The hottest Internet culture Substack posts right now

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Top Culture Topics
Do Not Research 319 implied HN points 22 Apr 24
  1. The book 'A Cyberarchaeology of Checkpoints' by Ruby Thelot delves into the vanished online community of 'Checkpoints,' which were personal life updates shared in a now-deleted YouTube video's comments section.
  2. While the original video was removed, a user named Rebane2001 meticulously archived the 'Checkpoints,' preserving a decade of human experiences and emotions captured in these digital narratives.
  3. The book not only contains the archived 'Checkpoints' but also includes a reflective essay on their cultural significance, an interview with Rebane2001, and an exploration of digital memory in the modern era, challenging readers to consider what remains of our digital footprint.
Garbage Day 3341 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. The rise of the Stanley Quencher cup as a popular item is a result of savvy marketing and internet buzz
  2. Short-form videos like TikTok are influencing the way content is created and shared online
  3. The concept of monoculture in media is evolving, with Spotify playlists reflecting carefully constructed branding rather than true diversity
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 678 implied HN points 16 Mar 24
  1. The problematic image issue involving Kate Middleton was due to a botched Photoshop job using multiple takes of the same photo.
  2. Many people overvalue their ability to discern truth from misinformation, contributing to the spread of conspiracy theories online.
  3. Reports have highlighted disturbing cases of children being coerced into self-harm by predatory online groups, raising concerns about online safety.
Culture Study 7219 implied HN points 13 Sep 23
  1. The TikTok filter 'That Guy' accurately portrays a specific type of man with entitlement issues.
  2. The filter highlights the dynamics between men and women, showing how some men view women as objects to possess.
  3. The meme provides catharsis by showcasing and ridiculing behaviors of 'That Guy' and shedding light on societal roles in enabling such behavior.
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Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 718 implied HN points 02 Mar 24
  1. The newsletter is splitting into two parts - an essay during the week and the link round-up on weekends to address length concerns.
  2. Readers can now opt-in for an additional experimental section called IRL for more personal content.
  3. The changes in newsletter format were based on reader feedback and the author's desire for more flexibility.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 758 implied HN points 25 Feb 24
  1. The resurgence of personal essays is evident across various platforms and mediums, adapting to the changing online landscape.
  2. There appears to be a shift towards more personal storytelling as a response to the mundane and commercial nature of traditional and social media.
  3. The rise of personal narratives and essays may be tied to the decline of traditional media, showcasing a desire for more authentic and human connection in the digital age.
Embedded 452 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. ASMR has evolved and gained mainstream acceptance over the years, transitioning to TikTok as a popular platform for ASMR content.
  2. Content creators like CozyLotusASMR are finding success by focusing on nature and the outdoors, showcasing ASMR in unique ways.
  3. Knowing your audience and adapting content to different platforms like YouTube and TikTok is key to engaging viewers and building a community.
Read Max 2535 implied HN points 09 Jul 23
  1. Many content creators online are pressured to create content aimed at 12-year-olds due to the large number in the audience.
  2. Internet platforms lack adult mediation between young viewers and content creators, leading to a focus on adolescent content.
  3. Successful creators may reintroduce wholesome content into the online sphere, standing out in a sea of material targeting younger audiences.
Read Max 747 implied HN points 08 Dec 23
  1. Media coverage decisions are driven by various factors like newsworthiness, commercial concerns, and career advancement.
  2. Authentic relationships between humans and bots in the future are uncertain but can be influenced by societal perceptions and control.
  3. Exploring lesser-known direct-to-video action movies and foreign films can provide new excitement for fans of the genre.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 618 implied HN points 10 Dec 23
  1. Spotify's 'sound towns' feature matches music preferences to specific cities, indicating local listening patterns influenced by demographics.
  2. Research shows that music preferences in cities correlate with factors like race, education, and income, reflecting unique resident mixes.
  3. Spotify Wrapped findings, like matching to college towns, may align with demographics of listeners, such as higher education levels.
Kneeling Bus 215 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. The concept of exercise is portrayed as peculiar and counterintuitive in modern society, with emphasis on the trend towards optimizing the self.
  2. The digital age has paradoxically renewed focus on physical appearance and maintenance, despite the technological liberation that was once presumed.
  3. There is a critique on contemporary gym culture, illustrating a disconnect between the adapted physical ideals and the practical lifestyle in today's society.
In Bed With Social 137 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. The trend of utilizing blocking tools to manage digital distractions is on the rise.
  2. An emerging movement focuses on balancing technology use with a desire for simplicity and genuine human interaction.
  3. There is a growing market for products and initiatives that promote disconnection from digital devices and encourage reconnecting with the real world.
SatPost by Trung Phan 84 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. Many famous YouTubers are quitting after about a decade due to burnout, desire for new challenges, and moving on to new things.
  2. Václav Havel's essay 'Second Wind' explores the choices an artist has after initial success: repeat past successes, build on them in the same lane, or try something completely new for a 'second wind.'
  3. YouTubers like Tom Scott, MatPat, and Seth Everman are examples of creators seeking their 'second winds' by quitting YouTube after around ten years of success.
One Thing 296 implied HN points 28 Nov 23
  1. Influencers are shifting towards embracing the suburbs, with Connecticut becoming a trending location due to its appeal for content creation and lifestyle aesthetics.
  2. Connecticut's evolving image is influenced by pop culture references, creating a mix of traditional suburban ideals and modern internet-driven content.
  3. The state's suburban towns offer an attractive alternative to city living, with proximity to urban areas like Manhattan and a blend of capital dreams with references to other fictional or real places.
SatPost by Trung Phan 47 implied HN points 01 Mar 24
  1. The meme template featuring Juan Joya Borja, also known as El Risitas, has gained immense popularity for its universal humor and captivating storytelling.
  2. Juan Joya Borja's infectious laughter in the meme is a key factor contributing to its widespread appeal, as laughter is a universal social bonding mechanism.
  3. The structure of El Risitas' story, following a narrative arc that gets progressively worse, adds to the meme's appeal and showcases the power of storytelling in humor.
Default Wisdom 188 implied HN points 30 Oct 23
  1. The appeal of incest fic in fandom may stem from a desire for emotional intimacy and intensity.
  2. Online behaviors like playing the victim can be influenced by internet culture and the need for validation.
  3. Being labeled 'dangerous' online can hold a certain allure, while being called 'insincere' can be more dismissive and delegitimizing.
Zero HP Lovecraft 23 implied HN points 16 Mar 24
  1. Online interactions may be deceptive: The story explores the complexities of online relationships, highlighting the challenges of distinguishing reality from deception in the digital world.
  2. Unreliable information online: The narrative delves into the concept of _Hrönir,_ suggesting that online content and even historical texts could be fabricated or unreliable, blurring the line between truth and falsehood.
  3. Symbolism of the yellow dream: The recurring imagery of the yellow dream in various characters' experiences hints at a deeper, mystical significance, questioning the nature of reality and existence.
Default Wisdom 210 implied HN points 07 Aug 23
  1. The future of content creation is uncertain, but people are still making money from platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
  2. Despite predictions of a Digital Dark Age, mass culture still exists with recognizable cultural touchpoints and influencers.
  3. The internet's 'perpetual now' raises concerns about the loss of digital history and the value we place on online content.
Moly’s Substack 39 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. People in their 30s might still be single because of factors like appearance, temper, laziness, or being too picky.
  2. Korea is facing a declining birth rate and population collapse, leading to economic and social challenges in the future.
  3. Real life situations often differ from what is portrayed in the news and online discussions.
Do Not Research 79 implied HN points 09 Nov 23
  1. Do Not Research (DNR) is a platform that focuses on internet culture and was founded in 2020 as a private Discord server.
  2. The platform publishes content twice a week, has over 200 contributors, and hosts physical exhibitions, film screenings, and book launches.
  3. The launch of DNR's new 402-page book 'Do Not Research 2022–2023' is being celebrated at the Institute of Modern Art in Australia.