The hottest Racial Justice Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top U.S. Politics Topics
Glenn Loury β€’ 1631 implied HN points β€’ 07 Dec 23
  1. The death of George Floyd brought significant changes to race politics in America, not all positive.
  2. Focusing on a false idea of racial justice instead of addressing the root social issues in black communities was a crucial mistake.
  3. There is a discussion on who should be held accountable for what went wrong in America in 2020.
The Watch β€’ 585 implied HN points β€’ 13 Nov 23
  1. After implementing diversity and equity initiatives, nearly half of Golden Valley Police Department officers quit, but crime decreased.
  2. Differences in data collection methods between the sheriff's department and the police department affected crime statistics in Golden Valley.
  3. The reduction in certain crimes in Golden Valley challenges the belief that aggressive policing of low-level offenses reduces serious crimes.
The Watch β€’ 557 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jul 23
  1. The Obama administration was the first to advocate for police reform, leading to some positive changes in American policing.
  2. There has been a significant shift in public opinion towards police reform following events like the George Floyd protests.
  3. Despite progress in some cities, there are still challenges with toxic police culture and resistance to reform in certain areas and political factions.
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