The hottest Substack posts of Richard’s Substack

And their main takeaways
0 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. The Guardian is targeting Richard Edelman's reputation in their reporting.
  2. The Guardian relies on biased sources and innuendo without providing definitive evidence of malfeasance at Edelman.
  3. Edelman has a wide global presence, but The Guardian focuses on UAE and Saudi Arabia without considering other influential countries like Japan, Germany, UK, and USA.
0 implied HN points 16 Jul 23
  1. The World Happiness Report 2023 and the Global Happiness 2023 survey differ in their rankings of countries.
  2. The World Happiness Report includes Hong Kong and Taiwan as countries, while some argue they are part of China.
  3. Countries switch quintiles between the two happiness studies, leading to significant discrepancies.
0 implied HN points 04 Aug 23
  1. Top 23 rising science institutions are all Chinese
  2. 41 out of the Top 50 rising institutions are Chinese
  3. China is the dominant country for scientific research on the Nature Index
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0 implied HN points 09 Aug 23
  1. Study by University of Cambridge shows 70% of the world view China favorably, except for Western countries at 23%.
  2. Western countries are shown to have negative views towards China fueled by fear of loss of dominance, jealousy, and inability to address their own issues.
  3. Divergence in perception of China between Global South and Global North highlighted, with Pew Research's biased survey showing negative views from Global North.
0 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. Population forecasts are not facts, they are projections based on different scenarios.
  2. Different groups and academics have varying forecasts that contradict UN projections.
  3. Forecasts are more like art than science, showing trends but not definite outcomes.