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CodeFaster 108 implied HN points 25 Jul 23
  1. The Unix one-liner uses commands like find, grep, xargs, and math-sum to get total minutes of audio files.
  2. The find command lists all files and directories in the current location.
  3. The xargs -L 1 mp3-minutes command calculates the duration in minutes for each mp3 file and then sums up the total duration using math-sum.
CodeFaster 108 implied HN points 20 Jul 23
  1. The Unix 1-liner using jq efficiently filters and extracts specific data from a JSON response.
  2. Creating a small script like get-all-accounts to gather data beforehand is crucial for this command to work effectively.
  3. The jq command simplifies data processing by breaking down the process into four transformations.
CodeFaster 72 implied HN points 23 Jul 23
  1. The Unix one-liner uses commands like cat, tac, cut, and less to process a CSV file.
  2. Using 'cat' reads the file, 'tac' prints it in reverse, 'cut' selects specific columns, and 'less' displays data page by page.
  3. This one-liner is handy for quickly examining and navigating through large CSV files in the terminal.
Amaca 4 HN points 14 Apr 23
  1. Computer enthusiasts often enjoy niche, specialized tools like Emacs and tiling window managers.
  2. The appeal of coding fast and optimizing code has roots in past technological limitations like low RAM.
  3. The future of programming may move towards more natural language interactions with machines, making traditional tools like Emacs less essential.
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