The hottest Smart Contracts Substack posts right now

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Untangled with Charley Johnson 19 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Crypto industry needs to work on earning public trust and creating real value in the world
  2. To move forward, the crypto industry should focus on understanding how blockchains interact with social systems
  3. The e-book 'Crypto Untangled' aims to help people understand what's happening in the crypto world and encourage industry participants to address blindspots
Cryptocurrency and Friends 235 implied HN points 16 Feb 23
  1. Decentralization in rollups is about prioritizing one honest party over a majority of validators.
  2. Rollups use a trusted third party like a smart contract instead of an honest majority to determine truth.
  3. The goal of decentralization in rollups is to empower one honest party to make decisions for the entire system in critical moments.
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EIP-2535 Diamonds 7 implied HN points 28 Jan 24
  1. In smart contract systems, a unique method is required to initialize state variables in proxy contracts or diamonds.
  2. EIP-2535 Diamonds offer a better way to initialize by writing a single initialization function for all facets.
  3. The recommended approach is to use composition instead of inheritance for initialization to keep code clean and efficient.
skry 58 implied HN points 09 Mar 23
  1. Avatar-Centered Design is essential in the metaverse and web3 to understand avatars' significance and influence.
  2. The increasing importance of digital avatars is driven by trends like self-expression, NFTs, and avatar interoperability.
  3. For Avatar-Centered Design, it's crucial to consider questions about avatar interoperability, value sources, and point of transfer.
The ZenMode 42 implied HN points 05 Mar 23
  1. Gas price on a blockchain is like a fee you pay for transactions to be processed faster.
  2. Smart contracts on a blockchain are like self-executing agreements that automate processes based on code.
  3. Smart contracts involve agreement between parties, coding in Solidity, execution on the Ethereum Virtual Machine, and inclusion in the blockchain by miners.
Coinsights 38 implied HN points 02 Mar 23
  1. Smart contract wallets provide an enhanced wallet experience by enabling features like multi-user transactions and spending limits.
  2. Smart contract wallets still require an EOA to initiate transactions, but new advancements like Account Abstraction may change this in the future.
  3. Although smart contract wallets offer customizability, they come with downsides like deployment costs and hacking risks.
Coinsights 38 implied HN points 22 Feb 23
  1. EVM supports two types of accounts: Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) and Contract Accounts (smart contracts)
  2. EOAs are controlled by private keys and can initiate transactions, while smart contracts run on code and cannot initiate transactions
  3. Smart Contract Wallets (SCWs) enhance wallet experience by utilizing the customizability of smart contracts
Crypto Good 26 implied HN points 06 Jun 23
  1. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are reshaping the future of work by living and experimenting with new methods in real-time.
  2. DAOs are fundamentally different by design, reimagining work on the decentralized web and setting new standards.
  3. The future of work may be led by DAOs powered by sovereign individuals, AI, and high technology.
Cybernetic Forests 19 implied HN points 18 Apr 21
  1. Artists are experimenting with digital contracts and smart contracts in art projects like Terra0 and Plantoid, exploring new forms of economic units and self-evolving sculptures.
  2. Cryptocurrencies like Trust/Risk challenge traditional financial systems by creating decentralized charitable networks where money is burned into the price of a currency and used for communal support.
  3. The rise of cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin demonstrates a shift towards digital rituals and communal investments, rather than traditional monetary transactions, with a focus on speculative value and community engagement.
skry 0 implied HN points 13 Apr 23
  1. Account Abstraction proposes a new Ethereum standard using smart contracts instead of keys, improving usability and facilitating user adoption.
  2. Account Abstraction solves issues by simplifying Ethereum user experience, allowing for multifactor accounts and easier transaction signing.
  3. Account Abstraction works through components like Bundlers, UserOperations, and Smart Contract Accounts, transforming how transactions are managed.
Coin Metrics' State of the Network 0 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. The Ethereum Dencun upgrade is a significant advancement that enhances scalability and security for the network.
  2. EIP-4844 introduces 'blob-carrying transactions' to improve data availability scaling and shift demand towards Layer-2 solutions.
  3. Upgrades such as EIP-4788, EIP-7514, and EIP-7045 impact validators, staking operations, and security within the Ethereum ecosystem.
For your consideration 0 implied HN points 07 Sep 23
  1. The Metaverse must allow objects to be arbitrarily and dynamically divisible or fusible, reflecting real-world transformations.
  2. NFT Smart Contracts in the Metaverse should apply predefined rules for permissible actions on objects, enabling fusion or fission on demand.
  3. Objects in the Metaverse have shareable components, allowing for different rights and behaviors that can be bought, sold, or transferred based on defined rules.
Joshua Gans' Newsletter 0 implied HN points 04 Jan 19
  1. Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize smart contracts by using a distributed ledger with a 'Turing complete' virtual machine.
  2. Smart contract applications are currently limited, with a few examples being used as substitutes for escrow services or for generating controlled lists.
  3. Economic innovation is crucial for the success of smart contracts on the blockchain, as they need to incentivize human action effectively to ensure contract performance.
Spatial Web AI by Denise Holt 0 implied HN points 12 Oct 22
  1. The Spatial Web Foundation and VERSES Technologies are building a new computing technology stack with three tiers - Interface, Logic & Data focused on merging AR & VR experiences with the physical world.
  2. VERSES Technologies' AI Operating System called KOSM™ enables cognitive computing methods for processing spatial and UX data, and includes Artificial Intelligence based on the 'Free Energy Principle.'
  3. Distributed Ledger Technologies like Blockchain, with Smart Contracts at their core, offer secure automation of transactions, providing trust, security, and privacy crucial for a prosperous Web 3.0 experience.