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Atlas of Wonders and Monsters β€’ 610 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. Looking for root causes can be attractive, but sometimes it's better to focus on finding and implementing imperfect, temporary solutions instead of getting lost in the complexity of the 'true cause' of a problem.
  2. In complex systems like the environment or human societies, the idea of a single 'root cause' can be elusive, and efforts to dig deep might lead to unintended consequences due to interconnected issues.
  3. Patching things can be a practical approach, especially in evolving systems like nature and societies. Embracing the continuous cycle of problem-solving and expecting new challenges and solutions may be more sustainable than aiming for one perfect fix.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 279 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 24
  1. The sliding window technique is a powerful algorithmic model used for problem-solving in coding interviews and software engineering, offering efficiency and practicality.
  2. Benefits of using the sliding window technique include reducing duplicate work, maintaining consistent linear time complexity, and its utility in AI feature extraction processes.
  3. Spotting the sliding window technique involves identifying keywords like maximum, minimum, longest, or shortest, dealing with continuous elements, and converting brute-force approaches into efficient solutions.
Frankly Speaking β€’ 152 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. Cybersecurity industry faces challenges due to rapid evolution of technology forcing a reactive approach instead of proactive problem-solving.
  2. Security teams are overwhelmed with solutions, leading to over-reliance on tools without understanding root causes of problems.
  3. Security needs to shift focus back to problem-solving and building comprehensive solutions that go beyond just using tools.
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Inside Data by Mikkel DengsΓΈe β€’ 184 HN points β€’ 21 Feb 24
  1. Data may not reveal the best ideas, so trust your intuition and explore beyond the obvious data points.
  2. Focus on solving the big problems first, as they have a more significant impact than smaller issues.
  3. Think in small bets and iterations to make progress in the right direction, even if data may not provide immediate clarity.
Elevate β€’ 477 implied HN points β€’ 29 Nov 23
  1. Effectiveness in software engineering is about focusing on what matters most and delivering value to users, the business, and career with the available time.
  2. Traits that help software engineers be effective include caring about user needs, being a good problem solver, and keeping things simple while prioritizing quality.
  3. To excel as an exceptional software engineer, embrace change, balance technical debt and innovation, and emphasize continuous learning and teamwork.
Range Widely β€’ 1336 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 23
  1. Success is not always a good teacher, especially in unpredictable and impactful scenarios like earthquakes
  2. Differentiate between 'kind' and 'wicked' learning environments, where experience can either improve judgment or give false confidence
  3. Reflecting on and analyzing experiences can lead to better learning outcomes than relying solely on intuition or repetitive actions
The Beautiful Mess β€’ 927 implied HN points β€’ 07 Jul 23
  1. Hierarchy creates a chain of communication in which information gets oversimplified as it moves up, leading to an unwinnable game
  2. Passing information up the chain results in details being shaped and possibly distorted based on audience and perceived urgency
  3. The ideal conditions for a 'good game' are challenged in scenarios where goals become unclear, feedback loops are long, and motivations are dwindled
Brain Bytes β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 24
  1. Learning to code fosters creativity and innovation by enabling you to bring ideas to life and design solutions that make a real difference in the world.
  2. Coding encourages lifelong learning by constantly challenging you to adapt to new technologies and expand your skill set, which enhances creativity and personal growth.
  3. Learning to code opens up various career opportunities by providing a valuable skill set that can improve business value and impact millions of individuals worldwide.
The Beautiful Mess β€’ 916 implied HN points β€’ 01 Apr 23
  1. Beware of falling into the "just-ing" trap when facing complex problems - don't rush to simplistic solutions.
  2. Embrace the complexity of a problem before taking action - explore, capture, and then shift to gradual action.
  3. Create an environment that encourages exploring messy situations, making experiments safe, and learning from actions taken.
Recontact β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 24
  1. Start by finding a common interest field, building hypotheses around it, and validating them. It helps provide direction in problem-solving.
  2. When searching for industry problems, focus on non-core issues that companies face. This approach can lead to valuable insights and potential solutions.
  3. Conduct interviews with a variety of people in the industry, from executives to lower-level employees, to gather a diverse set of perspectives and understand the depth of the problem. It can help in identifying the right problem to tackle.
Insight Axis β€’ 276 implied HN points β€’ 11 Sep 23
  1. Math education should focus on real-world problems to make it interesting and meaningful for students.
  2. Students should be taught a structured process of defining, abstracting, computing, and interpreting problems in math.
  3. School math should prioritize applied mathematics to show the practical utility of math, cater to the majority, and prepare students for the future.
Sung’s Substack β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jan 24
  1. Having dirty hands from diving into actual projects is important for growth, rather than just focusing on certifications or theory.
  2. Solving real problems in public and getting your hands dirty in open source can have a significant impact on your career, surpassing the importance of certifications.
  3. Engaging in hands-on experience and collaborating on projects that matter can lead to valuable personal growth and career advancement.
Jakob Nielsen on UX β€’ 21 implied HN points β€’ 08 Mar 24
  1. AI is viewed as a valuable tool in UX, enhancing designers' capabilities while keeping core principles intact.
  2. UX design practice is evolving towards decentralization, embracing generalist approaches, and integrating with business strategy.
  3. Continuous learning, adaptation, and leveraging personal strengths are crucial for professional growth in the UX field.
Nabeel S. Qureshi β€’ 222 HN points β€’ 11 Jul 23
  1. Skilled chess players spend more time falsifying their ideas than amateurs do.
  2. In real life, trying to falsify your ideas can help with decision-making, but there are scenarios that require you to 'try it and see'.
  3. Having the conviction that there is an answer can drive problem-solving, but real-life problems can be more complex and uncertain.
TorahRedux β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jan 24
  1. Humility is important in Judaism; it's not about thinking less of yourself, but dedicating yourself to something higher.
  2. The Torah emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior, such as being honest and not accepting ill-gotten gains.
  3. Showing up and engaging, even in times of uncertainty, is crucial for spiritual growth and connections in Judaism.
QED β€’ 1 HN point β€’ 26 Apr 24
  1. Writing code takes practice: The more you code, the faster you'll make decisions and write code.
  2. Continuous learning is essential: Understand problem domains, master tools, and know how to acquire new information as a junior developer.
  3. Learn deeply and take on challenging projects: Focus on mastering key concepts and push yourself with difficult projects to grow as a developer.
Psych β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 24
  1. The Ishikawa Diagram is a tool used in quality management to identify potential causes contributing to a problem.
  2. It provides a visual representation of causes, categorizing them to aid in root cause analysis.
  3. This tool is effective for collaborative problem-solving and quality improvement initiatives within organizations.