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sweater weather 6171 implied HN points 17 Aug 23
  1. Some argue that certain elements in art, like sex scenes, are unnecessary, but they actually serve to broaden the depth and concerns of the work.
  2. The concept of necessity in art is subjective and varies based on individual preferences and reading agendas.
  3. What may seem unnecessary in a piece of art to one person could be crucial to another's interpretation or understanding.
Arjun’s Newsletter 3 HN points 16 Aug 23
  1. Graham Greene, the author of The Quiet American, led a fascinating life with experiences that influenced his writing.
  2. The novel accurately predicted the US invasion of Vietnam and explored complex themes of American involvement.
  3. Through its impartial portrayal of characters and themes, The Quiet American challenges readers to think critically about real-world complexities.
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Arjun’s Newsletter 1 HN point 30 Aug 23
  1. Literature aims to bridge the gap between human experiences and emotions through storytelling.
  2. Successful writers create intimacy by making readers feel closely connected to the characters and emotions in the story.
  3. Of Human Bondage is praised for its ability to capture universal human emotions and experiences in a compelling narrative.