The hottest Real-Time Data Substack posts right now

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davidj.substack 47 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. Real-time data streaming from databases like MySQL to data warehouses such as Snowflake can significantly reduce analytics latency, making data processing faster and more efficient.
  2. Streamkap offers a cost-effective solution for streaming ETL, promising to be both faster and more affordable than traditional methods like Fivetran, providing a valuable option for data professionals.
  3. Implementing Streamkap in data architectures can lead to substantial improvements, such as reducing data update lag to under 5 minutes and delivering real-time analytics value for customers, showcasing the impact of cutting-edge data technology.
Sudo Apps 121 HN points 06 May 23
  1. Training Large Language Models (LLMs) with new data constantly is impractical due to the vast amount of information and privacy concerns.
  2. OpenAI's focus on improving LLMs in other ways instead of just increasing model size indicates the end of giant model era.
  3. Using tokens, embeddings, vector storage, and prompting can help provide LLMs with large amounts of data for better interpretation and understanding.
Software Snack Bites 50 implied HN points 28 Jun 23
  1. Memphis provides a better developer experience for stream processing.
  2. Memphis is designed for quick setup, cost efficiency, and user-friendly monitoring.
  3. Memphis is a platform of choice for companies looking to replace or enhance their streaming platforms.
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Spatial Web AI by Denise Holt 0 implied HN points 23 May 23
  1. Active Inference AI has advantages over LLMs like ChatGPT, including better alignment with human values, real-time data access, reduced cost, and ability to handle novel situations.
  2. Active Inference AI combined with the Spatial Web can act as a nervous system for companies and cities by perceiving real-time data, processing it in a generative model, and making informed decisions to optimize operations.
  3. VERSES AI offers unique capabilities with its Active Inference AI methodology that integrates with the Spatial Web, providing a sophisticated system for monitoring and managing complex systems efficiently.