Cold Button Issues

Cold Button Issues delves into philosophy, politics, and socio-cultural critique, exploring topics like effective altruism, moral philosophy, public policy, religion, and societal trends. It offers critical analysis on a range of issues from fertility rates, to existential risks, utilizing a thought-provoking, interdisciplinary approach.

Philosophy Politics Ethics and Morality Religion and Belief Societal Trends Public Policy Health and Welfare Education Existential Risks Effective Altruism

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39 implied HN points β€’ 24 Oct 23
  1. Setting a probability of zero for the existence of supernatural or paranormal powers is statistical bigotry.
  2. Groups organizing paranormal challenges likely don't overestimate the probability of these powers, providing a reasonable non-zero estimate for their existence.
  3. Extreme skepticism towards supernatural claims is justifiable for many paranormal phenomena, but practical implications should be considered for high-stake situations.
157 implied HN points β€’ 05 Sep 22
  1. Some past longtermist movements have failed to show successful examples.
  2. Perpetual foundations exemplify commitment to longterm thinking.
  3. Looking at the failures of past longtermist movements can inform better future actions.
117 implied HN points β€’ 30 Aug 22
  1. Ord argues that moral indifference justifies itself, as seen in the case of embryos.
  2. Ord's extension applies the logic of moral indifference to global poverty and animal suffering.
  3. Ord challenges the idea that stated moral beliefs align with actions, suggesting departures as arguments against those beliefs.
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157 implied HN points β€’ 12 Apr 22
  1. Young effective altruists interested in public policy should consider joining the Republican Party.
  2. There is less competition for young people to advance within the Republican Party compared to other parties.
  3. Joining the Republican Party can provide opportunities to stand out and advance in areas like politics, law, and activism.
78 implied HN points β€’ 25 Sep 22
  1. New academic disciplines can emerge from existing ones due to increased knowledge and specialization.
  2. Political activism can lead to the creation of new disciplines that align with specific movements or ideologies.
  3. Effective altruists have a potential interest in funding a new academic discipline, such as welfare economics, to evaluate aggregate well-being and address interdisciplinary concerns.
78 implied HN points β€’ 19 Aug 22
  1. Some ministers may not actually believe in God or the teachings they preach.
  2. Offering quitting bonuses to non-believing pastors can help filter out uncommitted individuals.
  3. Programs like the Clergy Project provide support and grants to encourage apostate pastors to quit.
78 implied HN points β€’ 10 Aug 22
  1. Loneliness is a growing issue in the US due to declining social ties like marriage and religious memberships.
  2. Research shows loneliness is linked to health problems and reduced life satisfaction.
  3. Possible interventions to combat loneliness include supporting stronger marriages, reducing wedding costs, and promoting fraternal organizations.
78 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jul 22
  1. About 1 million desired children are missing in the US every year due to lower fertility rates than desired by American women.
  2. Supporting women to have the number of children they want can result in more years of human life and help achieve important life goals for millions of women.
  3. Advocacy, research, and education about fertility decline are key interventions to help women achieve desired fertility rates.
58 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jun 22
  1. Effective philanthropy focuses on making a real impact and efficient allocation of resources in philanthropy.
  2. Effective philanthropy has had a significant impact on the donations made in recent years, outperforming effective altruism in money moved.
  3. Encouraging effective altruism doesn't necessarily require everyone to adopt the ideology, but can focus on supporting effective actions and organizations in various focus areas.
58 implied HN points β€’ 17 May 22
  1. Failed apocalyptic predictions do not mean the world is safe.
  2. Sophisticated arguments exist for modern apocalypses.
  3. We may underestimate existential risks because we have survived so far.
58 implied HN points β€’ 15 Apr 22
  1. Bodily autonomy is a widely supported value.
  2. Intactivists face challenges due to accusations of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
  3. Support for religious exemptions is crucial for the success of intactivist movements.
19 implied HN points β€’ 14 May 22
  1. Sweet Valley High series had a team of ghostwriters overseen by Francine Pascal.
  2. The original books had controversial and outdated storylines, with recurring themes of fat-shaming and unrealistic resolutions.
  3. The reboot, Sweet Valley Confidential, disappointed nostalgic fans with its lack of continuity and missed characterizations.
2 HN points β€’ 06 Nov 22
  1. Playing the Powerball lottery can have positive expected value for charitable Americans due to tax deductions for donations.
  2. People in states with low or no income tax who are high-income and willing to buy multiple tickets may benefit financially from playing the Powerball.
  3. The number of other players and winners in the Powerball draw can affect the expected value of a ticket, making it a potentially favorable investment for some individuals.
0 implied HN points β€’ 12 Apr 22
  1. Cold Button Issues is a newsletter about philosophy, politics, and gossip.
  2. The newsletter is
  3. Coming soon at
  4. Stay tuned and subscribe for updates.
0 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jul 22
  1. Many professions in the United States require both a graduate professional degree and an undergraduate degree, leading to unnecessary costs and wasted time.
  2. Occupational licensing requirements for superfluous undergraduate degrees can be abolished in many states through ballot initiatives.
  3. Adding extra educational requirements for professions has been shown to provide no added benefits and results in higher costs for consumers and limited quality improvements.