
#OpenSourceDiscovery is a biweekly Substack that curates and discusses open-source projects across various domains. It covers tools for developers, privacy-focused applications, AI and machine learning frameworks, web analytics suites, and alternatives to mainstream software, emphasizing utility, ease of use, and potential impact on development practices.

Open-Source Software Developer Tools Privacy and Security AI and Machine Learning Web Analytics Alternative Software Solutions Programming Languages Desktop and Web Development Data Management and Analytics Content Creation and Management

The hottest Substack posts of #OpenSourceDiscovery

And their main takeaways
0 implied HN points 28 Mar 20
  1. Zulip is an open source alternative to Slack.
  2. Zulip is a group chat application with real-time chat, threaded conversations, and topics.
  3. Zulip's tech stack includes Python and Django.
0 implied HN points 22 Feb 20
  1. Blocks is a webpage builder without code.
  2. It is JSX-based.
  3. Blocks uses a tech stack of Javascript.
0 implied HN points 15 Feb 20
  1. Leasot parses //TODOs and //FIXMEs from code comments.
  2. Useful tool to keep track of tasks that might get lost.
  3. Tech stack for Leasot includes Javascript and Typescript.
0 implied HN points 08 Feb 20
  1. Storybook is a developer environment for UI components.
  2. It allows designers and developers to work on UI components independently, making them reusable across different projects.
  3. Technology stack for Storybook includes Javascript and Shell.
0 implied HN points 07 Jan 20
  1. Face-api.js is a JavaScript API for face detection and recognition in the browser and nodejs.
  2. The technology stack for face-api.js includes Javascript and Tensorflow.
  3. You can find a demo and the source code for face-api.js on Github.
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0 implied HN points 19 Mar 23
  1. tldraw is a simple whiteboard web app with a React component named <Tldraw> and a renderer package for React components in a canvas-style UI.
  2. The simplicity of tldraw ensures focus and efficiency without unnecessary system resource overhead.
  3. A vscode plugin is available for tldraw, but having embedded documentation for React component integration would be beneficial.
0 implied HN points 11 Dec 22
  1. Discord-ChatGPT-Bot is a Node.js app to give chatGPT answers on Discord
  2. The demo for end-users is easy to use and more preferred than the actual chatGPT interface
  3. Developers may need more time to think how to integrate the bot, additional documentation and roadmap would be helpful
0 implied HN points 01 May 22
  1. Frigate is a local NVR with real-time local object detection for IP cameras
  2. Tech stack includes Python, OpenCV, TensorFlow, MQTT, RTMP, Javascript
  3. Share cool open-source projects with the community
0 implied HN points 27 Mar 21
  1. DVC is like Git for managing machine learning projects.
  2. DVC versions and transfers datasets, ML models, and experiments.
  3. DVC works on top of Git and supports cloud storages like S3, GCS, Azure, FTP, and NFS.
0 implied HN points 17 Jan 21
  1. Papercups is an alternative to Intercom, with features like Slack integration, markdown & emoji support, team, and conversation management.
  2. Papercups is a live customer chat web app.
  3. Papercups tech stack includes Elixir and Typescript.
0 implied HN points 12 Sep 20
  1. RSSHub is an RSS feed aggregator.
  2. It can generate and aggregate feeds from various sources.
  3. RSSHub is extensible and supports sources like blogs, news, GitHub, Twitter, and forums.
0 implied HN points 29 Aug 20
  1. Mayan EDMS is a smart document manager for office automation.
  2. Mayan EDMS allows storing, introspecting, and categorizing files with various features like OCR, label, sign, etc.
  3. The tech stack for Mayan EDMS includes Django, Python, and Javascript.
0 implied HN points 30 May 20
  1. A lightweight CSS framework called no-class.css was discovered.
  2. This framework does not require any class and automatically styles elements when added to HTML.
  3. Developed by @davidpaulsson, the source code and demo can be found on GitHub.
0 implied HN points 14 Mar 20
  1. Trudesk is an open-source alternative to zendesk.
  2. It is a helpdesk & ticket management system.
  3. Tech stack includes JavaScript, Node.js, and MongoDB.
0 implied HN points 07 Mar 20
  1. OhMyForm is an open-source alternative to TypeForm and Google Forms.
  2. It allows users to create beautiful, mobile-ready forms.
  3. OhMyForm is built using a tech stack of Javascript, Vue, MongoDB, and Node.js.
0 implied HN points 29 Feb 20
  1. js2flowchart.js is a library that converts JavaScript code into SVG flowcharts
  2. The tool creates beautiful visual representations of JavaScript code
  3. The author of js2flowchart.js is bliashenko
0 implied HN points 25 Jan 20
  1. Node-GeoIP is a Node.js API to get address from IP via MaxMind's GeoIP API.
  2. Node-GeoIP is a free library created by bluesmoon and Risk3Sixty.
  3. A demo of Node-GeoIP can show you the address of your IP automatically.
0 implied HN points 14 Jan 20
  1. Flowy is a javascript library for creating flowcharts.
  2. The author of Flowy is a 19 year old developer named Alyssaxuu.
  3. Flowy's tech stack includes Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
0 implied HN points 02 Jul 23
  1. Kutt is an open-source alternative to Bitly for URL shortening with features like custom domain support and built-in analytics.
  2. Kutt community has developed third-party packages for easy integration and browser extensions for simple link management.
  3. Challenges with Kutt include disabled signup functionality, outdated dependencies, and default environment variable issues.
0 implied HN points 26 Feb 23
  1. RudderStack is a tool that combines customer activities from websites and apps into a central customer database.
  2. RudderStack offers a Transformations feature allowing customization of events info, improving flexibility.
  3. Privacy and security are key features of RudderStack, providing control over data sent to analytical tools.
0 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. CodeRabbit AI PR Reviewer is an AI-powered GitHub action that reviews code by commenting on relevant code snippets and additional commits.
  2. The AI PR Reviewer offers high-quality contextual review comments and allows discussions with the bot, enhancing developer awareness of code quality.
  3. Though the bot's response to comments may take around 20-30 seconds, it complements human review workflows and enables teams to handle initial code reviews efficiently.
0 implied HN points 02 Apr 23
  1. PhotoPrism is an AI-powered photo app with features like face/object recognition and smart search filters.
  2. It offers feature parity with Google Photos and a quality filter to help with image organization.
  3. One downside is the lack of a remote sync client for Linux, requiring third-party clients for seamless backup sync.
0 implied HN points 22 Jan 23
  1. Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase, providing APIs for real-time database operations and authentication.
  2. Supabase offers edge functions for quickly creating serverless functions, saving money compared to Firebase, and giving full control of data.
  3. Although Supabase can be overwhelming to start with and has limited features compared to Firebase, it has its utility for production-ready cases.
0 implied HN points 08 Jan 23
  1. Upptime is a tool to monitor uptime and create a status page using GitHub services.
  2. Setting up Upptime is effortless and there are no worries about hosting costs or maintenance.
  3. The UI of Upptime has room for improvement to be more neat and minimalistic.
0 implied HN points 04 Sep 22
  1. Danfojs is a JavaScript data analysis toolkit like Pandas in JavaScript.
  2. It offers high performance data structures for manipulating structured data.
  3. The library supports features for time series and plotting.
0 implied HN points 21 Aug 22
  1. Novu is a service that helps manage multi-channel notifications with a single API.
  2. Novu connects major notification providers for Email/SMS.
  3. Novu's API server code/docs are available via docker image, but starting with it may not be as easy as expected.
0 implied HN points 20 Feb 22
  1. Tooljet is a low-code framework for building business applications
  2. Tooljet allows connection to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, and more
  3. Author Navaneeth Pk provides the source and demo links for Tooljet
0 implied HN points 26 Dec 21
  1. Listmonk is a self-hosted newsletter manager
  2. Listmonk is written in Go and packaged as a single binary
  3. Listmonk's tech stack includes Go, Vue, and PostgreSQL
0 implied HN points 25 Jul 21
  1. BundlePhobia helps find the performance impact of adding an npm package.
  2. CLI for BundlePhobia is available, created by @AdrieanKhisbe.
  3. Know the cost of adding frontend dependencies to your project with BundlePhobia.