The hottest Text generation Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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ppdispatch 8 implied HN points 01 Mar 24
  1. Google faced a controversy with its image-generating AI model, Gemini, highlighting the importance of responsible AI development and oversight.
  2. Mistral AI introduced Mistral Large, a powerful text generation model with multilingual capabilities, partnering with Microsoft for integration.
  3. Apple has canceled its long-term electric car project, redirecting focus to advancing AI capabilities, while Meta is set to launch Llama 3, a refined language model that handles controversial queries.
70 Years Old. WTF! 58 implied HN points 19 Feb 23
  1. LLMs are Large Language Models, which are computer systems trained to generate language based on patterns.
  2. LLMs can write better than most humans, but they lack the freedom of expression that humans have.
  3. The difference between how a human writes and how a machine like ChatGPT generates text is the ability to freely use explicit language.
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Cybernetic Forests 59 implied HN points 20 Nov 22
  1. The purpose of a system is reflected in what it actually does, not just what it claims to do.
  2. AI systems like Galactica may generate convincing but inaccurate results due to lack of contextual understanding.
  3. Criticism and evaluation of AI technology is crucial to ensure intended purposes align with actual outcomes and potential risks are identified.
Experiments with NLP and GPT-3 1 HN point 12 Mar 23
  1. Large language models are not AGI but are making significant advancements in solving various NLP problems.
  2. LLMs excel in tasks like parts of speech tagging, semantic parsing, named entity recognition, and question answering.
  3. LLMs can automate back office work and offer solutions for tasks like stemming, lemmatization, relationship extraction, summarization, keyword extraction, and text generation.