius: a plague chronicle 205 implied HN points 10 Mar 24
  1. Independent auditors warn that German energy transition is unsustainable due to lack of reliable backup power for intermittent renewable sources.
  2. Germany is far behind in reaching renewable energy installation targets, needing a significant increase in wind and solar project installations.
  3. Massive grid expansions required for the energy transition in Germany are still inadequate, leading to doubts about the project's feasibility and affordability.
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Public 422 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. US and Chinese scientists made plans to engineer coronaviruses similar to SARS-CoV-2 in a joint project.
  2. Documents reveal that specific features of SARS-CoV-2 closely resemble the work described in the EcoHealth Alliance's DEFUSE proposal.
  3. The DEFUSE team's research aimed to create chimeric viruses with certain genetic features that could infect humans, raising concerns about risky experiments.
The Line 3223 implied HN points 03 May 23
  1. The government often fails to follow through on promises and recommendations, eroding trust in the system.
  2. There is a pattern of systemic problems being identified but not properly addressed by government institutions.
  3. Accountability and transparency are lacking, leading to a cycle of issues not being resolved and a lack of trust in the government.
Eunomia 353 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Trump enthusiastically supported selling weapons to anyone, regardless of their intended use
  2. During his presidency, Trump made deals with Saudi Arabia and the UAE instead of cutting off weapons sales
  3. Trump criticized others for supporting wars for profit, but he did the same thing while in office
The Pillar 137 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. A group of Catholics celebrated a Mass at the U.S. Capitol, following a controversial FBI memo on Catholicism.
  2. The FBI memo raised concerns of targeting traditionalist Catholics for their beliefs, linking them with extremist views like white nationalism.
  3. Lawmakers are still investigating the origins and impact of the FBI memo on Catholic Americans, with ongoing concerns about religious liberty.
Who is Robert Malone 26 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. Ensuring thorough investigation is key, without making excuses to avoid asking hard questions
  2. Beware of trolling tactic called sealioning, characterized by asking insincere questions to provoke and exhaust the target
  3. Sealioning can be used by individuals or groups to derail discussions and appears civil but is intended to harm
Who is Robert Malone 18 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. Barbara Loe Fisher is a strong advocate for informed consent in medical decision-making, especially regarding risks associated with vaccines.
  2. Informed consent is a fundamental ethical principle in medicine that should be applied universally, including in the context of vaccinations, which can have serious health implications.
  3. There has been a significant shift in public attitudes towards vaccine injury and informed consent processes over the years, with increasing challenges to maintaining freedom of thought, speech, and conscience.