The hottest Programming Languages Substack posts right now

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The Chip Letter 8222 implied HN points 30 Dec 23
  1. The Chip Letter had 75 posts, over 500,000 views, and gained over 7,000 new subscribers in 2023.
  2. Highlighted posts included the story of Erlang at WhatsApp, the disappearance of minicomputers, and a celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Integrated Circuit.
  3. 2024 will bring posts on the history of microcontrollers, Moore's Law, the Motorola 6800, '8-bit', GPUs, TPUs, and more, with a 20% discount available for new annual subscriptions.
Confessions of a Code Addict 360 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. The live session focuses on learning to analyze and reason about code performance through iterative optimization using 1BRC as a case study.
  2. Attendees will explore various topics including performance profiling with flamegraphs, I/O strategies, and leveraging SIMD instructions.
  3. Prerequisites include a few years of coding experience in languages like C, C++, Java, or others, with a specific focus on Java during the session.
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Deus In Machina 217 implied HN points 04 Jan 24
  1. The history of C compilers dates back to the early 1970s with the creation of the first C compiler for Unix.
  2. Early C compilers like the PDP C Compiler and the Portable C Compiler laid the foundation for modern C programming.
  3. The development of standards like C89 brought uniformity and clarity to the C language, leading to the evolution of modern compilers like GCC and LLVM.
Console 354 implied HN points 03 Sep 23
  1. Zammad is an open source user support/ticketing solution managed via various communication channels.
  2. Martin founded Zammad with a focus on open source philosophy and sustainable business models.
  3. The Zammad team aims to enhance the platform, make it widely used globally, and uphold its commitment to open source values.
JVM Weekly 78 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. The future of Scala is being discussed, evaluating its potential and evolution within the programming language landscape.
  2. Uber managed to significantly reduce logging costs by integrating the Compressed Log Processor (CLP) tool with the Log4j library.
  3. Implementing Virtual Threads, like in the case of PostgreSQL TPC-C benchmark using Java 21, can present challenges and unexpected issues that require careful handling.
Deus In Machina 326 implied HN points 29 Jun 23
  1. Racket is an advanced modern Lisp with a wide range of features and tools for developers in 2023.
  2. Racket is especially great for beginners, young programmers, and academics due to its simplicity, built-in IDE, and gradual learning curve.
  3. Racket's unique language building capabilities allow for creating domain-specific languages, documentation languages, and more, making it a versatile and powerful tool for programmers.
Deus In Machina 36 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Compiling the Linux DOOM source code requires setting up the source code from the id-software repository and navigating through different build methods like Make and CMake.
  2. Encountering and solving errors in the compilation process involves making adjustments to data types, structure pointers, and handling variables like errno to ensure successful building of the DOOM executable.
  3. To address color depth issues and display errors while running the DOOM game on modern systems, utilizing tools like Xephyr, setting specific environmental variables, and modifying code sections related to color maps and display resolutions becomes critical.
Adam’s Notes 255 implied HN points 17 Feb 23
  1. AI tools will enhance software developers' productivity and create new possibilities.
  2. Historically, productivity increases in software engineering have occurred with advancements like high-level programming languages, open-source culture, and cloud computing.
  3. Lower barriers to coding will attract more people to software engineering, leading to new opportunities, growth, and products.
QED 1 HN point 26 Apr 24
  1. Writing code takes practice: The more you code, the faster you'll make decisions and write code.
  2. Continuous learning is essential: Understand problem domains, master tools, and know how to acquire new information as a junior developer.
  3. Learn deeply and take on challenging projects: Focus on mastering key concepts and push yourself with difficult projects to grow as a developer.
Deus In Machina 36 implied HN points 26 Oct 23
  1. Pascal language was designed with a focus on clean and readable code, making it ideal for teaching programming.
  2. Turbo Pascal revolutionized programming by combining editing, compiling, and linking steps in one integrated environment.
  3. The decline of Pascal was due to factors like its focus on teaching, rapid advancements in computing technology, and the popularity of Unix and C programming language.
Burning the Midnight Coffee 6 HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. Memory unsafety is not just a technical problem, but a cultural issue, requiring a shift in mindset within the software development community.
  2. The convenience factor plays a crucial role in memory safety; even safe languages have pathways to create memory vulnerabilities that may be more convenient to use than safe alternatives.
  3. Prioritizing measures like preventing buffer overflows in languages like C and C++ can have a significant impact on reducing vulnerabilities before focusing on more complex memory management concerns.
Sibelius’s Newsletter 19 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. Meta game in software development involves strategic decision-making beyond coding.
  2. The evolution of meta game for developers includes key milestones like Git, JavaScript, and AI technologies.
  3. AI is transforming software development, offering benefits such as faster development cycles, improved quality, enhanced user experience, better decision-making, and cost savings.
Bad Software Advice 1 HN point 04 Mar 24
  1. SQL can be intimidating, but using Object Relational Mappers (ORM) allows you to work with objects in memory instead of worrying about SQL intricacies.
  2. Abstraction in software, like using ORM, lets you hide the complexity of data management and focus more on coding comfortably.
  3. There are many ORM options available for various programming languages, each with cool names, making it easier to work with databases without diving deep into SQL.
Why Now 5 implied HN points 26 Oct 23
  1. Malloy is a new query language for describing data relationships and transformations in SQL databases.
  2. Malloy compiles to SQL optimized for your database, has a semantic data model and query language, excels at reading and writing nested data sets, and handles complex queries seamlessly.
  3. Malloy also introduces a semantic layer similar to Looker, allowing for saving calculations like measures and defining dimensions to describe and transform data.
Making Things 1 implied HN point 06 Nov 23
  1. Many semantic layers are built with YAML for its readability and quick setup, but it can lead to a poor developer experience.
  2. YAML lacks immediate feedback for complex expressions, forcing users into a guessing game when writing configurations.
  3. Implementing a real programming language instead of just a configuration DSL can provide instant feedback and support complex data modeling.
Dan’s MEGA65 Digest 1 HN point 21 Jun 23
  1. Vintage computers like the Commodore offer a unique and focused environment for program development without distractions.
  2. Cross development, where modern computers are used to develop programs for vintage machines, provides advantages like faster work, better collaboration, and code reusability.
  3. Tools like XC=BASIC, a cross-compiled language, enable powerful programming with the simplicity of BASIC and speed of machine code for the MEGA65.
Irregular Ideas with Paul Kedrosky & Eric Norlin of SKV 1 HN point 31 Mar 23
  1. Early technology development often starts with simple wrappers around new platforms
  2. Application evolution now involves more direct feedback from users, leading to rapid development
  3. AI applications are evolving quickly, moving away from wrappers towards more complex services, but rapid evolution may lead to destabilization
derw 0 implied HN points 10 Oct 23
  1. When creating a new programming language, start by making examples to define how it will look and function.
  2. Select a language for your compiler that you are comfortable with, and consider libraries to simplify parsing and generating output.
  3. Include key components like a tokenizer, parser, and generator in your compiler, and focus on type checking and editor tooling for a better user experience.
Precipitation 0 implied HN points 25 Apr 23
  1. Software engineering often involves layer upon layer of abstraction. Could LLM's like ChatGPT or Copilot replace some of these layers?
  2. Consider the trade-offs before replacing abstractions with LLM's. While it may improve performance, there could be risks such as creating unmaintainable code.
  3. Exploring the efficiency of using LLM's for generating CloudFormation templates could lead to productivity improvements and faster deployment speeds, but potential drawbacks and testing need to be considered.
Technically 0 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. WebAssembly allows developers to write code in faster languages like C++ and Rust that can run in the browser, solving performance limitations of JavaScript.
  2. Code running in the browser can only be written in JavaScript, leading to the development of WebAssembly to execute non-JavaScript code in the browser.
  3. WebAssembly can be used to offload specific parts of applications into modules that run faster, like using C++ or Rust code compiled into WebAssembly for more efficient operations.
Deus In Machina 0 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. The DOIT philosophy involves Overcoming, Iterating, and Triumphing to combat Decision Fatigue and the Paralysis of Choice. By simplifying goals and focusing on simplicity, project completion can be more effective.
  2. Decision Fatigue refers to deteriorating decision quality after prolonged decision-making sessions, leading to reduced self-control and avoidance of decisions.
  3. Paralysis of Choice occurs when faced with too many options, causing feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and potential regret over chosen alternatives, leading to satisfaction issues.