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Technology Made Simple 219 implied HN points 25 Sep 23
  1. Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) allow for program procedures to execute in a different address space without the programmer having to explicitly write details for the remote interaction.
  2. RPCs are prevalent in modern systems design due to their efficiency, scalability, and flexibility in enabling communication between various services.
  3. RPCs are a powerful tool for building distributed computing systems, offering advantages such as efficiency, scalability, and flexibility in communication between services.
The Bottom Feeder 290 implied HN points 22 Feb 23
  1. The game design for God of War Ragnarok involved combining multiple game systems, resulting in a complex and overwhelming experience for players.
  2. Despite the extensive features and upgrades in the game, many of these elements were found to be unnecessary and not essential for effective gameplay.
  3. Feedback on game design suggests that prioritizing clear, substantive upgrades and reducing the number of systems could lead to a more enjoyable and balanced gaming experience.
Technology Made Simple 79 implied HN points 20 Mar 23
  1. Privacy-preserving Machine Learning keeps the input secret by altering certain details.
  2. Federated Learning allows Amazon to update models without sending data to their centers, saving costs and maintaining privacy.
  3. Amazon ensures fairness in ML by balancing biases in datasets through oversampling and data substitutions.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 25 Jun 23
  1. Approaching Systems Design Interviews requires a systematic strategy to not feel overwhelmed. Leetcode interviews test core ideas, while Systems Design interviews have a larger, more ambiguous scope.
  2. When preparing for Systems Design Interviews, focus on balancing depth and breadth. Avoid getting lost in esoteric details and ensure coverage of essential aspects of complex questions.
  3. Use a framework that views the system as a product to identify core components and showcase expertise effectively during Systems Design Interviews.
Arpit’s Newsletter 58 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. Shopify uses a distributed architecture with pods to handle a large number of shops sharing the same database.
  2. Shopify balances database shards without downtime by moving shops between pods using a tool called ghostferry.
  3. To ensure no downtime or data loss, Shopify follows three phases when moving a shop from one pod to another: batch copy, prepare for cutover, and cutover and updating the routing.
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Technology Made Simple 79 implied HN points 12 Dec 22
  1. Scalability is crucial for systems to handle increased loads like more users without losing performance.
  2. Resilient systems can handle various challenges like constant user actions and security threats.
  3. Automation and loose coupling are key pillars for enhancing the scalability and resilience of systems.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 16 Jan 23
  1. Replication in distributed databases involves keeping copies of data on multiple machines spread across a network.
  2. Benefits of replication in distributed systems include improved accessibility to data and fault tolerance.
  3. Handling changes to replicated data involves choosing between active and passive replication methods, each with its own trade-offs.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 13 Feb 23
  1. Netflix utilized Open Connect Appliances to provide better streaming by localizing content on devices of certain ISPs.
  2. The use of Stateless-service architecture allows any server to step in if one fails, ensuring uninterrupted service.
  3. Netflix's redundancy strategy includes storing data in multiple zones, using 'n+1' redundancy, and employing graceful degradation techniques to maintain limited functionality in case of failure.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 17 Jul 22
  1. Fundamental architectural patterns can help in quickly solving common problems and creating a solid base for project implementation.
  2. Key patterns covered include Layers Pattern, Client-Server Pattern, and Pipe and Filter Pattern, each with specific roles and benefits.
  3. Patterns like Layers focus on separation of concerns, Client-Server centralizes resources for multiple clients, and Pipe and Filter facilitates data processing through a series of components.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 10 Jul 22
  1. Bloom Filters are probabilistic data structures used to efficiently test for membership.
  2. Bloom Filters work by having a bit array of size m with k hash functions mapping values to indices, setting the indices to 1 for a given input.
  3. Bloom Filters are great for reducing unnecessary disk access, but they can result in false positives and need regeneration as more values are added.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 07 Aug 22
  1. Serverless Computing allows developers to build and run code without managing servers, saving costs and increasing flexibility.
  2. In serverless computing, developers pay for the exact amount of server space they need, eliminating expenses for idle infrastructure.
  3. Large server providers offer servers as a service, benefiting small organizations while ensuring scalability and cost-effectiveness.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 23 May 22
  1. Develop solutions with future scaling needs in mind to make things easier down the line.
  2. Spend significant time planning how to divide responsibilities within your team to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. Clearly define your needs and anticipate potential problems to save time and effort in system design.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 02 May 22
  1. Redis is commonly used in Systems Design and has many functionalities, making it suitable for various user needs.
  2. Redis 7.0 has been released, signaling the importance of understanding Redis in System Design.
  3. By expanding your Redis knowledge, you could increase your job opportunities as recruiters actively seek professionals with such expertise.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 25 Apr 22
  1. Database sharding is crucial for large-scale systems, allowing databases to be split across multiple computers for quicker searches by filtering out unnecessary tables.
  2. Sharding based on important characteristics, like user platforms, can improve data analysis and streamline data management for platforms like social media sites.
  3. Utilizing database sharding heavily can lead to more efficient operations and a better user experience, commonly seen in large-scale social media platforms.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 18 Apr 22
  1. As projects grow, you may need multiple teams to handle different components, changing how you work from being in one team to collaborating across teams.
  2. Conway's Law emphasizes that a system's design structure mirrors the organization's communication structure, highlighting the importance of how teams interact when developing a project.
  3. Learning about the risks in current software architecture design approaches can help in adapting and improving your skills for dealing with larger project scopes.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 13 Jul 22
  1. Coding interviews may have unexpected questions, like system design scenarios, which are valuable to practice.
  2. Implementing a file syncing algorithm for low-bandwidth networks, especially when the files are mostly the same, is an interesting problem.
  3. Sharing content and requesting feedback can help reach a wider audience and improve the quality of the publication.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 20 Jun 22
  1. CDNs use a distributed system of servers to improve user experience by connecting them to the closest server.
  2. CDNs offer benefits like speed, cost-effectiveness, scalability, uptime, and improved security for applications.
  3. Drawbacks of CDNs include potential high costs, third-party data usage concerns, and dependence on the quality of server placement.