The hottest Painting Substack posts right now

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Top Art & Illustration Topics
Do Not Research β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 29 Apr 24
  1. The 'Insurrection in a Box - The Big Edition' game by Z & Walker Behl transforms the hit game 'Storm the Capitol' into a life size sculptural installation.
  2. The game involves moving avatars around the Capitol Building to find items like senator hostages and AOC's shoes, with the objective of reaching Trump's helicopter first.
  3. Using art to explore image power and its impact on politics, social media, and global capitalism challenges us to envision a new future, united in questioning established institutions.
Chartbook β€’ 357 implied HN points β€’ 08 Mar 24
  1. The post discusses America's Gaza policy, the UK situation, Turkey's diplomatic role, China's satellite programs, and a life portrayed in three colors.
  2. The Chartbook Newsletter by Adam Tooze provides great links, images, and readings related to these topics.
  3. The content includes a mention of Dorothea Tanning's artwork 'Endgame' from 1944 and her desire to convey hidden aspects of life through surrealism.
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Atlas of Wonders and Monsters β€’ 1289 implied HN points β€’ 10 Nov 23
  1. Pioneers of abstract art often began with painting representational pictures.
  2. The shift from figurative art to abstract art is a gradual progression seen in artists like Kandinsky, Mondrian, Malevich, Pollock, and Rothko.
  3. Early abstract art skeptics may not fully appreciate the value of abstract art, but understanding the journey of artists can provide insight into their artistic development.
The Abbey of Misrule β€’ 328 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jan 24
  1. Ladywell in Abbey, County Galway is a well-maintained, historic site with links to a monastery and folklore.
  2. The ritual of visiting wells in Ireland includes circling the well, saying prayers, leaving an offering, and drinking the waters.
  3. The Ladywell in Abbey was believed to have healing powers for issues like warts, highlighting the historical significance of these wells.
The NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH ART Society β€’ 314 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. The artist Ryan Bubnis uses acrylic, oil pastel, ink on canvas, and wood panel for his work.
  2. Ryan Bubnis is based in Portland and creates personal art pieces influenced by DIY culture, art history, and the natural world.
  3. You can subscribe to 'ART DELIVERY' from The Jealous Curator for a 7-day free trial to access more content.
The Charlotte Ledger β€’ 235 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. An exhibit called 'Craft Across Continents' at the Mint Museum showcases whimsical art pieces that evoke fun and creativity.
  2. Mecklenburg County experienced a 20% decrease in home sales in 2023, possibly due to high mortgage rates.
  3. A new daily podcast called CLT1st has launched in Charlotte, offering a quick way to stay informed about local news and events.
The NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH ART Society β€’ 766 implied HN points β€’ 07 Sep 23
  1. Canadian painter Sean William Randall's acrylic on canvas work is full of light, palettes, and intricate detail
  2. Randall's latest solo show 'BECALMED' opens on September 9th at Ian Tan Gallery in Vancouver BC
  3. Member of the community asks about balancing being a commercial and museum artist, sparking reflection on the possibility of being both
Am I Doing This Right? β€’ 1041 implied HN points β€’ 24 May 23
  1. The book was painted traditionally with watercolor, gouache, and colored pencils.
  2. The painting process involved steps like sketches, painting large areas, adding textures with dry brush, and finishing details with colored pencils.
  3. The post details the process, challenges, and fun moments of painting a spread for the book.
The Weekly Dish β€’ 71 implied HN points β€’ 17 Feb 24
  1. The View From Your Window contest features various interesting locations and challenges for participants to guess the correct spot based on clues in the photo.
  2. Winners of the contest express gratitude and share their experiences and strategies for identifying the view, adding a personal touch to the competition.
  3. Participants share their insights, struggles, and observations while trying to decipher the location in the photo, making the contest engaging and interactive.
So Here’s a Thing β€’ 766 implied HN points β€’ 24 May 23
  1. Martin Lewis created captivating etchings admired by renowned artist Edward Hopper.
  2. Lewis had a diverse background, from mining and logging to being a sailor, before becoming an illustrator and printmaker.
  3. His best-known urban scenes were produced in the 1920s and 30s, showcasing an uncanny poise and gaining him recognition in the art world.
The Weekly Dish β€’ 31 implied HN points β€’ 16 Mar 24
  1. The View From Your Window contest engages sleuths in detective work to identify locations based on subtle clues like hillside letters or unique landmarks.
  2. The contest participants showed dedication by researching historical and geographical details to make informed guesses about the view in the photo.
  3. The diverse reactions from participants, from excitement to frustration, add an element of fun and camaraderie to the competition.
The Weekly Dish β€’ 37 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. Readers of the View From Your Window contest use intuition, deduction, and history lessons to pinpoint locations and share in the joy of guessing correctly.
  2. By analyzing details in photos and researching clues, participants in the contest are able to locate specific spots from around the world, showcasing impressive sleuthing skills.
  3. The diverse perspectives and creative approaches of the contest entrants, along with their shared enthusiasm for solving challenges, contribute to a vibrant and engaging community.
Wild Information β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 23
  1. Corridors in architecture are often an afterthought, especially in structures with many rooms.
  2. Corridors play a significant role in popular science fiction, such as in Star Trek, representing travel and exploration.
  3. Robert Irwin's innovative art and approach to light mirror the creativity and attention to detail seen in the set design of Star Trek.
Do Not Research β€’ 119 implied HN points β€’ 22 Sep 23
  1. The painting explores the intersection of video game warfare, religion, and international politics, revealing emerging spiritualities and myths from gaming.
  2. The artist incorporates traditional painting techniques, installations, and digital art to create multimedia collages symbolizing the blurred visual identity of our culturally saturated society.
  3. There is a connection highlighted between war games and international politics through shared symbols and rituals, suggesting an intertwined relationship between the two fields.
Do Not Research β€’ 99 implied HN points β€’ 25 Sep 23
  1. Clark Filio's artworks include pieces like 'Children of Gont' and 'Neolithic Village, After Zdeněk', showcasing diverse themes and styles.
  2. His exhibitions like 'Heaven Ship' offer opportunities to view his artwork and appreciate the creativity behind them.
  3. Clark Filio's art often features scenes inspired by literature, original Gundam concept art, and real-life events, presenting a unique blend of imagination and reality.