The hottest Resistance Substack posts right now

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Top U.S. Politics Topics
Chartbook 371 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses various topics including Biden's relationship with the oil industry, the concept of 'guns versus butter', the shrinking of Korea, Pax Economica, and the energy consumption of Bitcoin.
  2. There is a mention of resistance art in Japan, particularly focusing on the country's opposition to American influence after 1945 and the presence of a large Communist Party.
  3. The post is intended for paid subscribers, offering additional insights and content beyond what is available to the general audience.
Non-Boring History 314 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Enslaved African Americans had complex allegiances during the American Revolution, supporting the British for various reasons.
  2. The British offered enslaved people opportunities during the War of Independence, but the reality of slavery persisted even after gestures of freedom.
  3. Enslaved people formed their own communities in the swamps to resist slavery, facing challenges for their independence and eventually being brought down by authorities.
Kevin’s Newsletter 589 implied HN points 02 Nov 23
  1. The Axis of Resistance, led by Hezbollah and others, is monitoring the situation in Gaza closely.
  2. Hezbollah is maintaining its presence and readiness on the Lebanese border, influencing and supporting the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza.
  3. Hezbollah's ultimate goal is the liberation of Palestine, and decisions are strategically planned to achieve this in the most effective way.
Pluriversal Planet 216 implied HN points 30 Dec 23
  1. The unfolding tragedy of Gaza reveals the interconnectedness of our past, present, and future civilizations.
  2. Colonialism manifests through genocide, ecocide, and epistemicide, supported by neoliberal capitalism.
  3. Emergent narratives from voices suppressed by the hegemony offer seeds of hope for a pluriversal future beyond homogeneity.
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Genre Grapevine 176 implied HN points 29 Dec 23
  1. Bad stories can inspire writers to improve their own writing by learning from the mistakes of others.
  2. Artists and writers have pushed back against AI dominance by engaging in strikes and filing lawsuits to protect their work from being used without permission.
  3. Machine learning programs face challenges in creating truly innovative and original art, as they often get stuck in a cycle of reproducing popular styles and lacking true imagination.
Kevin’s Newsletter 373 implied HN points 24 Oct 23
  1. The difference between peaceful Melilla and blood-soaked Palestine is stark due to varying attitudes towards occupation and the treatment of locals.
  2. Spain's relatively reasonable and humane approach to their occupation of Melilla contrasts with the fanatical and dehumanizing actions of the Zionists in Palestine.
  3. Generosity and recognition of the humanity of others in Melilla, including facilitating trade and granting citizenship, contribute to a more harmonious coexistence compared to the violence and oppression in Palestine.
Thinking about... 392 implied HN points 26 Jun 23
  1. Putin is not as popular as assumed, with signs of apathy and readiness for a new exploitative regime among Russians.
  2. Prigozhin posed a threat to Putin by leveraging similar tactics and assets, showcasing the extractive nature of the Russian state.
  3. Prigozhin's mutiny exposed truths about the war, shedding light on the internal divisions and potential future power struggles within Russia.
The Planet 373 implied HN points 28 Feb 23
  1. History serves as a reminder of the dangers of fascism and the importance of resisting injustice.
  2. Individuals who stand up against oppression inspire others and highlight the power of activism.
  3. The burning of the Reichstag 90 years ago paved the way for the Nazi dictatorship, showcasing the manipulation of tragedies for political gain.
The Planet 373 implied HN points 10 Mar 23
  1. The White Rose resistance movement fought against the Nazi regime with courage and non-violent resistance.
  2. Standing up for justice and human rights is essential, even in the face of extreme violence and repression.
  3. Traute Lafrenz's life after the Nazi regime shows the power of individual action in the fight against oppression.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 98 implied HN points 11 Oct 23
  1. Being hypervigilant and expecting extreme crises may make us miss subtle, gradual tactics that could be used against us.
  2. The strategy of the opposition may shift from one big event to a series of smaller, ongoing crises to wear down resistance.
  3. To combat the potential 'Nothingburger Reset,' we must stay prepared for the unexpected, build resilience, and be vigilant against deception.
The Leftovers 219 implied HN points 05 Feb 23
  1. The city is constantly evolving and being impacted by the dynamics of capitalism.
  2. Urban capital accumulation leads to the homogenization of city spaces, diminishing social opportunities and diversity.
  3. A solution to combat the negative impacts of capitalism on cities is through collective efforts to re-socialize spaces and address urban alienation.
Trying to Understand the World 9 implied HN points 14 Feb 24
  1. People have given up hope for a better future and are engulfed in a sense of despair and disillusionment.
  2. Facing situations without hope doesn't always lead to despair; learning from real-life examples of resilience is crucial.
  3. In times of crisis and hopelessness, focus on practical actions within your control and act with kindness and understanding.
Cybernetic Forests 59 implied HN points 27 Sep 23
  1. The call for writing is about seeking contributions for a print zine called Models for Making Distance.
  2. Contributions could include manifestos, art instructions, performances, literary works, and propaganda that explore distancing from algorithmic order.
  3. The project is organized by the Algorithmic Resistance Research Group, a collective focused on critical exploration and creative resistance to algorithmic culture.
Cybernetic Forests 39 implied HN points 19 Oct 23
  1. The new album "Communication in the Presence of Noise" by The Organizing Committee is a blend of AI experimentation and antifascist critique in music.
  2. The project aims to start conversations about AI early, challenging the perception of music created by machines as opposed to humans.
  3. The Organizing Committee's music serves as a form of resistance against unregulated technological optimism, applying critical data studies to subvert computational ideologies.
Geopolitical Economy Report 259 implied HN points 12 Jun 22
  1. Venezuela and Iran signed a 20-year cooperation agreement focusing on energy, technology, and trade, emphasizing an 'anti-imperialist struggle.'
  2. The agreement covers various sectors like science, technology, agriculture, oil and gas, petrochemicals, tourism, and culture.
  3. This pact showcases a trend of South-South cooperation against Western imperialism, with Iran and Venezuela facing common challenges like unilateral US sanctions.
Geopolitical Economy Report 239 implied HN points 17 Aug 21
  1. Latin American socialist governments are forming alliances with anti-imperialist forces in West Asia to resist Western aggression and exploitation.
  2. The alliance between Latin America and West Asia challenges the dominant global political and economic order controlled by the United States and its allies.
  3. Collaboration between Latin American countries and Iran, as part of the Axis of Resistance, showcases a model of South-South integration to counter Western imperial hegemony.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 59 implied HN points 21 Nov 22
  1. To fight The Great Reset, we must be brave, selfless, and strong.
  2. Being brave means speaking the truth even when unpopular, as truth weakens evil.
  3. Being selfless involves giving up comforts for the greater good, like volunteering time or skills.
  4. Being strong requires physical fitness, as a potentially challenging future may require survival skills.
  5. Facing The Great Reset is a collective effort that demands these three traits from individuals.
Apposition 0 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. The book provides a unique perspective on history by focusing on the everyday struggles of people in a German village during the Second World War.
  2. The village of Oberstdorf transformed from a traditional, insular community to a resort town in the 1920s, facing challenges like economic collapse and Nazi influence.
  3. The book highlights how ordinary people navigated difficult decisions, adversity, and moral dilemmas during a time of war and the rise of the Nazi regime.