The hottest Karma Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Faith & Spirituality Topics
Going Awol 239 implied HN points 30 Apr 24
  1. Hinduism is supported by its wide popularity and old age, positioning it as a major contender among world religions.
  2. Considering the anthropic principle and philosophical arguments, there is a case for the concepts of reincarnation and karma within Hinduism.
  3. Observing Hinduism's stance on vegetarianism, ritualism, and polytheism, it aligns well with expectations based on religious experiences and common consent evidences.
Going Awol 159 implied HN points 11 May 24
  1. The response to the case for Hinduism reflects deep engagement with Hindu theology and philosophy, offering insights on concepts like eternal condemnation, grace periods for mukti, and the nature of devatās.
  2. The Hindu perspective presented raises points of contention and clarification on theological aspects, such as the nature of devatās, reincarnation, and the concept of karma as accumulated over infinite lifetimes.
  3. The discussion around karma as not solely being based on desert, but as a complex interplay of past actions, sañcita karma, prārabdha karma, and āgāmi karma, shows a nuanced understanding of the concept within Hinduism.
Going Awol 199 implied HN points 05 Mar 24
  1. Hinduism is widespread, with about 15% of the world's population and 1.2 billion members. Its popularity is considered evidence for its potential truth.
  2. Hinduism being the oldest living religion provides additional evidence for its truth, as important truths are expected to be available for longer in history.
  3. The philosophical ideas of reincarnation, karma, and theism, among others, in Hinduism are argued to be plausible and align with various philosophical questions.
Cybernetic Forests 0 implied HN points 29 Mar 22
  1. Compression is key in technology, from fitting mantras on prayer wheels to encoding them on DVDs and blockchains, enhancing karma generation.
  2. Intent and action are intertwined in karma generation, whether spinning a prayer wheel by hand or inscribing mantras on digital platforms like blockchains, emphasizing the importance of mindful engagement.
  3. Acknowledging responsibility and compassion in technological design can be a powerful driver for positive karmic outcomes, suggesting that critical engagement can transform destructive cycles into cycles of renewal.
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