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Bite code! 1100 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. The splat operator ( ) in Python is used for unpacking function arguments and defining infinite (variadic) parameters.
  2. Differentiate between arguments and parameters in Python; parameters are defined variables in a function signature, while arguments are values passed to those parameters when calling the function.
  3. Positional and keyword arguments in Python allow passing arguments by position or by name in a function call.
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Deus In Machina 72 implied HN points 02 Mar 23
  1. Simula was a significant influence on the design of languages like C++ and Java, showcasing Object-Oriented Programming concepts.
  2. Finding an implementation for Simula, like Portable Simula, can be a bit challenging but rewarding.
  3. Simula uses unique syntax like keyword-based blocks, explicit statement endings with semicolons, and different assignment operators for text variables.
The Software & Data Spectrum 39 implied HN points 26 Mar 23
  1. In R, if, else, and else if statements have similar logic to other programming languages but with different syntax.
  2. While loops in R allow a program to run continuously until a condition is met, and can include if statements and break statements.
  3. For loops in R iterate over objects and execute code for each loop, distinguishing from while loops as they execute code for each variable in the object.
Infinitely More 12 implied HN points 11 Mar 23
  1. Real-valued functions can exhibit various behaviors as they approach infinity.
  2. Different functions can have the same behavior at infinity, based on their rates of growth.
  3. Defining an equivalence relation helps capture the idea of functions having the same behavior at infinity.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 07 Jul 22
  1. Math and logic are essential in problem-solving as they can help analyze and solve complex scenarios.
  2. Understanding periodicity in functions can be applied to analyze repetitive patterns in problems with infinite instructions.
  3. Analyzing the impact of direction and location in a periodic function can reveal insights on the behavior of a system over time, leading to accurate solutions.
EIP-2535 Diamonds 1 implied HN point 07 Apr 23
  1. The EIP-2535 Diamond standard emphasizes the importance of emitting and returning immutable functions for transparency.
  2. Transparency is crucial to prevent confusion and incorrect data about immutable functions in diamonds.
  3. Ensuring compliance with EIP-2535 Diamond standards avoids situations where functions are unintentionally duplicated or incorrectly referenced.
Prompt Engineering 0 implied HN points 14 Jun 23
  1. OpenAI has updated the GPT-3.5 model with a larger context length of 16,384 tokens, allowing for more data input and better results.
  2. There is a 75% cost reduction on OpenAI's models, and a 25% cost reduction on input tokens for gpt-3.5-turbo.
  3. OpenAI announced functions that allow the model to make API calls, write emails, query databases, and more, taking LLM applications to the next level.