The hottest Online presence Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Business Topics
Thinking Out Loud β€’ 48 implied HN points β€’ 17 Feb 24
  1. Identity can be viewed through the lens of sincerity, authenticity, and 'profilicity', each representing different societal influences and perspectives on self-expression
  2. Authenticity suggests being true to oneself beyond societal roles, while 'profilicity' involves shaping identity based on how one is perceived by a larger, often anonymous audience, especially in today's hyper-connected online world
  3. Coexisting, overlapping, and sometimes conflicting identities such as sincerity, authenticity, and 'profilicity' can impact personal growth and self-understanding, urging individuals to navigate and reconcile these different aspects of their identity
Day One β€’ 698 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jun 20
  1. You don't need permission from anyone to build a career on the Internet; make up your mind to learn and your teacher will appear.
  2. On social media, personal branding is important and you can follow people for education, information, and entertainment.
  3. Building a personal brand online requires locating mentors, applying their teachings, and consistently showing up to share your value without waiting for permission.
Pryor Questions β€’ 6 HN points β€’ 07 Feb 24
  1. Google's algorithm update prioritizes user-centric content, focusing on authenticity, expertise, and discouraging over-optimized strategies.
  2. The shift towards brand authority and user-generated content poses challenges for small businesses and independent content creators in ranking on Google.
  3. Video content, establishment of expertise, and a presence on various platforms are highlighted as essential strategies to adapt to the evolving SEO landscape.
UX Psychology β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 27 Mar 22
  1. Before transitioning to UX research, consider if it aligns with your interests and flexibility needs, as it differs from academic research.
  2. Networking with UX professionals, establishing an online presence, and engaging in enterprise activities can help you break into the industry.
  3. Developing transferrable skills, learning more about UX through various resources, and crafting an industry-focused CV are crucial steps for transitioning from academia to UX research.
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Technology Made Simple β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 24 Apr 22
  1. Having a strong LinkedIn profile can make recruiters reach out to you, increasing your chances of getting past initial screens during job applications.
  2. Engaging online with the right people, like industry experts, can help you build a network and get referrals to top firms.
  3. Meeting people in person can be a direct and effective way to form strong connections for referrals and other support in your career.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 18 Nov 21
  1. Given a string with repeated characters, rearrange the string so that no two adjacent characters are the same.
  2. If it's not possible to rearrange the string without having two adjacent characters the same, return `None`.
  3. The solution to the problem will be shared with premium subscribers of the newsletter.