The hottest Advice Substack posts right now

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Cheryl Strayed β€’ 6368 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jan 24
  1. Manjula Martin shares about the importance of taking advice, whether it turns out to be good or bad.
  2. Her book, 'The Last Fire Season,' explores the wildfire crisis in the American West and personal experiences.
  3. Manjula talks about personal transformation and the joy of roller skating, pointing out the value of trying slow and rounding up when it comes to pain.
Marcus on AI β€’ 2485 implied HN points β€’ 29 Feb 24
  1. A serious medical error occurred in Perplexity's chatbot when giving post-surgery advice, showing the dangers of generative pastische.
  2. The error was due to combining specific advice for sternotomy with generic advice on ergonomics, potentially causing harm to the patient's recovery.
  3. This incident highlights the importance of caution in relying on chatbots for medical advice, as they can still provide inaccurate or harmful recommendations.
Culture Study β€’ 2115 implied HN points β€’ 05 Mar 24
  1. The post discusses the importance of finding trustworthy professionals in various fields like doctors, therapists, contractors, and more.
  2. Detailed information is key when seeking recommendations or providing advice on services to ensure transparency and clarity.
  3. Conflicting advice and experiences are normal, emphasizing the idea that everyone's mileage may vary when it comes to service providers.
Counter Craft β€’ 1991 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. Finishing your writing projects is crucial - don't get stuck tinkering, but complete and move on to the next
  2. The best writing advice is often simple - just finish your work before worrying about other aspects like querying agents or publicity
  3. Failure is part of the process - finishing means making mistakes, learning from them, and improving your writing over time
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bookbear express β€’ 385 implied HN points β€’ 18 Mar 24
  1. Effort is most useful when correctly directed. Avoid over-optimizing or under-optimizing in relationships. Appreciate what you have while recognizing when to seek more fulfillment.
  2. Understand your values and what truly matters to you in a partner. Consider daily experiences, joy, and genuine connection in assessing your relationship.
  3. Seek advice from honest friends who know you well. Remember, infinite wrong choices won't satisfy, but the right one will bring a fulfilling weight.
The Chatner β€’ 825 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 24
  1. Being asked for advice by a friend can make them feel valued and important.
  2. Navigating polite behavior towards trans individuals in group settings can be complex, but seeking feedback can help.
  3. Prioritizing graciousness and collaboration in conversations over imposing personal will leads to better interactions.
INDIGNITY β€’ 255 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 24
  1. A radio tower theft incident went wrong, involving stolen merchandise like tanks, trailers, and jewelry.
  2. Various items were recently found in America, including a rocket grenade, a brown diamond, credit card skimmers, and chewed money.
  3. The newsletter also features sandwich recipes and discussions on Bluesky codes, a morning podcast, and marketing for different publications.
Thing of Things β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. If you have occasional insomnia, believing that lying down with your eyes closed can be almost as beneficial as sleeping might help.
  2. For chronic insomnia, consider trying antidepressants or other sleeping medications under your doctor's guidance. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is also effective.
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia involves following a strict routine, including tracking sleep patterns, setting a consistent wake-up time, and avoiding napping during the day.
Xavi Benjamin β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 05 Apr 24
  1. Consider dating both ex-JWs and those with no experience in high control religions to find what feels right for you.
  2. Dating someone with a similar religious background can bring healing through understanding shared trauma.
  3. When choosing a partner, consider factors like how you feel around them, shared values, and whether they respect your boundaries and support you.
INDIGNITY β€’ 216 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. Advice columns may zhuzz up boring letters or invent interesting problems for entertainment.
  2. Ethical advice may suggest returning government funds, but it's up to you what to do with them.
  3. Launching an advice column may involve making up fake letters to get started and engage readers.
Good Faith β€’ 1120 implied HN points β€’ 14 Apr 23
  1. Think carefully about confessing a mistake to different audiences, such as your spouse and family.
  2. Consider the consequences of lying to cover up a mistake, as it can lead to further complications.
  3. Be honest and upfront about mistakes even if it is difficult; honesty is usually the best policy in the long run.
Philosophy bear β€’ 90 implied HN points β€’ 02 Feb 24
  1. General, non-specific advice can often lead people to extreme behaviors.
  2. Platitudinous advice might unintentionally encourage individuals to avoid questioning their actions.
  3. Many times, individuals who already lean towards a certain extreme are more likely to resonate with advice that supports that extreme.
Story Club with George Saunders β€’ 83 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 24
  1. On getting an agent: Agents are essential gatekeepers in the publishing world, helping with submissions and negotiations.
  2. Agent relationships: A good agent can relieve pressure by handling business aspects, letting the writer focus on their art.
  3. Agenting advice: Prospective agents should not charge for reading work, should be transparent about edits and submissions, and communication should be open and respectful.
The Radar β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 25 Feb 24
  1. Knowing you're in a game in job interviews is important. It's not just about qualifications, it's about understanding what evidence interviewers need.
  2. Being yourself in a job interview doesn't mean being average; it means being the best version of yourself. Show your unique stories and adapt to the situation.
  3. Make interviewers care in the first 60 seconds by hooking them with a captivating premise. Drop the script and have a genuine conversation to show your human side.
ASK MOLLY β€’ 471 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 23
  1. The importance of trying, failing, and trying again.
  2. Valuing your own perspective and not always conforming to others' expectations.
  3. Respecting boundaries by not giving unsolicited advice.
Austin's Analects β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. Having a specific date on the calendar for a goal increases the likelihood of actually achieving it.
  2. Most of the food Americans eat is produced by big corporations, which can be harmful. Support local food sources and communities for better health.
  3. When taking advice, prioritize personal stories and insights from people you admire or aspire to be like over generic advice.