The hottest Climate targets Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Climate & Environment Topics
The Honest Broker Newsletter β€’ 1236 implied HN points β€’ 11 Mar 24
  1. Climate policy targets and timetables need to be revisited as the Paris Agreement targets are infeasible, requiring a reassessment of what is realistically achievable.
  2. Global equity needs to be prioritized alongside emissions reductions in climate scenarios, as current projections indicate increased economic inequities.
  3. Scenarios guiding climate policy are biased towards coal energy expansion, highlighting the importance of refocusing efforts on transitioning away from coal for effective decarbonization.
Chartbook β€’ 1831 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jan 24
  1. Germany's CO2 emissions fell by 20%, showing a significant reduction in coal-fired power generation.
  2. Renewable energy production increased by 5%, with solar power setting a record in 2023 in Germany.
  3. Emissions in buildings and transportation sectors remained unchanged, missing climate goals, requiring more action.
Sustainability by numbers β€’ 218 implied HN points β€’ 03 Oct 23
  1. The path countries take to reach net-zero emissions is crucial, not just the end goal.
  2. Delaying emissions cuts can lead to steeper reductions later, making it technically difficult and politically unpopular.
  3. Early investment in low-carbon technologies is crucial for reducing costs and driving global emission reductions.
Sustainability by numbers β€’ 276 implied HN points β€’ 22 May 23
  1. The world is not expected to exceed the 1.5Β°C warming target in the next few years, but it serves as a warning of future warming trends.
  2. A temporary temperature rise above 1.5Β°C could occur due to factors like ongoing global warming and El NiΓ±o phases.
  3. Exceeding 1.5Β°C temporarily does not mean the Paris Agreement target has been crossed; long-term warming trends are crucial in climate change impacts.
God's Spies by Thomas Neuburger β€’ 15 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 24
  1. Reading and listening resources curated for sharing on Fridays, with a mix of links and other content sources.
  2. Challenges facing net-zero targets, particularly on assumptions about oil, gas, and coal use, leading to necessary revisions by companies and financial services.
  3. Discussion on imperialism, US involvement in wars abroad, and the relationship to capitalism, highlighting war as a significant economic driver in certain contexts.
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