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Substack 873 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. Recommendations feature on Substack drives significant subscriber growth, with 50% of new subscriptions and 25% of new paid subscriptions coming from it.
  2. Substack is enhancing the Recommendations feature to allow writers to curate scenes for readers, expanding the reach and enabling a peer-to-peer system of trusted endorsements.
  3. Writers can customize and recommend more publications and profiles to readers, fostering a symbiotic media ecosystem and helping each other grow their audiences on Substack.
Gordian Knot News 87 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. The user created a new Site Directory on the GKN Navigation Bar for easier access to all posts, organized by subject and rated.
  2. The new directory also includes links to PDF versions on the Flop book site, which are more portable, better referenced, and likely more up-to-date.
  3. The user seeks feedback on the functionality of the links in the Site Directory and encourages users to report any that do not work.
Podcasting 2.0 98 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. Podcasting is experiencing a winter phase, with struggles in monetization and platform acquisitions.
  2. Apple's embrace of RSS-based podcasting with features like episode transcripts signals a commitment to open collaboration.
  3. Podcasting 2.0 focuses on enhancing RSS feeds with new features in an open and community-driven manner.
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Brick by Brick 27 implied HN points 21 Aug 23
  1. SaaS companies often use tiered pricing with free, middle, and high tiers to attract different customer segments.
  2. Each tier serves a purpose: free for lead generation, middle as the anchor attracting most customers, and high for generating the most revenue.
  3. Assigning features to pricing tiers has implications on product development, requiring deliberate assignment, modular implementation, and robust analytics.
thezvi 1 HN point 15 Feb 24
  1. Gemini Advanced shows potential in some areas but is perceived as slightly behind ChatGPT overall.
  2. Gemini Advanced is faster and offers unlimited messages compared to ChatGPT, making it beneficial for workflow.
  3. Gemini Advanced has pros like good explanations, faster response, and Google integration, but also cons like being less flexible and refusing to answer more frequently.
Infra Weekly Newsletter 9 implied HN points 08 Jul 23
  1. Source Code Management (SCM) has evolved over the years, from centralized to distributed systems like Git and Mercurial.
  2. Mercurial is known for its simplicity, ease of use, and better management of mono repositories compared to Git.
  3. Git offers benefits like widespread adoption, community support, flexibility in workflows, and better performance in certain areas.
trydeepwork 1 implied HN point 01 Jan 24
  1. In 2023, over 2,000 users completed 17,000 sessions totaling 17,100 deep work hours.
  2. Highlights of 2023 for trydeepwork included new features like sign-in with Google and Twitter, weekly challenges, and more.
  3. For 2024, plans include improving platform features, growing the community, and adding social features for support in achieving personal goals.
Simplicity is SOTA 0 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. Position bias can affect the inputs of machine learning models when features reflect prior user behavior, leading to biased estimations of relevance.
  2. Using inverse propensity weighting (IPW) like IPW-CTR can help mitigate position bias in features, but it can result in high variance due to dividing by small numbers.
  3. The choice of weights to measure position bias is crucial, as observed click propensities may overestimate the bias, impacting the performance of features designed to address bias-variance trade-offs.
Certo Modo 0 implied HN points 07 Sep 23
  1. Automating manual tasks is crucial for growth, as manual work can consume time needed for innovation and advancement.
  2. Runbooks, as documented step-by-step instructions, are key to delegating work, reducing single points of failure, and ensuring consistency in task execution.
  3. Converting manual scripts into full-fledged software services allows for instant and automated task completion, improving efficiency and reducing human involvement.
Venture Prose 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 23
  1. Consider managing instant messaging notifications to avoid being overwhelmed by distractions.
  2. Roze is a messaging app that prioritizes privacy, allowing users to have control over their conversations and notifications.
  3. Roze offers various features like end-to-end encryption, customizable settings, and intimate messaging spaces for specific groups of contacts.