The hottest Patient Advocacy Substack posts right now

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Top Health & Wellness Topics
All in Her Head by Jessica Valenti 4913 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. Catholic hospital system like Ascension is fueling the U.S. maternal mortality crisis with closures, affecting patients disproportionately.
  2. Ascension has a pattern of cutting obstetrics services, pushing pregnant patients to travel farther for care, especially in low-income neighborhoods.
  3. Ascension prioritizes cost-cutting over patient safety, leading to dangerous consequences like increased wait times, overworked staff, and ignored alarms.
Weight and Healthcare 798 implied HN points 14 Feb 24
  1. Weight loss and food talk should not happen in healthcare settings without patient consent. It can be harmful and triggering, especially for patients recovering from eating disorders.
  2. Avoid any negative body talk in front of patients and do not label higher-weight patients as 'difficult' or 'challenging' based on their weight. Blaming the patient's body for healthcare failings is detrimental.
  3. Discuss sensitive topics like movement and repositioning out of earshot of the patient or involve them in the conversation. Healthcare should accommodate patients of all sizes without blaming the patient.
Weight and Healthcare 718 implied HN points 06 May 23
  1. Weight stigma in healthcare can be a common issue for higher-weight patients.
  2. Healthcare providers may focus excessively on weight loss even when it may not be relevant to the patient's health concerns.
  3. Patients have the right to refuse weight-focused care and can navigate discussions with their healthcare providers by explaining their reasoning or bypassing weight discussions.
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Are You Okay? 279 implied HN points 27 Oct 23
  1. Finding a good primary care doctor is important for both sickness and wellness, as they can help prevent disease and promote wellness.
  2. When looking for a doctor, consider factors like active listening, evidence-based recommendations, and willingness to refer patients to other specialists.
  3. It's crucial to establish a good patient-doctor relationship from the start, focusing on trust, communication, and teamwork in healthcare.
The Charlotte Ledger 137 implied HN points 16 Oct 23
  1. Atrium Health has stopped suing patients for unpaid medical bills, a practice criticized for targeting vulnerable individuals.
  2. The change comes amidst increasing concern over medical debt burdens on Americans.
  3. Despite halting new lawsuits, Atrium still pursues payment for existing judgments, leaving some patients struggling with debt.
Weight and Healthcare 199 implied HN points 12 Jan 22
  1. Dr. Gregory Dodell focuses on weight-neutral care, treating patients based on behaviors rather than weight.
  2. He learned about weight-neutral care from his wife, Alexis Conason, and practices with a focus on behaviors and lifestyle changes.
  3. Patients can be healthy at any size, and healthcare providers should avoid weight stigma and focus on health-promoting behaviors.
Weight and Healthcare 79 implied HN points 24 Nov 21
  1. Dr. Asher Larmie advocates for weight-neutral healthcare and body-affirming care, focusing on treating patients based on symptoms, not their weight.
  2. Challenging the weight-centric paradigm in healthcare, Dr. Asher Larmie highlights the dangers of anti-fat bias and the harm caused by prescribing weight loss.
  3. Dr. Asher Larmie emphasizes the importance of unlearning biased medical beliefs, promoting fair and equal healthcare for all patients, and educating healthcare professionals on weight-inclusive care.