EIP-2535 Diamonds

Write smart contracts with virtually no size limit in a modular and gas-efficient way.

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And their main takeaways
7 implied HN points 21 Mar 23
  1. The EIP-2535 Diamonds standard took 4 years to develop and optimize for flexibility and interoperability.
  2. To comply with EIP-2535, a smart contract must implement specific functions outlined in the standard.
  3. The `diamondCut` upgrade function in EIP-2535 is optional, but implementing it enables interoperability with existing and future tooling.
3 implied HN points 08 Apr 23
  1. Implementing EIP-2535 Diamonds requires a fallback function and specific external functions.
  2. The EIP-2535 Diamonds standard is simpler compared to other token standards like ERC20.
  3. Understanding how Solidity stores data and delegatecall is key for working with EIP-2535 Diamonds.
1 implied HN point 07 Apr 23
  1. The EIP-2535 Diamond standard emphasizes the importance of emitting and returning immutable functions for transparency.
  2. Transparency is crucial to prevent confusion and incorrect data about immutable functions in diamonds.
  3. Ensuring compliance with EIP-2535 Diamond standards avoids situations where functions are unintentionally duplicated or incorrectly referenced.
0 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. In diamond upgrades, you can add, replace, or remove external functions to incorporate new state variables.
  2. When adding new state variables to a shared struct in a diamond, only the external functions that use them need to be replaced.
  3. To upgrade a diamond with new state variables, you only need to add new external functions and replace existing ones that use the new state variables.
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