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Top U.S. Politics Topics
Common Sense with Bari Weiss β€’ 3241 implied HN points β€’ 08 Mar 24
  1. Biden successfully portrayed himself as strong and capable during the State of the Union address to counter perceptions of being old and feeble.
  2. MSNBC is reverting to fun and engaging programming, with discussions about Trump's physical appearance and the mockery of voters concerned about immigration.
  3. Voters are still concerned about Biden's age and there are ongoing discussions about Supreme Court decisions affecting Trump's presence on the ballot and the retirement of Justice Sotomayor.
The Garden of Forking Paths β€’ 2731 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jan 24
  1. The Deplorables Hypothesis - Some of Trump's supporters may overlook his wrongdoings because they themselves hold negative beliefs.
  2. The Coastal Elites Hypothesis - Some supporters disregard Trump's behavior to rebel against the establishment they despise.
  3. The Tribalism Hypothesis - Some voters back Trump simply because he is the Republican candidate, even if they don't fully endorse him.
Read Max β€’ 973 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 24
  1. There are four unpersuasive arguments for banning TikTok, including concerns about Chinese manipulation, user data security, trade war retaliation, and societal impact not related to China.
  2. MrBeast's transparency with his audience about YouTube business models and growth strategies sets a new standard for authenticity in online content creation.
  3. The future of YouTube and media content creation may shift towards authenticity and relatability, reminiscent of TikTok's success, moving away from the professionalized approach of current YouTube stars like MrBeast.
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Handwaving Freakoutery β€’ 622 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jun 23
  1. The Florida laws have minimal impact on adults and gay men/lesbians, focusing more on transgender minors and gender-segregated spaces.
  2. Media portrayal of these laws as 'anti-LGBT' lacks accuracy and may lead to misconceptions.
  3. Public opinion on the measures outlined in the laws shows varying levels of support, indicating a disconnect between media perceptions and public views.
G. Elliott Morris's Newsletter β€’ 452 implied HN points β€’ 22 May 23
  1. Polls should be adjusted based on both accuracy and bias, evaluated based on all factors of data-generating process.
  2. Future polling aggregation may move towards Bayesian statistical techniques for measurement-oriented models.
  3. Models focusing on measurement over prediction can help explore polling components directly, improving journalistic storytelling.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 19 Feb 21
  1. The writer is feeling overwhelmed and in need of a break, enjoying a weekend trip.
  2. Double-checking links is important, even with potential issues like a sticking keyboard key.
  3. Interesting articles recommended for weekend reading, including one about Slate Star Codex discourse and the Facebook Oversight Board.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 13 Nov 20
  1. Instagram influencers may unknowingly promote QAnon conspiracy theories by using hashtags and catchphrases associated with it.
  2. Some QAnon adherents are doubting their beliefs after the election while others are intensifying their commitment, as seen through platforms like Parler.
  3. The future behavior of Instagram influencers who mix lifestyle content with QAnon messaging will be intriguing to watch post-election.
Do Not Research β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 18 Mar 21
  1. Breadtube emerged after the 2016 election and features video essays as a quick way to share key political ideas.
  2. There are various video essay types within Breadtube, including slideshows, theatrical videos, and streamed lectures.
  3. Breadtube personalities encompass characteristics like Theater Kid Energy, Cross-platform Influencers, and the process of Deradicalising.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jun 23
  1. Cruel disaster jokes may not be as deep as they seem, often reduced to symbols of resentment towards institutions.
  2. The rise of AI is creating many new low-paid jobs like annotating photos for AI learning systems.
  3. Online shopping trends reflect deeper societal shifts, like the changing dynamics of women's labor and the pursuit of household power.
Do Not Research β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 15 Sep 21
  1. News/Acc provides a quick overview of corporate media messaging without getting caught up in any propaganda, typically not taking longer than 5 minutes.
  2. The project was made possible by the support, encouragement, and enthusiasm of the DNR community.
  3. You can stay updated with News/Acc on their Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.