The (Unofficial) Svelte JS Newsletter

The (Unofficial) Svelte JS Newsletter provides monthly updates on Svelte, including its ecosystem, feature releases, community projects, and events. It covers advancements in Svelte and SvelteKit, showcasing both technical improvements like bug fixes and new functionalities, and highlights community contributions and resources for developers.

Software Development Web Development Frameworks Open Source Projects Community Events Programming Languages Developer Tools and Resources

The hottest Substack posts of The (Unofficial) Svelte JS Newsletter

And their main takeaways
19 implied HN points 01 Oct 23
  1. Svelte 4.2.1 was released with fixes to HTML, CSS, and sourcemap compilation.
  2. The latest version of Svelte language tools enhances component references and fixes issues with automated types.
  3. SvelteKit now has a catch-all handler in +server.js for unimplemented valid server requests.
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:
19 implied HN points 01 Apr 23
  1. Loads of new features in the Svelte compiler like support for 'svelte-ignore' and improvements in inputs and transitions
  2. Updates in SvelteKit include new features like 'cookies.getAll' and enhancements in managing form submission status
  3. Community showcase highlights various apps, sites built with Svelte, learning resources, and libraries/tools/components
0 implied HN points 01 Dec 22
  1. SvelteKit 1.0 is almost here with many new features and improvements.
  2. Important breaking changes to be aware of in SvelteKit.
  3. Updates in the Svelte compiler options for faster compilation.