
Archedelia explores political theory through a critical lens, delving into various socio-political phenomena such as the impact of technology, the structure of meritocracy, antihumanism, and the interplay between individual and collective identities. It addresses historical perspectives, current issues, and potential future implications of societal norms and governance structures.

Political Theory Technology and Society Meritocracy and Aristocracy Antihumanism Identity and Culture Automation and Human Activity Gender Relations Nationalism and Ethnomasochism Social Control and Governance Economic and Corporate Dynamics Historical Perspectives on Society

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4618 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. European aristocrats had a moral imperative to uphold standards for the common good.
  2. Standards ennoble all who aspire to meet them, regardless of their capacities.
  3. A French winemaking family demonstrated how the practice of service and education is passed down through generations.
2122 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 24
  1. The novel 'A Gentleman in Moscow' explores the life of a Russian aristocrat under house arrest in a hotel after the Bolshevik revolution.
  2. The movie 'Godzilla Minus One' depicts the story of a kamikaze pilot choosing to live and love after rejecting his mission during WWII.
  3. Both the novel and the movie explore themes of moral choices and grace in challenging historical contexts.
1631 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jan 24
  1. The nobility in an aristocratic society upholds standards that tie them to the common good, unlike meritocrats.
  2. Meritocrats are individuals who rely on intelligence and hard work for their position, without a sense of duty to sustain culture.
  3. The bourgeoisie, as described by François Furet, is defined by wealth and lacks a specific tradition or place in the community.
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3066 implied HN points β€’ 26 Sep 23
  1. The post discusses fear and courage
  2. It includes a childhood memory from the 1970s
  3. The post offers a 7-day free trial to read the full archives
2103 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 23
  1. The post discusses the upside of risk.
  2. The author references an experience on a dirt bike in Virginia.
  3. There is an option for a 7-day free trial to access full post archives.
1533 implied HN points β€’ 12 Nov 23
  1. Machine gambling terminals are designed to create addiction through behavior design.
  2. Players are absorbed into pseudo-action at slot machines, seeking a sense of control and zone of efficacy.
  3. The libertarian response to issues like machine gambling may overlook the impact of external forces and fail to address the need for regulation.
2555 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jul 23
  1. The idea of antihumanism is discussed in relation to systems of social control.
  2. An anecdote about a Google self-driving car facing a practical issue is shared.
  3. The impact of social norms on technology like self-driving cars is highlighted.
904 implied HN points β€’ 26 Nov 23
  1. Conversation with Andrew Sullivan on the Dishcast podcast covered a wide range of topics from personal anecdotes to societal issues
  2. The conversation included discussions on bureaucracy, childhood supervision, diversity, and the impact of technology on society
  3. Andrew Sullivan is praised for being a gifted interviewer who brings humanity to his conversations
2142 implied HN points β€’ 05 Aug 23
  1. Transformations in political regime are shifting authority from majority rule to technical and moral clerisies.
  2. The ruling entity now focuses on protecting a vulnerable self in society, expanding managerial authority and dismissing common sense.
  3. The new minoritarianism centers around using recognition clients as symbols for social control, shifting control to a new class of social managers.
1434 implied HN points β€’ 26 Aug 23
  1. Corporations are not run by individual stockholders, but by managers who respond to asset managers and institutional investors.
  2. The theory of the free market is based on a universe of small proprietors, which is not applicable to today's corporate economy.
  3. Corporations were initially formed by government charters and are now influenced by state purposes, leading to a malfunction in a purely market-driven environment.
2201 implied HN points β€’ 18 May 23
  1. The post discusses how technology is adding unnecessary layers of control, making simple tasks more complicated.
  2. It touches on the idea of these additional layers acting as a tax enforced by private commercial entities.
  3. The post invites readers to subscribe for a 7-day free trial to continue reading and access the full post archives.
1572 implied HN points β€’ 21 Apr 23
  1. Committing to abstractions can make you intolerant of reality.
  2. Ideological thinking wants to make the world fit its ideas.
  3. It's important to recognize and respect aspects of the world that don't align with our ideologies.
904 implied HN points β€’ 19 Aug 23
  1. Part One of the series discussed the relationship between political representation, statistical representation, and visual representations of under-represented groups.
  2. Diversity as an ideal impacts the imaginative basis of democracy and social survey research forms imagined communities rivaling the national community.
  3. The birth of the modern nation-state emphasized a uniform 'national' consciousness for self-government and the formation of an 'imagined community' based on common identity.
1277 implied HN points β€’ 11 Apr 23
  1. There is a focus on self-governance in philosophical inquiry and reclaiming reality.
  2. The concept of the situated self adapting to external reality versus the atomized self reshaping the world to fit itself.
  3. The rise of an inward-oriented liberal self leading to a loss of self-government, reliance on experts, and a potential path towards totalistic technocracy.
1139 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jun 23
  1. Women in the motorcycle racing sport start young and compete with boys, showing toughness and skill early on.
  2. In the world of dirt bike racing, there is no special treatment or separate classes for women, they just participate and race alongside men.
  3. Engaging in activities like riding dirt bikes can create a different dynamic in gender relations compared to more traditional environments.
1061 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jan 23
  1. Gratitude comes from acknowledging gifts or fortunate conditions beyond what is expected.
  2. Gratitude helps in reorienting oneself and shedding feelings of resentment or entitlement.
  3. Different personality types respond to the world differently, with some feeling gratitude for the present and others striving to improve it.
923 implied HN points β€’ 02 Apr 23
  1. The consensus-borg relies on various tactics to maintain narrative discipline.
  2. Sociological questions around generating consensus and truth are important, without falling into conspiracy theories.
  3. There is a machinery of narrative control that is top-down and influences the shaping of reality.
1081 implied HN points β€’ 27 Dec 22
  1. Nationalism can express love and civic friendship, not just hatred.
  2. Shared national character comes from common experiences and cultural inheritance.
  3. Ethnomasochism, denying love for one's own culture, impacts interactions and societal trust.
805 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 23
  1. Getting things done at the DMV in California often requires engaging with 'fixers' who have connections in the bureaucracy.
  2. California's bureaucratic landscape reflects a shift towards multiculturalism and political monopoly, impacting how services are obtained.
  3. The collapse of the Republican Party in California has led to a political environment where competition occurs within the Democratic Party under a shared political vision.
1022 implied HN points β€’ 26 Nov 22
  1. Archedelia aims to understand the present political reality through an archaeological approach.
  2. Matthew B. Crawford is known for his books on skilled trades, attention crisis, and driving.
  3. Launching a Substack allows Crawford to freely share his thoughts on political theory in real time.
707 implied HN points β€’ 10 Dec 22
  1. There was a top-down sexual revolution post-World War II that led to the therapeutic state.
  2. Men in online communities are abstaining from masturbation to reclaim self-control due to concerns about predatory pornography.
  3. The journalistic Left has linked sexual self-regulation movements to fascism, tracing back to 20th-century social engineering for sexual liberation.
609 implied HN points β€’ 10 Dec 22
  1. Fear is a powerful tool used to craft compliance and submission.
  2. Micro-humiliations in public spaces can contribute to social control.
  3. State legitimacy can hinge on the promise of protection.
530 implied HN points β€’ 07 Jan 23
  1. There will be a lecture on gratitude in a time of apocalypse on January 9 at 7pm London time.
  2. The talk will be hosted at Unherd's club in Westminster.
  3. The speaker discusses the current sense of doom-savoring and the feeling of superiority that can arise.
1 HN point β€’ 01 May 23
  1. Technology today is often referred to as 'tech' and involves adding unnecessary complexity to aspects of life.
  2. The word 'technology' used to mean improvements to practical things, like gears.
  3. To read more, a 7-day free trial is available on Archedelia.