
The tldraw Substack focuses on communicating team news, providing updates on product developments, and offering detailed insights into specific features or enhancements of the tldraw tool. Regular topics include introduction of new functionalities, improvements on existing features, open-sourcing of core libraries, and enhancements aimed at improving user collaboration, design capabilities, and overall performance.

Product Updates Feature Enhancements User Collaboration Design Capabilities Performance Improvements Open Source Contributions Development Tools Integration

The hottest Substack posts of tldraw

And their main takeaways
58 implied HN points 26 May 23
  1. Enhanced presence features like cursor names, viewport following, snapshot links, and a laser pointer added
  2. Introduction of people menu for changing name and color, zooming to other users, and following users
  3. New tools like Laser Tool, snapshot links, text label alignment, text pasting, checkbox shape introduced
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:
58 implied HN points 10 Feb 23
  1. Velocity-based arrow binding feature added for precise placement
  2. Improved text editing interactions for easier use
  3. Introduced a new X Box shape for wireframing
39 implied HN points 03 Mar 23
  1. The update brings a new design interface with improved performance.
  2. An open source release of the Signia library is available for developers.
  3. Various tweaks, fixes, and improvements were implemented, including better app performance and enhanced drawing quality.
4 HN points 02 Mar 23
  1. Signia is an original library that offers a core reactive state management system for TypeScript using a new lazy reactivity model based on logical clocks.
  2. Signia's main differentiating features are incremental derivations for saving work during re-computations and transactions with built-in support for rollbacks.
  3. The scalability of Signia's signals is enhanced by always caching derived values and emitting change descriptions (diffs) to incrementally recompute values, offering a new approach to reactivity.