The hottest Professional Growth Substack posts right now

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Elena's Growth Scoop 1474 implied HN points 17 Oct 23
  1. Career blues are real and can leave you feeling tired, unfulfilled, and restless.
  2. Regularly reevaluate your job and career options to ensure you're in the best possible position.
  3. Explore different avenues like public speaking, newsletters, contracting work, and advising to complement your full-time job and avoid career stagnation.
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Jakob Nielsen on UX 21 implied HN points 08 Mar 24
  1. AI is viewed as a valuable tool in UX, enhancing designers' capabilities while keeping core principles intact.
  2. UX design practice is evolving towards decentralization, embracing generalist approaches, and integrating with business strategy.
  3. Continuous learning, adaptation, and leveraging personal strengths are crucial for professional growth in the UX field.
High ROI Data Science 314 implied HN points 27 Jun 23
  1. The post discusses navigating a mid-career crisis and avoiding setbacks while moving forward.
  2. The author offers courses for career advancement in areas like Executive Leadership, Product Management, and Technical Strategist.
  3. Access to the full content of the post is reserved for paid subscribers.
Data Engineering Central 275 implied HN points 05 Jun 23
  1. Stress, anxiety, and hardship are common in the workplace, including in Data Teams.
  2. Focus on personal well-being to reduce stress at work: Manage finances, exercise, get fresh air, control news intake, have personal development, and eat better.
  3. Address work-related stress by facing workload, improving communication, and pursuing professional growth and development.
Upon Reflection 39 implied HN points 02 Jan 24
  1. This space focuses on topics like personal and professional growth, executing strategy, evolving company culture, and building high-performing teams relevant to modern-day leaders.
  2. The platform is intended for those pursuing meaningful work, leading authentically, feeling stuck, or first-time leaders looking for a fresh approach.
  3. Subscribing offers insights gathered from numerous sources like books, coaching clients, and case studies to equip leaders with tools and mindsets for effective leadership.
The Leadership Lab 59 implied HN points 21 May 23
  1. Identify your natural leadership style and the polar opposite adaptive style; aim to integrate and balance both for enhanced leadership capabilities
  2. Recognize the limitations of being overly attached to your natural leadership style; embracing the adaptive style can expand your leadership toolkit
  3. Practice self-awareness to notice when your default leadership style is ineffective, and experiment with leading from your adaptive style in specific settings to cultivate a more balanced approach
Mike Talks AI 19 implied HN points 10 Sep 23
  1. Don't underestimate the value of solving real problems even if it means using older technology.
  2. Repeating tasks can help you become an expert in a specific area, leading to career advancement and satisfaction.
  3. Understanding and exploring different roles like sales and management can provide valuable lessons and career growth opportunities.
Askwhy: UX Research, Product Management, Design & Careers 33 implied HN points 28 Feb 23
  1. Great engineers deeply understand tradeoffs and communicate well with others, not just master technical skills.
  2. Invest in talking with mentors and peers for high ROI in learning and growth.
  3. Effective collaboration involves continuous back and forth between engineering, product, and design, not following a linear pipeline.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 15 Jan 23
  1. Standing out in your early career stages can speed up your personal and professional growth significantly.
  2. Making a strong impression at work can lead to better opportunities, save you time, and provide protection against layoffs.
  3. Actions that help junior devs/interns stand out include turning an internship into a return offer and moving quickly up the career ladder.
Probable Wisdom 1 HN point 18 Mar 24
  1. Consider the level of commitment and urgency in a turnaround opportunity, as they shape the conditions and leadership needed.
  2. Evaluate if the turnaround opportunity aligns with your personal goals and capabilities to ensure a good fit.
  3. Different types of turnarounds require different leadership archetypes like Prophets, Heroes, Pathbreakers, and Maestros, based on varying levels of commitment and urgency.
Nate is Learning 19 implied HN points 03 Jul 23
  1. The author no longer believes creating content is necessary for driving new business.
  2. In-house professionals in B2B companies might not have time or interest to consume content on platforms like LinkedIn.
  3. For B2B buyers, methods like peer recommendations, social ads, search, and cold outreach are more effective than personal branding.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 24 Apr 22
  1. Having a strong LinkedIn profile can make recruiters reach out to you, increasing your chances of getting past initial screens during job applications.
  2. Engaging online with the right people, like industry experts, can help you build a network and get referrals to top firms.
  3. Meeting people in person can be a direct and effective way to form strong connections for referrals and other support in your career.
Perspectives 10 implied HN points 11 Apr 23
  1. Reading the room is a crucial interpersonal skill that helps you understand what others are saying and contribute meaningfully.
  2. Learning to read the room is a skill that can be developed through practice and self-awareness.
  3. To become a better communicator and collaborator, try placing yourself in others' shoes, understanding their motivations, reflecting on your biases, and learning their language.
PeopleStorming 19 implied HN points 10 May 22
  1. McKinsey identified 56 key elements essential for professional success across cognitive, interpersonal, self-leadership, and digital categories.
  2. Research showed that qualities like confidence, adaptability, deliberateness, motivation, and synthesis are crucial for employment, high income, and job satisfaction.
  3. Skills from the world of improvisation, such as adaptability, confidence, and synthesis, are highly valued in the business world and can be beneficial for personal and professional development.
The Skip 1 HN point 20 Aug 23
  1. Every superpower has a weakness that needs to be overcome.
  2. Feedback on your strengths can be inconsistent and subtle, making it challenging to identify and address your weaknesses.
  3. To advance in your career, you need desire, self-awareness, and humility to tackle and eliminate your shadows.