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Top History Topics
Experimental History 2176 implied HN points 05 Mar 24
  1. The post discusses a mystery about people's perceptions of happiness in extreme circumstances.
  2. The writing mentions a previous mystery about happiness being stable worldwide.
  3. To access the full post, readers need to be paid subscribers.
Archedelia 4618 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. European aristocrats had a moral imperative to uphold standards for the common good.
  2. Standards ennoble all who aspire to meet them, regardless of their capacities.
  3. A French winemaking family demonstrated how the practice of service and education is passed down through generations.
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Cosmographia 499 implied HN points 11 Apr 24
  1. Terra Phantasma is a new series exploring mysterious 'phantom lands' on ancient maps.
  2. The origin of the River Nile has puzzled great figures throughout history, with different theories and stories.
  3. Historical figures like Herodotus and Claudius Ptolemy have contributed differing explanations about the source of the River Nile.
Uncharted Territories 2869 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. The choice of Madrid as the capital of Spain was influenced by its unique geographical position and strategic advantages.
  2. Madrid's growth as a capital city was propelled by its central location, investment in infrastructure, and well-connected transport network.
  3. Philip II's decision to make Madrid the capital had implications for urban development, political power, and economic prosperity, contributing to its transformation into a major global city.
Richard Hanania's Newsletter 1097 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. Saddam Hussein was a remarkable figure who rose to power through hard work and intelligence, despite his brutal actions.
  2. Saddam's past as a teenager foreshadowed his future behavior as a leader, showing the impact of his upbringing on his decisions.
  3. The Middle East faced limited ideological paths, with Saddam's choices influenced by this environment and his conspiratorial worldview.
Common Sense with Bari Weiss 2949 implied HN points 28 Jan 24
  1. The historiography of World War II has shifted to highlight the significant sacrifice on the Eastern front, bringing a more balanced perspective to the contributions of all parties involved.
  2. The opening and closure of Russian archives in the 1990s, along with the translation of Vasily Grossman's works, helped reveal the full extent of the Russian sacrifice during the war.
  3. Russian artists played a crucial role in recording and reflecting the Soviet experience during the Second World War, preserving a vital part of history.
Age of Invention, by Anton Howes 1281 implied HN points 08 Mar 24
  1. Salt was a crucial product in the past, impacting agriculture, food preservation, and even the economy of various regions.
  2. The control and taxation of salt played a significant role in the rise and fall of empires and states, showcasing the power dynamics associated with this essential commodity.
  3. Different geographical factors influenced the success of salt taxes, with regions like north-west Europe reaping the most rewards from this practice.
Chartbook 1187 implied HN points 09 Mar 24
  1. The story delves into controversies and investigations surrounding the potential presence of mass graves and significant historical events on the English Channel island of Alderney during World War II.
  2. It explores the complexities and challenges in quantifying and understanding the immense scale of tragedies like the Holocaust and Nazi atrocities, emphasizing the importance of accurate analysis to do justice to historical events.
  3. The analysis portrays the need for precise examination and mapping of historical events, such as the Nazi regime's labor mobilization and coercion, to comprehend the intricate and structured nature of power dynamics within historical contexts.
The Martyr Made Substack 2063 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. European Christians felt confident in their mission to civilize based on encountering different practices in Africa and the New World.
  2. The rituals of human sacrifice and cannibalism encountered by European explorers profoundly affected them and challenged their beliefs.
  3. The discovery of human sacrifice among different cultures led to a distrustful attitude among the conquistadors and influenced their interactions with indigenous peoples.
Perspectives: Past, Present, and Future, by Patrick Wyman 2535 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Evil acts are easily normalized throughout history by ordinary people.
  2. Ambitious rulers and conquerors had ordinary individuals as underlings to enforce their will and commit abhorrent acts.
  3. In various historical campaigns of mass violence, ordinary individuals can become willing participants in horrific acts under certain circumstances.
Construction Physics 12735 implied HN points 11 Jul 23
  1. In the early 20th century, mail-order homes became popular due to factors like railroad expansion and availability of goods in catalogs.
  2. Mail-order homes were not only limited to houses; they also included gas stations and barns.
  3. The fall of mail-order homes was attributed to competition from other building methods and advancements in construction technology.
The Martyr Made Substack 1375 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. The debate over history being driven by great individuals or impersonal forces reflects the dominant cultural and economic forces of an era.
  2. Spanish and Portuguese states were built for war, with institutions and structures geared towards conquest.
  3. The Spanish conquest of the New World was part of the same campaign as Europe's defense against Ottoman incursion.
Classical Wisdom 1945 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. Gaius Marius was a significant figure in ancient Roman history who rose to power through unconventional strategies and populist support.
  2. Marius's actions led to the downfall of the Roman Republic as his rise to power and seizure of dictatorial powers shook the traditional Roman political structure.
  3. The rivalry between Gaius Marius and Sulla, and the subsequent civil wars, disrupted the balance of power in the Roman Republic and ultimately contributed to its demise.
Richard Hanania's Newsletter 1048 implied HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. Otto von Bismarck's 'blood and iron' speech was a pivotal moment that shaped Prussia's history and led to Germany's unification.
  2. Jonathan Steinberg's biography offers insight into the politics and culture of 19th-century Germany through direct quotes from major figures like Bismarck.
  3. Despite impressive accomplishments during and after Bismarck's reign, Germany faced challenges including maintaining a powerful monarchy and conservative elite, which played a role in the tumultuous first half of the 20th century.
Razib Khan's Unsupervised Learning 463 implied HN points 17 Mar 24
  1. Irish cultural uniqueness is deeply rooted in their historical resistance to aligning with Roman norms, particularly in the realm of religion and organization.
  2. The genetic analysis shows that the Irish share close genetic ties with the British populations, highlighting their shared ancestry and debunking the notion of a significant genetic difference between them.
  3. The distinctiveness of Irish culture, including practices like polygyny, and their gradual integration of Christianity at their own pace, sets them apart in the European context.
Classical Wisdom 1041 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. Aeneas was a significant figure in Roman mythology, known for being the founder of Rome and embodying Roman virtues.
  2. Aeneas' story was immortalized in Virgil's epic poem, the Aeneid, which is considered one of the greatest works in Classical literature.
  3. The legend of Aeneas and his adventures was used to explain Rome's foundation, justify its empire, and promote Roman moral values.
CDR Salamander 1238 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. The article discusses a submarine mission during World War II targeting a Japanese cruiser.
  2. The crew faced challenges like cramped conditions, faulty equipment, and the risk of being detected by the enemy.
  3. Despite these difficulties, the crew successfully completed the mission, showcasing bravery and teamwork.
CDR Salamander 1002 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. USS Arkansas (BB-33) had a remarkable service history through two World Wars with only one casualty.
  2. Arkansas provided important gunfire support during key events like the invasion of Normandy and Operation 'Anvil'.
  3. The pilots of VCS-7, a US Navy Spotter Squadron, transitioned from float planes to flying Supermarine Spitfires during combat operations.
Age of Invention, by Anton Howes 4468 implied HN points 29 Aug 23
  1. Replication and reproducibility crises exist in science and history, leading to widespread inaccuracies.
  2. Historical myths and inaccuracies can persist for years, even when proven wrong.
  3. There is a need for historians to improve transparency by making archival sources more accessible to reduce errors and biases.
Chartbook 1945 implied HN points 03 Dec 23
  1. Napoleon's era of warfare was on a larger scale and more organized than previous conflicts in Europe.
  2. The Napoleonic wars had a significant impact on the economies of France, Britain, and the wider world, affecting trade and prices globally.
  3. Napoleon's ambitions and successes led to massive counter-acting forces, reshaping European power dynamics and economy, with Britain emerging as a financial and naval powerhouse.
Age of Invention, by Anton Howes 1072 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. The history of various industries from the period 1550-1650 is often overlooked.
  2. There were significant advancements in industries like iron, stockings and silk, saltpetre, glass, brass, and manure during this time.
  3. Exploring the development of these industries can provide insights into key historical innovations and societal changes.
Richard Hanania's Newsletter 950 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Napoleon was a brilliant general, winning 47 out of 60 battles he fought, showing his outstanding strategic and tactical skills.
  2. The French during Napoleon's time were more open-minded towards sexual indiscretions, contrasting with the stricter norms of later Victorian eras.
  3. Andrew Roberts is working on a book about Napoleon and his marshals, exploring the dynamics between them during the Napoleonic Wars.
Wrong Side of History 612 implied HN points 14 Feb 24
  1. Medieval ideas of love were heavily tied to social status and arranged marriages; noble marriages were often for financial or dynastic reasons, not love.
  2. The Catholic Church's emphasis on consent in marriage was revolutionary, allowing individuals to marry by choice rather than parental arrangement.
  3. The Church's rules on cousin marriage and restrictions on marrying relatives promoted individualism by breaking down extended family structures, paving the way for modern ideas of romantic freedom.
History, etc 628 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. The Super Bowl is not just about football, but also a big pop concert, reflecting America's influence on global popular culture.
  2. Celebrity relationships and events like the Super Bowl mirror medieval tales of love, adventure, and chivalry.
  3. The medieval concept of tournaments bears resemblance to modern glitzy celebrity-sporting events.
History, etc 766 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. January Q&A is out now, check it out!
  2. The content creator appreciates the subscribers' questions and plans to do it again next month.
  3. Consider subscribing to support the creator's work and receive new posts.
The Ruffian 448 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. Antisemitism in Germany was deeply rooted and violent, with a long history preceding the Nazi era. The widespread contempt for Jews eventually manifested in the genocide as an end goal, not just a regrettable task.
  2. Daniel Goldhagen's book 'Hitler's Willing Executioners' argues that Germans were not reluctant participants in the genocide, but willing and enthusiastic in carrying out Hitler's war on Jews, contrary to claims of coercion.
  3. The Nazi era demonstrated a genocidal impulse where killing became an end in itself, bringing about a society where Jews were considered 'socially dead people', subjected to extreme cruelty and violence with the active participation and consent of ordinary Germans.
Wrong Side of History 256 implied HN points 13 Mar 24
  1. The article discusses the lack of a new revolt on the Right and what lessons can be learned from Galloway's victory in the Canada 93 Election.
  2. The post contains references to sci-fi shows like Red Dwarf and Star Trek, exploring the concept of aliens appearing as the perfect object of desires.
  3. To access the full content of the article, one needs to be a paid subscriber on the website.